This Searchable Master Directory table features more than 650 Offbeat Oregon columns published in the last 17years. And, thanks to the searchable architecture of this page, you can find any needle in this Offbeat Oregon haystack!
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Pub. date | Headline | Thumbnail | Decades | Hashtags (for keyword searches) |
2024 ARTICLES: |
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Nov. 17, 2024 | Army surplus camels never quite caught on with Oregon packers | 1910s | #MaryHudson #HudsonOilCo #GeorgeCrossman #MexicanWar #HenryWayne #JeffersonDavis #BossHogg #USCavalry #JohnShepard #SlaveTrade #Smugglers #RedGhost #KootenaiMiningDistrict #Dromedaries #BrotherJonathan #OwyheeMiners #CivilWar #OUTBACK | |
Nov. 10, 2024 | Boiler Bay named for fiery, spectacular 1910 shipwreck | 1910s | #JMarhoffer #SteamSchooner #EngineRoomFire #DepoeBay #GasolineBlowtorch #GustavePeterson #FrankTiffney #FogartyCreek #BriggsLanding #WhaleCove #LinstromShipbuilding #Firebox #NikiHalePrice #AndreHagestedt #JamieHale #Beached #COAST #LINCOLNcounty | |
Nov. 3, 2024 | Wolf Creek Tavern was Jack London's writing retreat | 1880s to present | #SixBitHouse #ClarkGable #CaroleLombard #DouglasFairbanks #MaryPickford #JohnWayne #OrsonWelles #JackLondon #SinclairLewis #ValleyOfTheMoon #StagecoachRoute #BulletHoles #GhostStories #ParksDepartment #CowboysInTheAttic #WolfCreekInn #SOUTHERN #JOSEPHINEcounty | |
Oct. 27, 2024 | Pendleton Underground was like a secret hidden city beneath the streets of downtown |
1890s, 1900s, 1910s, 1920s | #PendletonRoundUp #Potholes #Tunnels #Smugglers #Prostitution #HumanTrafficking #MythOfTheChineseTunnels #SidewalkVaults #Basements #CowboyVegas #SundownTown #MidnightGirls #SunsetTowns #YosemiteSam #DanceVarmint #Prohibition #Bootleggers #Bordellos #CatholicChurch #AirportTunnel #McCardysIceCream #EmpireMeatCo #OpiumDens #PamSevere #LonThornburg #RufusCrabtree #OUTBACK #UMATILLAcounty | |
Oct. 20, 2024 | The Mohawk Valley used to debate school policy with dynamite | 1890s, 1900s | #PingYang #Marcola #LaneCounty #MohawkRiver #Dynamite #Explosion #Schoolhouse #Arson #MountainMan #Railroad #Race #Chinese #Korea #Pyongyang #SteveWilliamson #OldJoeHuddleston #SchoolBoardMeeting #Mabel #PumpOrgan #BoothKelly #Donna #WILLAMETTEvalley #LANEcounty | |
Oct. 13, 2024 | Dispute over Indians' reservation land lasted 101 years | 1870s, 1970s | #WarmSpringsIndians #ReservationLand #JeffersonCounty #BadFaith #Native #LandClaims #McQuinnStrip #JoelPalmer #KaNeeTaResort #GeorgeLinn #LandOffice #Paiute #WascoTribe #TomHandley #RTCampbell #MuttonMountains #JohnMcQuinn #CharlesMcNary #LowellStockman #GuyCordon #AlUllman #JohnMcGuire #MarkHatfield #BobPackwood #Sodbusters #OUTBACK #JEFFERSONcounty | |
Oct. 6, 2024 | Bing Cherry has its roots on the Oregon Trail | 1850s | #HendersonLuelling #ApplesToOregon #Nurseryman #SethLewelling #OregonTrail #Quakers #HarmonialBrotherhood #JohnMinthorn #WagonTrees #IndianTribes #OregonColumbia #BlackRepublicanCherry #WilliamMeek #Cascades #NurseryIndustry #Fruitvale #AhBing #ChineseExclusionAct #GoldenPrune #SweetAliceApple #JohnMinthorn #HerbertHoover #TriciaWagner #PDXmetro #CLACKAMAScounty | |
Sept. 29, 2024 | Jane Barnes was old Oregon Territory's first European 'adventuress' |
1810s | #JaneBarnes #Portsmouth #DonaldMcTavish #NorthWestCompany #HudsonsBayCompany #FortGeorge #FortAstoria #ColumbiaRiverBar #KennethPorter #IsaacTodd #AlexanderHenry #PrinceCassakas #ChiefConcomly #RichardSwan #RossCox #Canton #EastIndiaCompany #WilliamLang #COAST #CLATSOPcounty | |
Sept. 22, 2024 | Bits of Buster Keaton's Hollywood train wreck still in the Row River | 1920s | #BusterKeaton #TheGeneral #SilentFilmEra #BurningBridge #SilentFilm #CottageGrove #CivilWar #HollywoodStudios #LloydWilliams #MeghanKalkstein #BartellHotel #OldStoneface #BattlingButler #AndrewsRaid #OregonNationalGuard #RowRiver #CulpCreek #LloydWilliams #JohnCarterOfMars #SecretlyAGreatMovie #TrainWreck #WILLAMETTEvalley #LANEcounty | |
Sept. 15, 2024 | Snubbed by railroad, Prineville built its own | 1910s | #LesSchwab #CrookedRiver #Prineville&Eastern #Trucking #PrinevilleCityRailroad #OregonTrunk #DesChutesRailway #FreightTax #OldestMunicipalRailroad #ShortLine #FrancesJuris #AustinJacox #BillGulick #RandallMills #OUTBACK #CROOKcounty | |
Sept. 8, 2024 | Oregon's epic wagon-road swindles made headlines nationwide |
1950s | #LandGrab #HomesteadAct #DallesBoiseRoadCompany #CentralOregonMilitaryWagonRoad #LawrenceNielsen #EasternOregonLandCo #WillametteValleyAndCascadeMountain #OldSantiamWagonRoad #FortPolk #DavidBraly #SteensTrail #ElishaBarnes #Prineville #SCOTUS #FAShaver #GroverCleveland #OldScout #OldSteady #CurvedDash #MerryOldsmobile #Automobubbles #LewisAndClarkCentennialExposition #OUTBACK | |
Sept. 1, 2024 | Granite: A rowdy gold-mining boomtown that's almost a ghost | 1860s, 1870s | #OteFord #JackLong #MrsNeilNiven #SouthernDemocrats #AbrahamLincoln #Mining #Chinese #WarLaborAct #Greenhorn #MudSluckers #WilliamHaight #NormanWeis #BetseyTheMule #SteveSmith #OUTBACK #BAKERcounty | |
Aug. 18, 2024 Aug. 25, 2024 |
Lynch-mob murders kicked off the reign of the Prineville Vigilantes |
1880s | #AHCrooks #StephenJory #LuciusLangdon #MichaelMogan #MossyBarnes #HayCreek #PrinevilleVigilantes #Moonshiners #RangeWar #BudThompson #JamesBlakely #WHHarrison #JohnLuckey #ElishaBarnes #DavidBraly #GeorgeBarnes #AlSchwartz #SidHuston #CharlesLuster #HankVaughan #TilGlazeSaloon #SteveStaats #GusWinckler #DavidStewart #CharlesPert #HerbertLundy #SteveLent #CharleyLong #OUTBACK #CROOKcounty | |
Aug. 11, 2024 | $2.6 million Centennial party highlighted Oregon's postwar “golden age of innocence” |
1950s | #Modernism #Postmodernism #CentennialExposition #Logging #Timber #Measure5 #SpottedOwl #ImaginaryFred #Molalla #Estacada #RichardNixon #PacificWonderland #SoCalledDollars #GrandCentennialBall #RaymondBurr #InnocenceLost #DavidKludas#010 #Statewide | |
Aug. 4, 2024 | Minor political hack James Lotan rose to be opium king of the West Coast | 1890s | #Portland #Smuggling #Corruption #DumbCrooks #NatBlum #WilliamDunbar #JamesLotan #CustomsInspector #Republican #StarkStreetFerry #BullRunWater #ArlingtonClub #MerchantsSteamship #Opium #Chinese #SeidBack #Waterfront #CharlesLadd #YosukeMatsuoka #HumanTrafficking #KimbarkMacColl #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty #CLACKAMAScounty | |
July 28, 2024 | Victor Strode, inventor of Buck Rogers boat, was Oregon's own real-life Tom Swift |
1920s, 1930s | #JackLuihn #PortlandHarbor #FirstAidBoat #FiorelloLaGuardia #VictorStrode #RuthStrode #HowardHughes #RadioSchool #HillMilitaryAcademy #HillAeronauticalSchool #ErnestHammer #JamesDHill #Aeroliner #Aerohydrocraft #HubertWilkins #Nautilus #FredJones #GroundEffect #OstlindBros #CoosBay #Lakeside #CurriersVillage #PopularScience #PatheNewsreel #NewDeal #ERA #190 #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
July 21, 2024 | Lancaster's scenic masterpiece Columbia Gorge Highway set the tone for Oregon roads | 1910s | #ColumbiaRiverHighway #SamuelHill #SimonBenson #LesterHorn #MultnomahFalls #GoodRoads #CrownPointVistaHouse #Gorge #Corbett #SamuelLancaster #COLUMBIAriver #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
July 7, 2024 July 14, 2024 |
Oregon's distinctive bridge style is Conde McCullough's legacy In two parts. Click to jump to Part Two. |
1910s, 1920s, 1930s, 1940s | #BridgeDesign #OSU #DanielLuten #NationalBridgeCo #PatentTroll #OregonHighwayDepartment #ODOT #Scenery #SamuelLancaster #ColumbiaGorge #RockPointBridge #Highway101Bridges #RobertHadlow #DwightSmith #Architect #STATEWIDE | |
June 30, 2024 | Life of Sacagawea's mountain-man son “Pomp” a tantalizing mystery | 1860s | #JeanBaptisteCharbonneau #LewisAndClark #PompCharbonneau #FortMandan #CorpsOfDiscovery #DukePaulWilhelm #Wuerttemberg SanLuisDelRey #Alcalde #MikeHanley #AlbertFurtwangler #LarryMorris #RalphFriedman #SacagaweasBaby #OUTBACK #MALHEURcounty | |
June 23, 2024 | How a Malheur County rancher saved a pioneer Oregon aviator's life | 1930s | #TedBarber #BendFlyingService #CaughtOutAfterDusk #Waco9 #CurtissOX5engine #CatlowValley #SteensMountain #Andrews #FrankHenry #DeadManFlying #Deadstick #RalphGrove #TheBarnstormingMustanger #OUTBACK #MALHEURcounty | |
June 9, 2024 June 16, 2024 |
Hathaway Jones proudly claimed the title of “Damnedest Liar in the Country” |
1920s, 1930s | #OregonCraggies #GoldBeach #WestFork #RogueRiver #IllinoisRiver #HathawayJonesShow #CinematicUniverse #TallTales #Deadpan #IkeJones #SampsonJones #TomNash #ElizabethEpperson #ClaudeRiddle #Marial #Illahe #SadiePettinger #Lemuel #Lucifer #Harelip #CleftPalate #FlyingBear #FloraThomas #NancyWilsonRoss #StephenDowBeckham #505 #SOUTHERN #CURRYcounty #JOSEPHINEcounty | |
June 2, 2024 | Bobbie the Wonder Dog’s 2,500-mile odyssey put Silverton on the map | 1920s | #RoadTrip #ScotchCollie #IllinoisToOregon #FrankBrazier #ElizabethBrazier #ReoCafe #SilvertonBobbie #OverlandRedBird #NovaBaumgarten #HumaneSociety #RinTinTin #RalphFriedman #JudithKent #SusanStelljes #WILLAMETTEvalley #MARIONcounty | |
May 26, 2024 | Reub Long's Greatest Hits: A selection of excellent lies and frontier storytellings | 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s | #GreatLiars #BighornSheep #WhitewashingARat #ReubLong #TallTales #BighornSheep #GrouchyGreenhorn #EleanorLong #RALong #TomNash #CowboyCoffee #LelandJohn #OUTBACK #LAKEcounty | |
May 19, 2024 | Fort Rock's legendary Reub Long could spin a wild “tall tale” | 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s | #GreatLiars #BighornSheep #WhitewashingARat #ReubLong #TallTales #BighornSheep #GrouchyGreenhorn #EleanorLong #RALong #TomNash #CowboyCoffee #LelandJohn #OUTBACK #LAKEcounty | |
May 12, 2024 | Oregon's own KGW Order of Hoot Owls changed radio history nationwide |
1920s, 1930s | #KGW #Oregonian #EdgarPiper #OrderOfHootOwls #MelBlanc #CharlesCallvert #CharlesBerg #DickHaller #FrankSardam #GeorgeBaker #WalterSumner #TigeReynolds #FredSpoeri #BarneyGoldstein #RichardHaller #RonaldKramer #HarryGrannatt #GoldenAge #Radio #ForrestBerg #OregonCartoonInstitute #504 #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
May 5, 2024 | Wall Street hustler's boozy generosity turned the tables for the Prineville Nine | 1910s | #ThomasLawson #DorothyMcCall #TomMcCall #Baseball #SportsBetting #PrinevilleNine #SilverLake #Baseball #Ringers #FrenziedFinance #WilliamRockefeller #HenryRogers #AmalgamatedCopper #AnacondaCopper #EverybodysMagazine #HalMcCall #DavidBraly #BrentWalth #OUTBACK #CROOKcounty | |
April 28, 2024 | Barlow Road's Laurel Hill was the ‘final boss battle’ of the real Oregon Trail |
1840s, 1850s, 1860s | #MountHoodTollRoad #OregonTrail #DiedOfDysentery #Rhododendron #Zigzag #MtHood #TheDalles #PrairieSchooners #JoelPalmer #SamBarlow #PhilipFoster #EagleCreek #CascadeGeoraphicSociety #LivingHistoryVillage #PioneerWomansGrave #DevilsBackbone #IvanWooley #NathanPederson #JimTompkins #037 #CASCADES #CLACKAMAScounty | |
April 21, 2024 | Portland was the scene of Sammy Davis Jr.'s big break | 1940s | #RatPack #WillMastinTrio #Showman #WorldsGreatestEntertainer #MrBojangles #Vaudeville #BojanglesRobinson #NeverLetEmSeeYouSweat #USArmy #CloverRoom #AmatoClub #PhilStanford #RobertDietsche #FrankSinatra #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
April 14, 2024 | Aurora Colony showcased the best of American utopian movement | 1850s, 1860s, 1870s | #WilhelmKeil #Commune #KalMarx #Bethel #Aurora #WillapaBay #GoldenRuleWhiskey #BethelPlow #Dutchtown #OregonStateFair #FatherRapp #HarmonySociety #UtopianMovement #Communitarian #IntentionalCommunities #MatthewDeady #OldAuroraColonyHistoricalMuseum #EugeneESnyder #CoralieCStanton @JamesJKopp #RobertJHendricks#PreservedInWhiskey #WILLAMETTEvalley #MARIONcounty | |
April 7, 2024 | Wagon train to Oregon was led by a dead man | 1850s | #WillieKeil #PreservedInWhiskey #Bethel #WilhelmKeil #Missouri #OregonTrail #GoldenRuleWhiskey #Indians #Sioux #Menlo #StewartHolbrook #OldAuroraColony #HistoricalMuseum #WILLAMETTEvalley #MARIONcounty | |
March 31, 2024 | Governor’s kindness led to fatal consequences for frontier town's top lawman |
1910s | #OswaldWest #TownMarshalZHStroud #HarneyCity #TemperanceMan #Saloonkeeper #FredHaines #BucklandBros #BurbankClay #GHMatheny #OttoLowell #Gunfight #Ambush #Murder #Manslaughter #GeorgeBrimlow #134 #OUTBACK #HARNEYcounty | |
March 24, 2024 | Vaudeville's famous “Klondike Kate” became a Central Oregon legend | 1890s, 1900s, 1910s, 1920s | #KathleenRockwell #Homesteader #Brothers #KateRyan #Mounties #RugglesOfRedGap #HarryLeonWilson #KittyRockwell #MattFalber #MysteriesAtTheMuseum #DawsonCity #PalaceGrandeTheatre #AlexanderPantages #DaveRamsey #Brothers #HighDesert #FloydWarner #AuntKate #FarewellBend #DestituteProstitute #JohnnyMatson #BillVanDuren #DavidDuniway #EllisLucia @MorganLael #MichaelGates #NathanPederson#YukonGoldRush #OUTBACK #DESCHUTEScounty | |
March 17, 2024 | “Hermit of the Craggies” went from acorns and roots to prison food | 1930s | #CurryCounty #CrazyHugoMayer #Trapper #RobertFantz #Agness #IllinoisRiver #RogueRiver #Tuberculosis #FantzRanch #OregonStatePen #SOUTHERN #JOSEPHINEcounty #CURRYcounty | |
March 10, 2024 | Disgruntled preacher spun a huge whopper to capitalize on Whitman Massacre | 1840s | #MissionaryWork #WhitmanMassacre #MarcusWhitman #Narcissa #GermanMeasles #Pandemic #JointOccupancy #5440orFight #WarOf1812 #OregonTrail #Emigrants #CoveredWagons #OliverNixon #StewartHolbrook #BillGulick #COLUMBIAriver #UMATILLAcounty | |
March 3, 2024 | Marcus Whitman wanted to “save” Oregon, but not from the British | 1840s | #MissionaryWork #WhitmanMassacre #MarcusWhitman #Narcissa #GermanMeasles #Pandemic #JointOccupancy #5440orFight #WarOf1812 #OregonTrail #Emigrants #CoveredWagons #OliverNixon #StewartHolbrook #BillGulick #COLUMBIAriver #UMATILLAcounty | |
Feb. 25, 2024 | Lonely kid from Oregon's Outback grew up to be a comic-book legend |
1910s, 1920s, 1930s | #CarlBarks #TheDuckMan #GoodDuckArtist #JohnSpicer #WaltDisney #DestinyMagazine #Merrill #Midland #Cowboys #Homesteaders #CalgaryEyeOpener #DonaldDuck #UncleScrooge #AlKuwait #PingPongBalls #KarlKroyer #OsamuTezuka #ThomasAndrae #MattTT #ArnoudEngelfriet #503 #SOUTHERN #KLAMATHcounty | |
Feb. 18, 2024 | Portland Trail Blazers' fate hung on extra-long bathroom break | 1970s | #HarryGlickman #NBA #BasketballTeam #Financing #TrailBlazers #AbePollin #BankersHours #BeverlyWilshire #MattLove #PottyBreak #LincolnHighSchool #OregonSportsAttractions #NFL #MultnomahStadium #WesternHockeyLeague #PortlandBuckaroos #MemorialColiseum #NBA #JackHurley #SeattleSupersonics #BeverlyWilshireHotel #AbePollin #TommyCousens #BobSchmertz #HermanSarkowsky #LarryWeinberg #HughDarling #WorldChampionship #Toilet #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Feb. 11, 2024 | World's first gasoline tax made Oregon a motorist's paradise | 1920s | #GlennJackson #ColumbiaGorgeScenicHighway #GasTax #LoyalMGraham #WBDennis #Highway99 #OregonHighwayDept #BanfieldFreeway #MotoristsParadise #BillBowerman #UO #TrackTeam #Interstate5 #HassoHering #ODOT #AlbanyDemocratHerald #STATEWIDE | |
Feb. 4, 2024 | Rain foiled Imperial Japanese pilot's plan to start a forest fire in Curry County |
1940s | #HowardGardner #AWS #AircraftWarningSystem #USFS #MountEmily #Yokosuka#14Y #ImperialJapanese #SubmarineI25 #MeijiTagami #NobuoFujita #ShojiOkuda #RitaGanong #JeanDaugherty #LockheedHudson #PortOrford #CapeBlanco #LouisAmort #HankArends #BillMcCash #BertWebber #COAST #CURRYcounty | |
Jan. 28, 2024 | Luther Cressman was Oregon's own real-life Indiana Jones character |
1930, 1940s, 1950s | #Anthropology #Archaeology #Petroglyphs #RockArt #Pictographs #MNCH #UO #LutherCressman #MargaretMead #DorothyLoch #WW1 #FortRock #Sandals #Coprolites #ClovisFirstTheory #RaidersOfTheLostArk #RoyChapmanAndrews #ColumbiaUniversity #DennisJenkins #GoldHill #KamiHorton #VirginiaButler #502 #OUTBACK #LAKEcounty | |
Jan. 21, 2024 | Imperial Japanese submarine I-25 blasted its way into the history books ... twice |
1940s | #MeijiTagami #DeckGun #Seaplane #i25 #ImperialJapanese #Navy #Yokosuka #e14y #seaplane #BatteryRussell #BombsOverBrookings #FortStevens #BombsOverBrookings #USSPatterson #BrickHolstrum #DoolittleRaid #NobuoFujita #JackRWood #EndicottBattery #RobertHuston #WilliamMcCash #BurtWebber #DonMarshall #COAST #CURRYcounty #CLATSOPcounty | |
Jan. 14, 2024 | Why legendary lawman Virgil Earp is buried in Portland's River View Cemetery |
1880s, 1890s, 1900s | #RiverviewCemetery #NellieJaneBertrand #EllenRysdam #VirgilsDaughter #WyattEarp #VirgilEarp #CivilWar #UnionArmy #TombstoneArizona #OKCorral #Prescott #AllieSullivan #OKCorral #BillyClanton #FrankMcLaury #DocHolliday #VendettaRide #MrsLeviLaw #AlexBertrand #LeeASilva #KathyAlexander #BillGallagher #GeorgeLaw #GoldfieldNevada #AlexBertrand #RalphFriedman #RandolFletcher #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Jan. 7, 2024 | Story of frontier Oregon’s range wars should be titled ‘To the Last Sheep’ |
1880s, 1890s, 1900s | #Prineville #OchocoMountains #BenjaminLake #SilverLake #GrantCounty #LakeCounty #Vigilante #Outlaw #LynchMob #Murder #Shooting #Cattlemen #Sheepmen #Basque #Cowboy #PublicLand #IzeeSheepshooters #NationalForest #TragedyOfTheCommons #HomesteadAct #TrampSheepmen #MeadowMaggots #AlexanderMcGregor #TorHanson #WilliamLindley #MelindaJette #KlickitatValley #MelanyTupper #OUTBACK #CROOKcounty | |
Jan. 1, 2024 | Decade-long dam dispute was finally resolved with a few sticks of dynamite |
1880s, 1890s, 1900s | #Willamette #WestLinn #TualatinRiverDam #LakeOswego #DiversionDam #DrowningMachines #OregonIronAndSteel #SuckerLake #AugustKrause #SupremeCourt #OswegoCanal #SteamboatService #Railroad #IronFoundry #BlastFurnace #JamieDitzel #BarbaraSherman #TualatinRiverNavigation #501 #PDXMETRO #CLACKAMAScounty | |
2023 ARTICLES: |
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Dec. 1, 2023 | Six iconic food items that were invented in Oregon |
1930s, 1950s, 1970s, 1980s | #OSU #Marionberries #MaraschinoCherry #Marasca #WilliamJasperKerr #TaterTots #ErnestWiegand #BobCain #HimalayanBlackberry #GeorgeWaldo #Olallieberry #OAC #GoldenGrigg #NephiGrigg #Ontario #OreIdaFoods #CornDogs #ProntoPup #GeorgeBoyington #RockawayBeach #BigLeagueChew #RobNelson #PortlandMavericks #Gardenburger #PaulWenner #GardenLoaf #AllynSmaaland #HarryMerlo #500 #STATEWIDE | |
Nov. 1, 2023 | New-fangled “automo-bubble” played a key part in Deschutes River railroad war |
1900s, 1910s | #BaileyGatzert #DailyBastard #JamesMorrell #EHHarriman #JamesHill #DesChutesRailroad #OregonTrunk #TheDalles #JohnsonBros #TwohyBros #MerryOldsmobile #BubbleSkinner #StudebakerGarford #JPMorgan #Blasting #Dynamite #BlindPig #GilesFrench #LeonSperoff #TorHanson #WardTonsfeldt #PaulClaeyssens #DeschutesRiver #FarewellBend #499 #OUTBACK #WASCOcounty | |
Oct. 1, 2023 | Oregon’s answer to Joe Exotic of ‘Tiger King’ became a big problem for Idaho |
1970s, 1980s | #Ligertown #RobertFieber #DottieMartin #EscapedLions #TigerKing #JoeExotic #Siletz #MichaFieber #MohammedTheLion #OregonCoastSafari #FishCreek #LavaHotSprings #SiletzGameRanch #FlyByNight #WascoCounty #GrangevilleIdaho #Hoovervilles #OregonCoastBeachConnection #IdahoPublicBroadcasting #SallyKrutzig #TranquilizerGun #WolfHybrids #LigertownLager #PortneufValleyBrewing #498 #COAST #LINCOLNcounty | |
Sept. 1, 2023 | Portland Vaudeville actress ran a spy ring in occupied Manila during World War II |
1940s, 1950s | #ClubTsubaki #HighPockets #ClaireSnyderPhillips #DorothyFuentes #WW2 #Submarines #Pacio #JohnBoone #USArmy #Philippines #DouglasMacArthur #ChristianScientists #GeorgeBaker #BakersPlayers #StockTheater #ManuelFuentes #DianPhillips #SgtJohnPhillips #BataanDeathMarch #ReadersDigest #ThisIsYourLife #RalphEdwards #ManilaEspionage #AnnDvorak #FBI #BrianLibby #MyronGoldsmith #497 #PDXMETRO #MultnomahCounty | |
Aug. 1, 2023 | The story of Rajneeshpuram, Oregon's most (in)famous ashram In five parts. Click to jump to Part Two, Three, Four, or Five |
1980s | #Antelope #Terrorism #Gandhi #PuneIndia #SexGuru #ActiveMeditation #EncounterGroup #BhagwanShreeRajneesh #Osho #Ashram #RollsRoyceGuru #MaAnandSheela #LesZaitz #CoryFrye #SaladBarPoisoning #NormaPaulus #1000Friends #DanClark #DaveKanner #Z100 #ShutUpSheela #BiologicalWarfare #Jonestown #PeacePatrol #UrsBirnstiel #Switzerland #NadineJelsing #073 #OUTBACK #WASCOcounty #JEFFERSONcounty | |
July 1, 2023 | Man found America's biggest meteorite on his neighbor's land. So, naturally, he stole it | 1900s | #WillametteMeteorite #WestLinn #EllisHughes #WilliamDale #MissoulaFloods #IceAge #ClackamasIndians #Tomonowos #Flintstones #CapstanWinch #OregonIronAndSteelCo #SarahDodge #AmericanMuseumOfNaturalHistory #JohnEvans #LewisAndClarkCentennialExpo #SamsValley #KlamathFalls #Salem #DeputyJamesPrice #MorrowCounty #FitzwaterPass #SouthSlough #Mulino #PortOrfordMeteorite #057 #PDXMETRO #CLACKAMAScounty | |
June 1, 2023 | West's first woman cop was a “municipal mother,” battling human traffickers | 1900s, 1910s | #Disney #TheRescuers #RescueAidSociety #WhiteSlavery #HumanTrafficking #Flappers #LolaGreeneBaldwin #SaloonCulture #Temperance #Bordellos #YWCA #TravelersAid #LewisAndClarkExposition #SexIndustry #SocialHygieneMovement #Prostitution #JazzAge #FallenWomen #DanceHalls #Ragtime #GloriaMyers #JoeStreckert #NadineJelsing #496 #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHCounty | |
May 1, 2023 | Bloody 1925 jailbreak ended badly for everyone, led to changes at state prison | 1920s | #OregonStatePenitentiary #PrisonBreak #BertOregonJones #JamesWillos #TomMurray #EllsworthKelley #KlanGovernorWalterPierce #WardenDalrymple #JamesNesmith #JohnDavidson #JamesHolman #JSweeney #LuteSavage #NewEra #Bingen #Centralia #PhillipCarson #Hanging #KuKluxKlan #JVStarrett #JosephWillardLaythe #PeterBellant #495 #WILLAMETTEvalley #MARIONcounty | |
April 2, 2023 | The crazy backstory of Caralyn B. Shelton, America's first woman governor | 1900s | #CarrieBShelton #CarolynBShelton #BarbaraRoberts #Governors #WomenSuffrage #WillisSkiff #JohnWShelton #StatutoryRape #Incest #Stepdaughter #Divorce #Fraud #Libel #Lawsuit #Widowed #GeorgeChamberlain #SallieWelch #Paralegal #PrivateSecretary #FrankWBenson #RichardRoth #BryanVance #KaylynMabey #KimberlyJensen #117 #OUTBACK #UNIONcounty | |
March 1, 2023 | Body-snatchers dug up ex-mayor's corpse, planning to hold it for ransom | 1890s | #DanielMagone #CharlesMontgomery #WilliamLadd #WilliamRector #EdwardLong #RiverViewCemetery #MedicalCollege #ResurrectionMen #KerryTymchuk #WickedWest #GraveRobbingGhouls #Rheinpfalz #HiramHall #CiceroHuntLewis #AshleyKorslein #TelephoneTap #LakeOswego #Blacksmith #GeorgeBrownell #PanicOf1893 #Insanity #494 #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty #CLACKAMAScounty | |
Feb. 1, 2023 | Oregon Territory residents had a 10-month head start on California Gold Rush | 1840s | #BeaverMoney #Honolulu #ProvisionalGovernment #OregonCity #GeorgeAbernethy #GoldDust #CaliforniaGoldRush #Miner49ers #GoldCoins #OregonTerritory #LeslieScott #WilliamSullivan #DickPintarich #Currency #WheatLegalTender #049 #STATEWIDE | |
Jan. 1, 2023 | Oregon's land-fraud swindlers thoroughly plundered the state | 1870s, 1880s, 1890s, 1900s | #SwampLands #StephenPuter #FrancisHeney #JohnHMitchell #Looters #LandOfficeBusiness #HomesteadAct #LandFraudKing #TheodoreRoosevelt #LieuLands #Surveyors #LandGrantUniversity #SchoolLands #DummyEntryman #GildedAge #EthanHitchcock #FrederickKribs #JohnWilliamson #BingerHermann #OliverTatom #FGYoung #492 #WILLAMETTEvalley #MARIONcounty | |
2022 ARTICLES: |
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Dec. 1, 2022 | Blum-Dunbar gang smuggled opium by the shipload out of old Portland waterfront | 1890s | #ClatsopCounty #ColumbiaCounty #NatBlum #WilliamDunbar #JamesLotan #BuncoKelley #YosukeMatsuoka #Opium #Smugglers #HaytianRepublic #Shanghaiing #Katalia #Trial #DrugBust #Earthquake #MerchantsSteamship #TurnerFlour #HumanTrafficking #Chinese #RobertGarthorn #NosyNeighbors #FakePlayingCards #DavidLu #MasaharuAno #491 #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHCounty | |
Nov. 1, 2022 | Yosuke “Frank” Matsuoka: The ex-Oregonian who helped start World War II | 1890s, 1900s, 1940s | #LaneCounty #ButterflyEffect #ImperialJapan #Nazis #WW2 #UO #Opium #WarCrimes #ManchuriaIncident #Versailles #Hiroshima #Hitler #HaytianRepublic #Chinese #Portland #LambertDunbar #JamesLotan #Versailles #LeagueOfNations #HidekiTojo #PearlHarbor #Tuberculosis #DavidLu #MasaharuAno #MeganBrenan #491 #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHCounty | |
Oct. 1, 2022 | Oregon’s bloody two-month-long manhunt for ‘king of western outlaws’ (Harry Tracy) | 1900s | #HarryTracy #DavidMerrill #ButchCassidy #Shootout #StatePen #Jailbreak #Portland #BuncoKelley #HarrySeverns #HighwayRobbery#OregonBoot #DavidKrajicek #StewartHolbrook #WildBunch #WhoseCorpse #Prison #079 #WILLAMETTEvalley #MARIONcounty | |
Sept. 1, 2022 | Former Oregon City whorehouse is a national historical treasure today (McLoughlin House) | 1840s, 1900s | #JohnMcLoughlin #Marguerite #OregonTerritory #FortVancouver #HudsonsBayCo #PhoenixHotel #WillametteFalls #OregonCity #EvaEmeryDye #SingerHill #Bordello #EGCaufield #HawleyPulpAndPaper #WCarll #OregonTrail #HerbertBeaver #Chautauqua #VaraCaufield #SheriBartlettBrown #RichardMatthews #490 #WILLAMETTEvalley #CLACKAMAScounty | |
Aug. 1, 2022 | In lieu of prison, murder-case convict was auctioned off as a temporary slave | 1850s | #CyreniusHooker #Murder #HiramEverman #ReturnEverman #Crime #Burglary #Frontier #Dallas #Indenture #Prison #Cynthian #OregonTrail #SamuelGoff #DavidCoe #GoldRush #EnochSmith #Posse #TheodorePrather #GeorgeCurry #MyrtleCreek #ThomasBranigar #ScottMcArthur #489 #WILLAMETTEvalley #POLKcounty | |
July 1, 2022 | During the war, Oregonians built 50 aircraft carriers in less than 18 months | 1940s | #HenryKaiser #LibertyShips #CasablancaClass #EscortCarriers #CVE #WWII #Portland #Shipyards #Vancouver #Vanport #LST #AlazonBay #KaiserJeeps #BattleOffSamar #Taffy3 #WW2 #ScotMacDonald #WilliamYBlood #488 #COLUMBIAriver #MULTNOMAHCounty | |
June 1, 2022 | Deadly ’64 tsunami killed four, did a lot of damage in Oregon | 1960s | #Alaska #GoodFridayQuake #TidalWave #Disasters #Fatal #Earthquake #Cascadia #Megathrust #RogueWave #487 #COAST #LINCOLNcounty | |
May 1, 2022 | Is treasure of lucky beach-gold miners still out there, hidden in the woods? | 1840s | #DouglasCounty #Randolph #GoldRush #GoldBeach #BlackSand #WhiskeyRun #LostGold #BuriedTreasure #Mining #Coast #CoquilleRiver #PistolRiver #486 #COAST #COOScounty #DOUGLAScounty | |
April 2, 2022 | Oregon’s biggest uranium mine found by an amateur rockhound-hobbyist | 1950s | #Lakeview #ColdWar #Atomic #Nuclear #Mining #GoldRush #MidCentury #WhiteKing #LuckyLass #GeigerCounter #Superfund #Cleanup #AEC #UraniumMining #DonTracy #Tracinite #FremontNationalForest #AugurCreek #JohnRouch #WalterLeehman #DonLindsey #RobertAdams #ClairSmith #ChocShelton #DetectronNucleometer #PiperCub #RubyElHult #OpenPitMines #LaceyJarrell #CainAllen #485 #OUTBACK #LAKEcounty | |
March 1, 2022 | Meetings were like summer camp for grown-ups (Gladstone and Ashland Chautauqua) | 1910s | #JosephineCounty #LinnCounty #Gladstone #Ashland #ProgressiveEra #Bible #Beehive #Education #Culture #SelfHelp #ExtensionService #College #EvaEmeryDye #TheodoreRoosevelt #ChautauquaLake #DonaldEpstein #HarveyCross #GFBillings #AdventistChurch #LithiaPark #JoePeterson #BruceWatson #484 #PDXmetro #CLACKAMAScounty | |
Feb. 1, 2022 | Lost-cabin treasure tales tantalize gold seekers in Oregon backcountry | 1910s | #Applegate #SteamboatMountain #ConstantineMagruder #DocLee #BillHays #OldSetEmUp #CraterLake #BuriedTreasure #Mining #CentralPoint #Stagecoach #Robbery #WellsFargo #TheDalles #DeathbedConfession #RubyElHult #483 #OUTBACK WASCOcounty #SOUTHERN #JACKSONcounty | |
Jan. 1, 2022 | “Shoestring railroad” beat the mighty Southern Pacific in Coos Bay Railway fight | 1910s | #LaneCounty #Eugene #Marshfield #NorthBend #SouthCoast #SouthernPacific #GreatNorthern #CoosBayRailLine #WilliamWilsey #SirRobertPerks #DukeOfNorfolk #HASumner #TheOldFox #IsaacBingham #RalphHunt #PacificGreatWestern #NotiTunnel #SiuslawValley #FrederickDeNeffe #WillamettePacific #TwohyBrothers #DeweyRay #482 #COAST #COOScounty #LANEcounty | |
2021 ARTICLES: |
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Dec. 1, 2021 | Is a lost ledge of rocks worth $400 a bucket still out there? (The Lost Soldiers’ Mine) | 1850s | #CurryCounty #PortOrford #CoquilleMountains #CivilWar #LostLedge #Gold #CowCreek #BuriedTreasure #LostMine #CURRYcounty #RogueRiver #GeorgeStoneman #ManleyMartin #DecomposedQuartz #WilliamPackwood #RossMcKenna #RubyElHult #KerbyJackson #481 #SOUTHERN #DOUGLAScounty | |
Nov. 1, 2021 | Legend of Portuguese buried treasure likely started as a true story | 1840s | #NehalemRiver #RubyElHult #TillamookMine #Shipwreck #Commune #Gold #GalesCreek #HudsonsBayCo #Indians #BuriedTreasure#FrancisLWatrous #PortugueseEmigrants #SantiamRiver #TeakwoodBoxes #IlerFamily #GalesCreek #HudsonsBayCo #NehalemTribe #480 #COAST #TILLAMOOKcounty | |
Oct. 1, 2021 | Astoria is rich in legends of lost gold and hidden treasure | 1890s, 1920s | #AstoriaColumn #CoxcombHill #Goonies #Pirate #Loot #Gold #FlavelHouse #ColumbiaRiverBar #Marine #GeorgeFlavel #HatchetHarry #OneEyedWilly #GoonDocks #HardyBoys #RubyElHult #WilliamStack #479 #COAST #CLATSOPcounty | |
Sept. 1, 2021 | OSU’s record-setting hen sparked “fowl” feud with eugenicist newspaper editor | 1910s, 1920s | #LaneCounty #Corvallis #OSU #CottageGroveLeader #LadyMacDuff #Hens #EggLaying #Racism #Eugenics #BigChicken #JamesDryden #PoultryShows #OAC #PoultryHusbandry #StandardBred #MongrelChickens #ThemChickensIsMiscegenated #HarryCollier #MrsJackCudahy #WCConner #WHTyrrell #CottageGroveSentinel #DrydenHall #KristineDeacon #478 #WILLAMETTEvalley #LANEcounty #BENTONcounty | |
Aug. 1, 2021 | Sordid Portland slasher murder was baffling 100 years ago, and still is today | 1920s | #HarryAgee #LouiseAgee #GrimWidow #Slasher #Razor #ThroatSlashed #Burglary #Ozarks #CagedTigress #Trombone #LoveTriangle #PantingVixen #StJohns #RobertGreen #TrombonePlayer #BloodyRazor #JDSwing #JHKlecker #JohnCollier #FiveOclockBurglar #AlbanyRegionalMuseum #477 #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
July 1, 2021 | Nationally famous writer Stewart Holbrook captured spirit of mid-century Oregon | 1920s, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s | #MidCentury #Logging #Literature #SybilWalker #Vermont #RiverPig #MrOtis #JamesBlaine #Mackinaw #Mercury #Hols #StewartHolbrook #KatherineGill #BorisKarloff #HarryStClair #AmericanMercury #BritishColumbia #CenturyMagazine #Timber #4L#MagazineWriter #BrianBooth #LowBrowHistory #HolyOldMackinaw #476 #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
June 1, 2021 | Hoard of gold in shipwrecked yacht piqued the FBI's interest a day too late | 1970s | #Waldport #Newport #USCG #Sailboat #Yacht #Rescue #Gold #Shipwreck #MotorLifeboat #ThomasMcAdams #PortOrford #Hypothermia #Heroes #CoastGuard #BosunsMate #MLB #JoeBrowning #HelenBrowning #GregAlbrecht #LewisCavina #BillMasten #QueSeraSera #GoldSovereigns #FBI #CliveLawford #475 #COAST #LINCOLNcounty | |
May 1, 2021 | Citizens of Boring hired world-champion boxer to humiliate the town bully | 1900s, 1910s | #ClackamasCounty #FreeColdwell #JimCroce #BarFighter #Boring #Bluto #Popeye #TommyBurns #NoahBrusso #WorldChampion #TownBully #Boxing #LeroyBrown #JackSullivan #Prizefighter #TommyTracey #FakeFoul #BruceHaney #474 #PDXmetro #CLACKAMAScounty | |
April 2, 2021 | Frankie Baker of 'Frankie and Johnny' fame was hiding from “her song” in Portland | 1910s | #FrankieBaker #Ragtime #Bordellos #Jazz #Music #PianoProfessors #AllenBritt #NellieBly #MaeWest #Murder #FrankieAndJohnny #OnTheLam #JohnDavid #DudleyMcClure #DaringDetective #AlicePryor #BillDooley #MaeWest #SheDoneHimWrong #UrbanLeague #473 #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
March 1, 2021 | Oregonians played a prominent role in the 1930s’ horrific “Trunk Murders” | 1930s | #Phoenix #AnnieLeRoi #HedvigSammySamuelson #DrWilliamJudd #LeighFord #Lesbians #GrunowClinic #HappyJackHalloran #WinnieRuthMcKinnellJudd #Opium #LoveTriangle #Railroads #Unsolved #Dismembered #Tuberculosis #HouseMD #TrunkMurders #BlondeButcher #Asylum #JanaBommersbach #472 #WILLAMETTEvalley #MARIONcounty | |
Feb. 1, 2021 | Coos Bay shipwreck became the scene of a massive, drunken looting party | 1910s | #Marshfield #NorthBend #SalvageRights #SantaClara #Steamship #Prohibition #Fatal #Looters #Pirates #WhiskeyGalore #CaptAugustLofstedt #HaveDrunkenRiot #USCG #USMarshals #CFMcGeorge #Arson #Dynamite #BeachParty #471 #COAST #COOScounty | |
Jan. 1, 2021 | On the lam from the FBI? Hide out in a small, friendly Oregon town! | 1940s, 1950s | #PDXmetro #WashingtonCounty #FBIMostWanted #CowboyJimWilliams #KenVanKampen #GangBusters #OrbaElmerJackson #BerniceLadd #ClideAdams #CyKirkland #PaulineVirgin #NavarreSmith #JohnHarveyBugg #Gearhardt #KenBilderback #KrisBilderback #KEX #470 #COAST #CLATSOPcounty #PDXmetro #WASHINGTONcounty | |
2020 ARTICLES: |
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Dec. 1, 2020 | When Portland’s rabbi started a gun fight outside the President’s hotel room | 1880s | #RutherfordBHayes #BethIsrael #Reform #Orthodox #Jews #Minhag #Ashkenazi #Synagogue #RabbiMosesMay #IsaacMayerWise #EsmondHotel #MinhagPortland #AhavaiSholom #AWaldman #Fistfight #HaroldSharfman #KristineDeacon #469 #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Nov. 1, 2020 | U.S. Supreme Court decided slavery was legal, but only for sailors | 1890s | #ArgoFour #Union #SupremeCourt #13thAmendment #SeamensUnion #RobertRobertson #JohnBradley #PHOlsen #MorrisHanson #RobertsonVsBaldwin #SeamensAct #Constitution #Astoria #Desertion #ChattelSlavery #SecondDredScott #WardsOfTheAdmiralty #Rhodes #HanseaticLeague #JohnHarlan #JudicialLegislation #LeonFink #PaulSchuster #JoeStreckert #346 #COAST CLATSOPcounty | |
Oct. 1, 2020 | Ain't no party like a shanghaiing party: One sudden sailor's story (Aquilla Ernest Clark) | 1890s, 1910s | #ClatsopCounty #Astoria #Portland #LarrySullivan #AquillaErnestClark #BuncoKelley #Shanghaied #Riverboat #Party #Astoria #Hookers #Waterfront #Scappoose #SailorsBoardinghouse #Iralda #PeachBlow #PortlandHotel #TFOakes #ShipsArticles #StewartHolbrook #BarneyBlalock #468 #COAST #CLATSOPcounty #PDXmetro | |
Sept. 1, 2020 | Boss shanghaier Larry Sullivan's second career as a legendary mining-stock swindler | 1890s, 1900s, 1910s | #ClatsopCounty #GoldfieldNevada #SullivanTrustCo #GeorgeGrahamRice #GrantBros #Gambling #HorseRacing #Shanghaiing #GansVsNelson #GoldMines #Boxing #FixedBoxingMatch #Prizefighters #PortlandClub #WarrenZevon #MaximAndGay #MyAdventuresYourMoney #TexRickard #JackalOfWallStreet #BarneyBlalock #203 #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Aug. 1, 2020 | “Cable-car” service to Timberline Lodge: A city bus dangling from a logging cable | 1920s, 1930s, 1950s | #ClackamasCounty #TimberlineLodge #USFS #Skyscraper #Aerial #Tramway #CloudCapInn #Skiway #MazamaClub #FlyingBuses #WPA #GoodRoads #MountHoodScenicLoop #LLWyler #WBGreeley #JOttoGeorge #SkylineLogging #CityBus #TracklessTrolley #GeorgeRausch #JudithRose #LindsayBenjamin #OHS #467 #055 #CASCADES #HOODRIVERcounty #CLACKAMAScounty | |
July 1, 2020 | Newcomer's stinginess with beach access led to massive drug bust | 1970s | #DrugSmuggling #Steamship #DUKW #BeachBill #LARC-V #NewRiver #StormRanch #Heart #Biggest #DrugBust #Cannabis #466 #COAST #COOScounty | |
June 1, 2020 | Roseburg dentist killed man with dynamite, mailed panties to Seattle, fled (1 of 2) | 1920s | #DrRichardBrumfield #DennisRussell #CarFire #Corpse #SilkPanties #NormanWhitney #Suicide #Dillard #Dynamite #ForensicDentistry #Moonshine #Explosions #Lingerie #Calgary #MazamaClub #HumanFoot #465 #SOUTHERN #DOUGLAScounty | |
June 1, 2020 | Box of sexy lingerie got runaway Roseburg dynamite murderer-dentist caught (2 of 2) | 1920s | #DrRichardBrumfield #SilkPanties #Dynamite #Lingerie #Calgary #LynchMob #LadiesMan #Letters #FalseConfession #ClaraKillam #DragQueens #WalterEvans #KuKluxKlan #SuicideByCop #SuspiciousSuicide #ColdCases #465 #SOUTHERN #DOUGLAScounty | |
May 1, 2020 | Oregon’s wildest lost-cabin gold mine story may be true … but probably not | 1850s, 1860s, 1890s | #SamSimpson #RogueIndians #ShastaIndians #Ghost #Skeletons #BuriedTreasure #Poetry #OregonNativeSonMagazine #464 #SOUTHERN #JACKSONcounty | |
April 2, 2020 | Newport railroad tycoon T.E. Hogg's war record: Highway robbery on the high seas | 1860s, 1870s | #TEdgentonHogg #CivilWar #Confederate #NewGranada #CunningPlan #Railroad #Jailbird #Yaquina #Pirates #Privateers #Alcatraz #463 #COAST #LINCOLNcounty | |
March 1, 2020 | Legendary Oregon prospector's death sparked two “Lost Gold Mine” legends | 1870s, 1880s, 1890s | #EdSchieffelin #Tombstone #GoldMiner #LostCabinGold #LostRedBlanketMine #StewartHolbrook #TreasureMap #BuriedTreasure #462 #SOUTHERN #JACKSONcounty | |
Feb. 1, 2020 | Legendary Great Sea Serpent of the Columbia River Bar was lamely named “Colossal Claude” | 1930s, 1940s | #ColossalClaude #Cryptids #Rose #Lightship #Viv #Argo #SeaMonster #Plesiosaurids #ColumbiaRiverBar #Bigfoot #DevilsChurn #461 #COAST #CLATSOPcounty | |
Jan. 1, 2020 | With a friend like A.C. Edmunds, early suffragists needed no enemies! | 1860s, 1870s | #Portland #TemperanceCrusaders #Suffrage #Unitarian #Abolitionist #Unions #WTPL #WCTU #VotersBookOfRemembrance #OwnGoal #ACEdmunds #GeorgeBelknap #GoldRush #WalkingPreacher #StarOfThePacific #CopperheadKiller #CivilWar #OregonStateJournal #WebfootSaloon #StormyPetrel #FrancesFullerVictor #MalcolmClarkJr #WorkingmensClub #460 #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
2019 ARTICLES: |
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Dec. 29, 2019 | Grahams’ “Yellow Stack Line” epitomized steamboat era | 1890s, 1900s, 1910s | #OregonCity #Grahamona #YellowStackLine #Altona #Oregona #Sternwheelers #Flood #PassengerService #Hops #Canemah #AldenGraham #ArthurGraham #NewtonGraham #OregonCityTransportationCompany #Hops #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty #CLACKAMAScounty | |
Dec. 22, 2019 | West Coast once the Detroit of the marine-engine industry | 1900s, 1910s | #Astoria #Fishboats #ColumbiaRiverBar #GasolineEngines #Gillnetters #UnionGasEngineCo #Salmon #Cannery #Bowpickers #JJGriffin #COAST #CLATSOPcounty | |
Dec. 15, 2019 | Asahel Bush crossed swords with Oregon’s first woman doc, lost | 1850s, 1860s | #Salem #FirstWomanDoctor #Hydropathy #WaterCure #SalemClique #WCTU #Suffrage #ThomasEdwards #HygienicMedicine #Homeopathy #Allopaths #Vegetarians #AdalineWeed #GideonWeed #DrRussellTrall #HygeioTheapeuticCollege #WILLAMETTEvalley #MARIONcounty | |
Dec. 8, 2019 | Neighbor’s theft of widow and orphans’ home too much for jury | 1850s | #BentonCounty #SoapCreekValley #Corvallis #Slavery #LetitiaCarson #Homestead #GreenberrySmith #Lawsuit #FirstBlack #Rustlers #GeorgeWilliams #JudicialLynching #AdairVillage #BobZybach #JohnKelsay #WILLAMETTEvalley #BENTONcounty | |
Dec. 1, 2019 | How Abe Tichner hustled the rubes at 1870s county fairs | 1870s, 1880s | #Portland #MultnomahCounty #AbeTichner #OswaldWest #CigarStore #MonitorStagecoach #SamBernheim #Havana #PPD #CountyFair #PatentMedicine #Gamblers #Swindle #AaronMaegly #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty #WASHINGTONcounty | |
Nov. 24, 2019 | Mayors Lee, Schrunk set tone for Portland’s mid-century modern era (Part 3 of 3) | 1940s, 1950s, 1960s | #Portland #Mayors #Corruption #CityHall #Lane #ProgressiveEra #Vice #Reform #FirstWoman #Teamsters #Elkins #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Nov. 17, 2019 | In 1800s Portland, at least one mayor paid to play (Part 2 of 3) | 1880s, 1890s | #Portland #CityHall #Corruption #Bribery #JamesChapman #LuzerneBesser #CharlesHunt #WilliamWatkinds #JamesLappeus #DanfordBalch #SylvesterPennoyer #BullRun #WideOpen #GeorgeWilliams #StarvationCult #KuKluxKlan #KateAnnWilliams #SidneyTeiser #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Nov. 10, 2019 | Frontier-era mayors were a surprisingly dramatic bunch (Part 1 of 3) | 1860s, 1870s, 1880s | #Portland #GeorgeVaughan #JamesLappeus #StephenMcCormick #AddisonStarr #HenryHoyt #ThomasHolmes #ARosenheim #JosephSimon #DavidThompson #WilliamAndrus #Gambling #KimbarkMacColl #JewelLansing #WickedPortland #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Nov. 3, 2019 | Skill and a stout ship kept U.S.S. Peacock shipwreck fatality-free | 1840s | #ColumbiaRiverBar #USN #PeacockSpit #SailingShip #ManOfWar #Shipwreck #CapeDisappointment #Rescue #SloopOfWar #StarTrek #LtWilliamHudson #USSPeacock #NormanHowerton #HaleyBest #COAST #CLATSOPcounty | |
Oct. 27, 2019 | Oregon’s first murder convict saved from gallows by his wife | 1850s | #BentonCounty #Marysville #Corvallis #NimrodOKelley #OKelly #GeorgeHWilliams #HomesteadAct #FirstMurderTrial #Gunfight #SupremeCourt #GovernorPardons #JeremiahMahoney #SheriffTJWright #RobertLansing #LawrenceMcNary #WILLAMETTEvalley #BENTONcounty | |
Oct. 20, 2019 | Law in frontier Oregon was rough, but not always ready | 1850s, 1860s, 1870s | #WILLAMETTE #PolkCounty #WashingtonTerritory #DumbCrooks #Jailbreak #Yeggs #Safecrackers #CriminalJustice #Vigilantes #FrontierLaw #ErikBromberg #JosephGaston #DWCraig #ACGibbs #HiramEverman #TheodorePrather #COAST #WILLAMETTEvalley #POLKcounty #TILLAMOOKcounty | |
Oct. 13, 2019 | Battleship U.S.S. Oregon lost in Pearl Harbor attack — sort of | 1890s, 1900s, 1940s | #Portland #TomMcCallWaterfrontPark #SpanishAmericanWar #Bulldog #GreatWhiteFleet #LeonardWiley #ThomasMcClellan #PreDreadnought #MuseumShip #Scrap #WorldWarII #USSOregon #Roosevelt #CubaLibre #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Oct. 6, 2019 | Brothel madam’s sidekicks were bad at corpse disposal (Part 2 of 2) | 1880s | #CarrieBradley #Brothels #ConcreteShoes #Murder #Chloroform #DeadBody #BrassKnuckles #Opium #Trial #JamesLappeus #BurnTheTowels #NationalHotel #PeteSullivan #AceNisonger #GrottoSaloon #CharleyHamilton #JDChandler #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Sept. 29, 2019 | Bordello madam Carrie Bradley was the Brigid O’Shaughnessy of old Portland (Part 1 of 2) | 1870s, 1880s | #Portland #FemmeFatale #JDChandler #Hookers #Bordellos #Murder #CourtOfDeath #ChiefLappeus #BadGirls #NorthEnd #MalteseFalcon #NorthEnd #OldTown #PianoProfessor #OttoJordan #Laudanum #DollyAdams #JMCaples #JamesNelsonBrown #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Sept. 22, 2019 | West Coast’s first published novel a torrid page-turner (Part 2 of 2) | 1830s, 1840s | #FrenchPrairie #MargaretJewettBailey #RuthRover #ThouMonsterEvil #PortlandTimes #Squills #BadGirls #StormyPetrel #Divorcee #Authoress #PioneeringWomen #WILLAMETTEvalley #CLACKAMAScounty #YAMHILLcounty #MARIONcounty #2of2 | |
Sept. 15, 2019 | Oregon’s literary legacy built on a “True Confession” novel (Part 1 of 2) | 1850s, 1860s | #FrenchPrairie #MargaretJewettBailey #RuthRover #FirstWoman #WilliamBailey #OregonSpectator #CLGoodrich #Journalist #Novelist #JasonLee #TrueConfessions #TheGrains #Willson #Methodists #JasonLee #HerbertNelson #EvelynLeasher #RobertFrank #WILLAMETTEvalley #CLACKAMAScounty #MARIONcounty #1of2 | |
Sept. 8, 2019 | Horse racing, and race fixing, used to be wildly popular | 1890s, 1900s, 1910s | #HarneyCounty #JordanValley #Bookies #Thoroughbreds #CayusePony #HomerDavenport #Gamblers #Cartoonists #Prostitutes #HorseRacing #SilverCity #Delamar #JohnWroton #OwyheeTrails #MikeHanley #BunchGrass #FrankSwisher #GrangerJones #OswaldWest #GusFrederick #OUTBACK #MALHEURcounty #HARNEYcounty | |
Sept. 1, 2019 | Cape Kiwanda dory fleet launches into teeth of breakers | 1910s, 1920s, present | #PacificCity #LeeShore #GrandBanksDories #CapeKiwanda #PortOrford #ChiefKiawandaRock #PacificCityDorymensAssociation #DonHelm #HaystackRock #DaveStiles #ChrisForrer #COAST #TILLAMOOKcounty #CURRYcounty | |
Aug. 25, 2019 | Haystack Rock was once a target for daredevil climbers | 1940s, 1950s, 1960s | #CannonBeach #Helicopters #Rescue #DeadBabyBirds #RockClimbing #Dynamite #OregonIslandsWildlifeSanctuary #BirdNests #HaystackRock #TheNeedles #EarlHardy #SherwoodWillits #JimCurtis #RichardWillis #AlexanderKlimshuk #USCG #JimKadera #JackBentley #RalphReed #WildlifeSanctuary #EmmaEdwards #COAST #CLATSOPcounty | |
Aug. 18, 2019 | Eugene’s first university died when president started gunfight | 1850s, 1860s | #EugeneCity #CollegeHill #Presbyterian #PerryMorrison #EnochHenderson #MRyan #Vindex #PacificHerald #PeoplesPress #ColumbiaCollege #UniversityOfOregon #BJPengra #JoaquinMiller #CivilWar #Slavery #Confederates #Arson #JosephShafer #HRKincaid #WILLAMETTEvalley #LANEcounty | |
Aug. 11, 2019 | Oregon’s “Miner 29ers” beat Depression with a gold pan | 1930s | #SouthernOregon #GoldMines #MiningClaims #Prospectors #Depression #Unemployment #OffTheGrid #CabinLife #BankHoliday #KerbyJackson #Miner49ers #Miner29ers #KerbyJackson #MuleCreekMine #HaroldKirkemo #SOUTHERN #JACKSONcounty | |
Aug. 4, 2019 | Mining law a response to plot to seize gold mines with troops | 1860s, 1870s | #GoldCountry #WashingtonDC #GoldMines #Confederates #CivilWar #MiningClaims #Prospectors #Capitol #GoldRush #Laws #MiningActOf1872 #Suffrage #SOUTHERN #JACKSONcounty | |
July 28, 2019 | Chasing a rumor, prospectors turned backs on a fortune twice | 1860s | #GrantCounty #PrairieCity #Prospectors #CanyonCreek #GoldRush #Bannocks #Cayuse #GoldMining #Auburn #PrairieDiggingsMine #DecomposedQuartz #WilliamAldred #JohnDayRiver #KerbyJackson #HermanOliver #OUTBACK #GRANTcounty | |
July 21, 2019 | “Lobster trap for bootleggers” was a huge but costly success | 1920s | #DrHuckleberry #Garibaldi #Movies #Hollywood #Fake #Prohibition #OnLocation #LawEnforcement #Lighthouse #Oceanside #MaxwellPoint #DaughterOfTheSea #EdHamlin #LeeFilmCorp #GussieJones #CFDeFord #RoyWilliams #COAST #TILLAMOOKcounty | |
July 14, 2019 | Was the Bridge of the Gods a real thing? Almost certainly | 1450s | #UndergroundRiver #EdgarRiceBurroughs #Indians #Legends #Folklore #Landslide #ColumbiaRiverGorge #CascadeLocks #NaturalBridge #BridgeOfTheGods #JohnCarter #GustavusHines #EllaEClark #Klickitats #Wishrams #GeorgeGibbs #JamesStrong #AlexBourdeau #Colvilles #DavidWilma #COLUMBIAriver #HOODRIVERcounty | |
July 7, 2019 | How a banana peel changed the course of Oregon history | 1910s | #MultnomahCounty #Salem #OswaldWest #HarryLane #Governor #BeachBill #LandFraud #Democrats #ProgressiveEra #Reformers #BananaPeel #HighwayDept #ODOT #AsahelBush #GeorgeChamberlain #RailroadCommission #StephenMark #KimberlyJensen #WILLAMETTEvalley #MULTNOMAHcounty #MARIONcounty | |
June 30, 2019 | Surge of confederate refugees made big changes in Oregon politics | 1860s | #Salem #CivilWar #Confederate #Missouri #Slavery #Supermajority #SouthernDemocrats #14thAmendment #Williams #Corbett #RebelRefugees #BirthrightCitizenship #LashLaw #Reconstruction #Gerrymandering #VictorTrevitt #BeriahBrown #RobertJohannsen #TomMarsh #FrancesFullerVictor #WILLAMETTEvalley #MARIONcounty | |
June 23, 2019 | “Hold-Up Session” of 1896-97 featured a giant house party | 1890s | #Salem #HoldUpSession #JonathanBourne #JohnMitchell #Hipple #EldridgeBlock #FreeSilver #WilliamUren #Corruption #Vice #SouthernPacific #Bribery #GoldStandard #WalterPierce #WilliamLord #JosephSimon #BournesHarem #HenryCorbett #WILLAMETTEvalley #MARIONcounty | |
June 16, 2019 | Bungling attempt by old crimps marked end of shanghaiing era (Part 3 of 3) | 1900s | #Portland #Waterfront #MysteriousBillySmith #Crimps #CharlesJost #EricksonsSaloon #JumboRiley #BuncoKelley #ShanghaiWhite #LarrySullivan #GeorgeWilliams #HarryLane #TomWord #Elginshire #LewisAndClarkCentennialExposition #BarneyBlalock #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
June 9, 2019 | Oregon tried to regulate crimps with monopoly for worst one (Part 2 of 3) | 1900s | #MultnomahCounty #Portland #Waterfront #LarrySullivan #MysteriousBilly #WhiteBros #GrantBros #Crimps #Boxers #Sailors #BoardinghouseCommission #ShanghaiWhite #EWWright #JamesLaidlaw #Exposition #Goldfield #ChampionsRest #BarneyBlalock #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty #CLATSOPcounty | |
June 2, 2019 | Mysterious Billy Smith: World champion boxer by day, shanghaier by night (Part 1 of 3) | 1900s | #Portland #Waterfront #MysteriousBillySmith #Crimps #LarrySullivan #VoterFraud #ShanghaiWhite #GrantBros #Prizefighters #ShanghaiingWars #Crimping #Sailors #Welterweight #JackFayle #BarneyBlalock #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
May 26, 2019 | Portland’s “Shanghai Tunnels”: Mostly myth, but not entirely | 1890s, 1900s, 1910s, 1920s | #PortlandWaterfront #MichaelJones #NorthEnd #TransitBank #Hobos #Opium #Prohibition #PortlandSeawall #OldTown #ShanghaiTunnels #DougKenckCrispin #BarneyBlalock #CascadeGeographicSociety #ValhallaSaloon #RichardEngeman #KarenWatte #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
May 19, 2019 | “Diamond Bill” Barrett was the Heiress Whisperer: Oregon's own "Mr. Wickham" | 1910s | #WashingtonCounty #Hillsboro #JaneAusten #GeorgeWickham #Gamblers #Rake #Hustler #AliceDrexel #SidiWirtSpreckels #MissingPearls #GoldDigger #WilliamBarrett #KathleenBaillie #WW1 #JohnDrexel #KenBilderback #KrisBilderback #PDXmetro #WASHINGTONcounty | |
May 12, 2019 | Life station keeper’s cowardice cost 11 sailors their lives | 1880s | #CapeArago #USCG #Lifestation #Fatal #Shipwreck #SSTacoma #Desmond #DoryFishermen #Rescue #CoosBay #ChandlerBWatson #Cowardice #ChiefsIsland #LyleGun #COAST #COOScounty | |
May 5, 2019 | Ship captain doubled down on ill-considered wager … and lost | 1890s | #Offshore #TillicumBeach #SailingShips #Fatal #Shipwrecks #Waldport #Lifestation #Racing #Atalanta #FullRigger #Windjammer #SeamansRest #CharlesMcBride #CharlesHunter #StanAllyn #RowenaAlcorn #GordonAlcorn #COAST #LINCOLNcounty | |
April 28, 2019 | Lava Lake murders are still officially unsolved, but … (Part 2 of 2) | 1920s | #LakeCounty #LavaLakes #CharlesHydeKimzey #Ambush #Carjacking #LastChanceRanch #TrapperMurders #Cabin #Conviction #ColdCase #RoyWilson #EdwardNickols #DeweyMorris #LeeCollins #AllenWillcoxen #CarlSchumacher #SilverFoxes #CASCADErange #DESCHUTEScounty #LAKEcounty | |
April 21, 2019 | Trappers’ disappearance had relative suspecting foul play (Part 1 of 2) | 1920s | #LakeCounty #LavaLakes #MothersIntuition #MissingPersons #USMC #Loggers #CharlesHydeKimzey #RayVanBurenJackson #Murder #ColdCase #BigLavaLake #Murder #USMarineCorps #WOHarrison #ClaudeMcCauley #MelanyTupper #JimCrowell #CASCADErange #DESCHUTEScounty #LAKEcounty | |
April 14, 2019 | Old-time loggers, millworkers were tough, stoic characters | 1920s, 1930s, 1940s | #DrHuckleberry #Garibaldi #Sawmill #Amputations #WorkplaceInjuries #Dynamite #BackToWork #MissingFingers #Medicine #ShingleCutter #Bandsaw #Squareheads #TimberCulture #Logging #COAST #TILLAMOOKcounty | |
April 7, 2019 | Skunk’s “beautiful pelt” would have been best admired from afar | 1920s | #DrHuckleberry #Garibaldi #Loggers #Trappers #Snoose #SideHustles #Bootleggers #Moonshine #BearAttacks #Tobacco #Stills #Skunked #Polecat #Veterinarians #AlecSwenson #COAST #TILLAMOOKcounty | |
March 31, 2019 | “Prepaid shanghaiing” plot went off the rails — fatally | 1880s | #Portland #Waterfront #JimTurk #FrederickKalashua #Racism #Crimps #BarneyBlalock #Carpenter #Boardinghouse #Opium #Overdose #Finn #BarqueCandidate #PatObrien #BritishConsul #DanielMoran #BartenderJamesKelly #Jailbreak #ChiefSamuelParrish #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
March 23, 2019 | Umatilla mayor’s wife had a big ‘election-day surprise’ for him | 1910s | #UmatillaCounty #LauraStarcher #CityHall #ProgressiveEra #Suffrage #StellaPaulu #PetticoatGovernment #Surprise #Underdog #Cleanup #SmallTown #LolaMerrick #FlorenceBrownell #HCMeans #GladysSpinning #BerthaCherry #ShelleyBurtnerWallace #DarrellJabin #COLUMBIAriver #UMATILLAcounty | |
March 17, 2019 | Letter from afar gave man's family a view to a shanghaiing | 1880s | #Astoria #Crimps #GrantBros #CarrollBeebe #Sailors #Boardinghouse #BloodMoney #Shanghaiers #Corruption #Swindlers #BridgetGrant #BarneyBlalock #VernonGilmore #Xenia #DonaldMcGregor #COAST #CLATSOPcounty | |
March 10, 2019 | Shyster lawyer planned to steal man’s land by shanghaiing him | 1890s | #Astoria #DariusNorris #Browning #Murder #PoliceChief #CedarRiver #Murder #WJBarry #LongBeach #LarrySullivan #BloodMoney #Crimps #CJCurtis #LGCarpenter #BarneyBlalock #GrantBrothers #COAST #CLATSOPcounty | |
March 3, 2019 | Old-time country doctors led colorful and interesting lives | 1920s, 1930s | #Garibaldi #DrHuckleberry #Floods #Hearses #HouseCalls #HudsonCars #Pneumonia #Tobacco #Ambulances #DrRobertBoals #Xrays #Veterinarians #SouthernPacific #FoodPoisoning #JohnJorgenson #COAST #TILLAMOOKcounty | |
Feb. 23, 2019 | “Temperance Crusade” failed when leaders got too preachy (Part 4 of 4) | 1870s | #Portland #StreetBattle #Jail #Police #Corruption #CityHall #AbigailScottDuniway #ACEdmunds #DirtyTricks #Syphilis #ACEdmunds #ChiefLappeus #FrancesFullerVictor #TemperanceStar #VotersBookOfRemembrance #WalterMoffett #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Feb. 17, 2019 | Riot at saloon led to charges … but not against the rioters (Part 3 of 4) | 1870s | #Portland #WomensTemperancePrayerLeague #Riots #JamesLappeus #FrancesFullerVictor #Mob #PortlandPolice #Arrested #MalcolmClarkJr #MrsStitzel #JFGood #WilliamGrooms #WebfootSaloon #TheNewNorthwest #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Feb. 10, 2019 | Stubborn saloonkeeper wouldn't play nice with crusading ladies (Part 2 of 4) | 1870s | #Portland #Liquor #Gambling #Prostitution #Crusade #Temperance #Pickets #WalterMoffett #WebfootSaloon #Bulletin #Sin #EveningCallRumShop #Terwilliger #FrancisFullerVictor #DamnedWhores #Deuteronomy23 #MalcolmClarkJr #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Feb. 3, 2019 | Portland’s “Temperance War of 1874”: The backstory (Part 1 of 4) | 1870s | #Portland #Victorians #WCTU #WomensTemperancePrayerLeague #SalvationArmy #SaloonCulture #Alcohol #Suffrage #Evangelism #Churches #Women #TheNewNorthwest #AbigailScottDuniway #LauraFrancisKelly #GeorgeIzer #ThomasShartle #FrancisFullerVictor #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Jan. 27, 2019 | Plain-talking “Uncle Joab” too blunt for Legislature’s comfort (Part 2 of 2) | 1850s, 1860s | #LinnCounty #Salem #Capitol #Legislature #Firsts #Saloons #Vice #Senate #VictorTrevitt #CircuitRiders #Vaudeville #UncleJoabPowell #PatriciaDunn #GrandEntertainment #MissionaryBaptist #Preaching #Sarvices #DenOfIniquity #ThrowingMoney #WILLAMETTEvalley #MARIONcounty | |
Jan. 20, 2019 | “Uncle Joab” Powell was West’s most famous pioneer preacher (Part 1 of 2) | 1850s, 1860s | #LinnCounty #Salem #Crabtree #ProvidencePioneerChurch #Baptist #CircuitRiders #UncleJoabPowell #TentRevivals #Legislature #RalphFriedman #AnnaBeelerPowell #RachelArmintaPeterson #OregonTerritory #Chaplain #BillGulick #WILLAMETTEvalley #LINNcounty #MARIONcounty | |
Jan. 13, 2019 | Sheepman’s disappearance may be Oregon’s oldest cold case | 1880s, 1890s, 1900s | #CrookCounty #Prineville #Sheepshooters #RangeWar #UnsolvedMystery #Murder #MissingPerson #LeonidasDouris #LandTheft #Vigilantes #ShortyDavis #CharlesColby #DorothyLawsonMcCall #AnastasiaDouris #KatieWennerstrom #DavidBraly #GeoffHill #OUTBACK #CROOKcounty | |
Jan. 6, 2019 | Filming of “worst Western” was an unforgettable spectacle | 1960s | #CascadeRange #LakeCounty #Eugene #Movies #TheWayWest #McKenzie #FortRock #CrookedRiverBob #Jaycees #Hollywood #HeavensGate #HaroldHecht #UnitedArtists #AndrewMcLagan #InformationCascade #GregoryShine #OUTBACK #LAKEcounty #LANEcounty | |
2018 ARTICLES: |
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Dec. 30, 2018 | Joe Knowles, the “Bear Grylls of the 1910s,” had something to prove | 1910s | #Siskiyous #NakedAndAfraid #NatureMan #WilliamRandolphHearst #BostonPost #MountainMan #Scandal #Cheating #Famous #Artist #PoisonOak #Eugenics #JoeKnowles #AmericanAdam #WW1 #DawnGirls #MichaelMcKeough #StewartHolbrook #RichardBoyer #SOUTHERN #JACKSONcounty | |
Dec. 23, 2018 | Summer shipwreck adventure couldn’t happen today | 1930s | #ClatsopCounty #SummerVacation #Bicycle #AdmiralBenson #PeacockSpit #Shipwreck #ColumbiaRiverBar #Rescue #USCG #RoadTrip #Tide #LifeStations #Astoria #Ilwaco #BreechesBuoy #StanAllyn #WallyStenlake #JamesGibbsJr #DarylMcClary #COAST #CLATSOPcounty #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Dec. 16, 2018 | Ka-Ton-Ka was Oregon’s own patent-medicine sensation — well, sort of | 1880s | #WarmSprings #IndianReservation #DonaldMcKay #OregonIndianMedicine #BuffaloBill #PatentMedicine #WildWest #Vaudeville #MedicineShow #KaTonKa #ColonelTAEdwards #ModocIndians #CaptainJack #KickapooIndianSagwa #OperaHouses #Vaudeville #BrooksMcNamara #KeithClark #DonnaClark #CASCADErange #DESCHUTEScounty #UMATILLAcounty | |
Dec. 09, 2018 | Dry town’s sting on drugstore’s secret saloon didn’t go well | 1890s | #ForestGrove #PacificUniversity #Prohibition #JamaicaGinger #Drugstore #LawAndOrder #Arson #Temperance #WCTU #ThomasTongue #Liquor #CongregationalChurch #Cornelius #MillersPioneerPharmacy #ThomasMcClelland #LawAndOrderLeague #Entrapment #KenBilderback #KrisBilderback #PDXmetro #WASHINGTONcounty | |
Dec. 02, 2018 | Klamath County’s squabble over courthouses wasted $3.1 million | 1900s | #CountySeat #HotSprings #GraftAndCorruption #Linkville #CountyJail #KlamathFalls #WilliamWorden #MarionHanks #JMDouganConstruction #RobertBunnell #DavidBraly #GeoffHill #KurtLiedtke #AnnDuPont #TooManyCourthouses #SOUTHERN #KLAMATHcounty | |
Nov. 25, 2018 | Dynamite killing a sordid love triangle gone bad | 1950s | #OliverKermitSmith #MarjorieSmith #Murder #CarBomb #VictorWolf #SidePiece #Vamp #SexSlave #Swingers #Alaska #Homesteaders #ToDieFor #InsuranceFraud #Adultery #ColumbiaEdgewater #CountryClub #StumpingPowder #PussyWillowMurder #Molalla #Ridgefield #JBFisher #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Nov. 19, 2018 | Range-wars veteran put Oregon on map as sheep country | 1890s, 1900s | #HayCreekRanch #JackEdwards #Wool #SheepKing #Shaniko #RangeWars #Sodbusters #DrDavidBaldwin #Homesteaders #Sheepshooters #USFS #USSR #MerinoSheep #GeoffHill #JaroldRamsey #CandyMoulton #AndrewGulliford #OUTBACK #WASCOcounty | |
Nov. 11, 2018 | Pro-tip: Model T engines make lousy airplane motors | 1930s | #TedBarber #Waco #StormsFlyingFlivver #Homebuilt #Biplane #Barnstormer #Bend #Prineville #Glider #Barnstorming #FlightSchool #Aviation #BarnstormingMustanger #FordModelT #KnottsField #Stevens #EddieCampbell #JimAnderson #CASCADErange #DESCHUTEScounty | |
Nov. 04, 2018 | Is Central Oregon’s lost crystal cave just a legend? | 1890s, 1900s | #Burns #LaPine #HighDesert #Mining #LavaCaves #Cowboys #MelanyTupper #ShonquestRanch #CrystalCave #ArnoldIceCave #CentralOregonGrotto #Vandalism #MarjorieSmith #NicholasSmith #CattleDrive #AubreyPerry #NewtCobb #LarryChitwood #PattiWood #BrentMcGregor #MattSkeels #CASCADErange #DESCHUTEScounty | |
Oct. 28, 2018 | Portland’s play to beat The Dalles literally cost a mint | 1860s | #GoldRush #Mining #GriffinGulch #MintBuilding #CivilWar #Cascades #Freebridge #Fire #CarsonCity #USTreasury #BrotherJonathan #CoinCollecting #GriffinGulch #WhiskeyGulch #JamesNesmith #WilliamLogan #BrentZimmerman #COLUMBIAriver #WASCOcounty | |
Oct. 21, 2018 | Stubborn citizen Richard Chambers got nation’s first bottle bill passed | 1970s | #Nudge #Litter #KeepOregonGreen #Returnable #BeerBottles #Deposit #RichardChambers #TomMcCall #NestuccaSpit #Bribery #SOLV #MerchantMarines #CleanUpPollutionAward #VictoriaBerger #BrentWalth #PaulHanneman #BettyRoberts #TedHallock #MarkHenkels #COAST #TILLAMOOKcounty | |
Oct. 14, 2018 | Dead Oregon hero-doctor had his identity stolen by serial swindler | 1910s | #DrRichardBarber #DrJeanBarber #HarryVirtue #UnlicensedVeterinarian #Con #Gardiner #Florence #Siltcoos #Liverpool #EscapeAttempt #WW1 #WinchesterBay #Tenmile #GlenadaFerry #SpanishAmericanWar #Malaria #Sheridan #Yoncalla #Hypothermia #Treeton #DrHenryBond #Brazil #Fugitive #DrHarrySiddons #JeffreySmith #COAST #COOScounty | |
Oct. 07, 2018 | Linn County had a bloody holiday season in 1895 | 1890s | #Jordan #EmmaHannah #Loyal #LloydMontgomery #Brownsville #LottieHiatt #PistolWhip #Asylum #Parricide #BadSeed #Hanging #NoPardon #Adultery #Winchester40-86 #LofaHiatt #JohnHannah #JohnAndElizabethMontgomery #OrvilleMontgomery #DanielMcKercher #DianeGoeresGardner #GovWilliamLord #WILLAMETTEvalley #LINNcounty | |
Sept. 30, 2018 | Oregon is only state where jury need not be unanimous | 1930s | #Jewish #Bootleggers #Gun #Accidental #JuryTampering #Ethnic #Suppression #Jurors #JakeSilverman #ShyFrankKodat #RoyMoore #Gangsters #Underworld #Speakeasy #Bordello #38Special #JimmyWalker #EdithMcClain #Prison #Jailbirds #ShotInTheBack #StudebakerPresident #Scappoose #Portland #TakenForARide #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Sept. 23, 2018 | Bootleggers’ buddies’ midnight-jailbreak a fail (Part 2 of 2) | 1930s | #Prohibition #Rumrunners #Canadians #Jailbreak #Toledo #WhaleCove #Shipwreck #Gangsters #OSP #RoadTrip #Liquor #Fail #Smugglers #BuickCoupe #MachineGun #Carrick #PaulRemaley #SeaIsland #Canadians #StanAllyn #Bootleggers #CarCrash #CuttingTorch #Blowtorch #COAST #LINCOLNcounty | |
Sept. 16, 2018 | Bootleggers' bad luck was "whiskey galore" for locals (Part 1 of 2) | 1930s | #ProhibitionAgents #RumrunnerRock #WhiskeyGalore #SeaIsland #CunningPlan #WhaleCove #Shipwreck #Speakeasys #Liquor #Toledo #Smugglers #Hebo #Powerboat #Bootleggers #Canadians #Fire #BuriedTreasure #CarCrash #WilliamKerr #CharlesRyall #ArthurBabcock #COAST #LINCOLNcounty | |
Sept. 9, 2018 | Bugs in a stump inspired invention of modern chainsaw | 1940s | #JoeCox #TimberWorms #Chisel #Logging #Salvage #TillamookBurn #Crosscut #MiseryWhip #Stihl #OmarkIndustries #BugChain #Timber #Inventors #TimberCruisers #EllisLucia #Engineers #GyppoLoggers #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Sept. 2, 2018 | First really portable chainsaw was invented in Oregon | 1920s | #Logging #Salvage #Electric #Crosscut #MiseryWhip #Stihl #CharlesWolf #Shipyard #Generator #Timber #Fallers #Inventors #Springboards #SubmarineDesign #FirstElectricSawmill #FrankRedman #Rakers #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Aug. 26, 2018 | Little-known activist stopped plan for forced sterilizations | 1910s | #Eugenics #Vaccination #Vax #BetheniaOwensAdair #ForcedSterilizationLaw #LoraLittle #Progressives #HumanRights #InitiativeAndReferendum #Allopathic #SocialHygiene #RaceSuicide #Journalism #Eugenics #LittleSchoolOfHealth #RobertJohnson #MarkLargent #LindaCurrey #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Aug. 19, 2018 | Heroism didn't save rumrunner-rescuers from prison terms | 1920s | #Canadians #Rumrunners #Mayday #SOS #Caoba #Pescawah #Shipwreck #Rescue #SauvieIsland #Whiskey #Astoria #Prohibition #USCG #Riley #COAST #CLATSOPcounty | |
Aug. 12, 2018 | “Temporary insanity” plea didn't work for murderess | 1870s | #Briggs #UnwrittenLaw #Insanity #Dalmater #Adultery #Schoolhouse #Murder #Prison #SuckerCreek #Seduction #Classroom #SOUTHERN #JOSEPHINEcounty | |
Aug. 5, 2018 | Penn Phillips and the great Christmas Valley land-sales hustle | 1960s | #FortRock #SilverLake #Hesperia #SaltonSea #Rascals #Hustlers #Showmen #Promoters #HighDesert #RealEstate #ChristmasValleyLake #BaertLake #OUTBACK #LAKEcounty | |
July 29, 2018 | 14-year-old girl ended family feud ... with a shotgun | 1880s | #Manhattan #Astoria #Gillnetters #Clifton #Frishkorn #Gunderson #Udbye #Jilted #Shooting #Mobs #Gunfight #LowerColumbia #BadLove #COLUMBIAriver #CLATSOPcounty | |
July 22, 2018 | “Beeswax Wreck” mystery has been solved | 1690s | #SanFranciscoXavier #SantoCristoDeBurgos #Galleon #Manila #Tsunami #BeeswaxWreckProject #NehalemSpit #Shipwreck #Treasure #COAST #TILLAMOOKcounty | |
July 15, 2018 | McMinnville UFO photos still hotly debated today | 1950s | #FlyingSaucer #Sheridan #McMinnville #Saucerville #Trent #CondonReport #UFOfestival #Xtheories #Folklore #Spaceship #Aviation #Newspapers #TV #PDXmetro #YAMHILLcounty | |
July 8, 2018 | Flying Saucer stories got their start in Pendleton | 1940s | #UFOs #Xtheories #Spaceships #Aviation #PlaneCrash #Roswell #Arnold #MtRainier #USAF #Trent #UFOfestival #McMinnville #Airships #Newspapers #OUTBACK #UMATILLAcounty | |
July 1, 2018 | Oregonians called BS on Cali papers' UFO stories | 1890s | #Spaceships #UFOs #Xtheories #Airships #FakeNews #Sacramento #Mars #MassHysteria #Punkd #Aviation #TomSwift #Newspapers #STATEWIDE | |
June 24, 2018 | Oregon was JFK's make-or-break state in the 1960 primary | 1960s | #Catholics #Democrats #Politics #Capitol #WayneMorse #JackOhman #POTUS #Campaigns #Kennedys #STATEWIDE | |
June 17, 2018 | Abigail Scott Duniway considered herself a novelist | 1870s | #Suffragists #Progressives #Advocacy #CaptainGraysCompany #Portland #TheNewNorthwest #SerialNovels #SoapOperas #FamousWomen #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty #MARIONcounty | |
June 10, 2018 | White Eagle Saloon was once called America’s ‘worst nest of anarchists’ | 1900s | #Portland #Polish #McMenamins #Haunted #AssassinationPlot #Roosevelt #Lopasky #RussianAgent #Przywara #Anarchists #Bombings #USSS #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
June 3, 2018 | Berry Way hanging: Perry Mason meets Paint Your Wagon | 1860s | #Canyon City #GrantCounty #Vigilante #Outlaw #Murder #LynchMob #PerryMason #PaintYourWagon #Hanging #Execution #Illegal #NORTHEAST #GRANTcounty | |
May 27, 2018 | U. of O. founding father Deady once its No. 1 opponent | 1870s | #Eugene #LaneCounty #UofO #LuckyBreak #University #College #MatthewDeady #FrederickDunn #KKK #Pharisee #Methodists #Episcopalians #OAC #OSU #WOU #RebeccaForce #MichaelSchill #UnionUniversityAssoc #LewisAndClarkCollege #PacificUniv #WILLAMETTEvalley #LANEcounty | |
May 20, 2018 | Librarian's traitorous crime: Not lending the government money for war | 1910s | #WW1 #MassHysteria #Mobs #Portland #LibraryBoard #Hunt #Pacifist #WarBonds #Propaganda #Fistfight #Newspapers #RavishedByTheHuns #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
May 13, 2018 | A frontier Romeo and Juliet story, only with a murderer and a creepy hypno-twist | 1900s | #Armstrong #Ensminger #MuddyCreekSchool #Murder #Haines #Christmas #DanceHall #LynchMob #Hanging #BlueBeardFamily #Hypnotists #Paranormal #OUTBACK #BAKERcounty | |
May 6, 2018 | Deadwood Dick's Oregon Adventures; or, Making Up Pulpy Hokum from Far Away | 1880s | #DimeNovels #DangerDucks #Roseberg #PulpFiction #BeadleBros #GoldBrick #LakeSylvan #LadySylvan #Minstrelsy #ShowBiz #SOUTHERN #DOUGLAScounty | |
April 29, 2018 | “Father of the Year” learned “Unwritten Law” didn’t cover murder of in-laws | 1900s | #Portland #AlfredLesterBelding #BadLove #Wifebeater #Shooting #UnwrittenLaw #Saloons #Gunfight #BadParent #Rake #Hanging #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
April 22, 2018 | Schooner sailed through a hurricane, full of water | 1900s | #Offshore #LumberSchooner #DogholePorts #FrankWHowe #TemperateHurricane #BombCyclone #CaptKeegan #LongBeachPeninsula #JamesGibbsJr #CoastGuard #SteamSchooner #COAST #CLATSOPcounty | |
April 15, 2018 | Murderers picked the wrong landlady to steal from | 1900s | #Portland #Murderers #Mugging #DumbCrooks #Hanging #Dalton #Wade #Boardinghouse #Saloon #Reward #Jail #Crime #Shooting #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
April 8, 2018 | Deadly shipwreck was luckiest break of injured sailor’s life | 1890s | #ColumbiaRiverBar #WilliamBegg #Fatal #Shipwreck #Weather #LuckyBreak #Rescue #CRB #AbandonShip #LoveStory #Salvage #COAST #CLATSOPcounty | |
April 1, 2018 | Murderers wandered valley, desperate for an alibi | 1890s | #McKenzieValley #LaneCounty #DumbCrooks #Bonfire #Crackpot #Hanging #Execution #Rustling #Marriage #Horses #Perjury #CASCADErange #DESCHUTEScounty #LANEcounty | |
March 25, 2018 | Mayor Baker's theatre defined pre-First-World-War Portland culture | 1900s, 1910s | #Portland #Rascals #NationallyFamous #ShowBiz #Culture #Vaudeville #Stage #Repertory #Saloons #Hollywood #Plays #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
March 18, 2018 | Free-love anarchist newspaper shut down for “smut” | 1890s | #Portland #Firebrand #FreeLove #ComstockLaws #Communists #FreeSpeech #Depression #Populism #Journalism #Marxists #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
March 11, 2018 | Slain man turned out to have been a creepy stalker | 1880s | #Albany #LinnCounty #MattieAllison #CharlesCampbell #WirtSaunders #Shooting #YellowJournalism #LynchMob #NotGuilty #BadLove #Rape #WILLAMETTEvalley #LINNcounty | |
March 4, 2018 | Murderer faked catatonic state for almost two years | 1890s | #Kerby #CharlesFiester #DomesticAbuse #InsanityPlea #Jealousy #Hanging #Execution #UnwrittenLaw #NancyFiester #JetBlack #SamBlack #JesseRice #SheriffJosephHiatt #DianeGoeresGardner #SOUTHERN #JOSEPHINEcounty | |
Feb. 25, 2018 | Was legendary gold city of Quivira on the Oregon Coast? | 1540s | #PortOrford #FlorasLake #Cortez #LostCity #Coronado #Gold #Conquistadors #ElTurco #MarcosDeNiza #SirFrancisDrake #WarCrimes #Myths #SevenCitiesOfCibola #CapeBlanco #AntonioDeMendoza #BillWallace #VerneBright #COAST #CURRYcounty | |
Feb. 18, 2018 | Chinese man’s death may have prevented a “tong war” | 1880s | #Portland #Chinatown #Race #DimeNovels #Pulp #Mob #Chinese #Hanging #CheeGong #TongWar #JudicialLynching #Highbinders #LeeYik #LuenTuTong #FongLongDick #ChingLing #SeidBack #DianeGoeresGardner #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Feb. 11, 2018 | Tillamook Guerillas were ready to repel invaders | 1940s | #NationalGuard #Militia WorldWarII #HomeDefense #TillamookGuerillas #StewartArnold #PleasantValleyGrange #GuerillaRifleClub #ArtSperber #EarlClarine #RalphBlum #KAOH #JackGraves #RoyGraves #CharlesSprague #DougKenckCrispin #AndyLindberg #COAST #CLATSOPcounty | |
Feb. 4, 2018 | Giant DC-8 airliner landed at country airport by mistake | 1960s | #TroutdaleAirfield #JumboJet #DC8 #UnitedAirLines #Oops #PlaneCrash #LuckyBreak #PDX #Bonehead #Flight861 #RichardGorrell #LesMeyer #SRWhipple #BartlettStephens #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Jan. 28, 2018 | Was Joe Drake a murderer, or an innocent patsy? | 1880s | #JudicialLynching #Framed #Murder #Adultery #Black #MarySwartz #DavidSwartz #Ambush #Hanging #JuryTrial #Hanging #Salem #Race #JosephDrake #WilliamHenry #DianeGoeresGardner #WILLAMETTEvalley #MARIONcounty | |
Jan. 21, 2018 | Davy Crockett in Oregon territory? Only in legend | 1840s | #Almanacs #TallTales #DeathHug #WolfHunter #AndrewJackson #OregonTerritory #GreatSnake #DimeNovels #PulpFiction #Legends #DavyCrockett #FessParker #CatherineFalzone #VerneBright #FiftyFourFortyOrFight #OlThunderbolt #STATEWIDE | |
Jan. 14, 2018 | Helicopter crash had huge impact on Portland journalism | 1940s | #OregonJournal #SamJackson #PlaneCrash #Fatal #Democrats #CopterPhoto #NewsroomDragonfly #Cronin #Portland #Journalism #Oregonian #HelicopterCrash #Bell47 #EastOregonian #NewsHelicopter #AmbroseCronin #WilliamKnight #SINewhouse #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Jan. 7, 2018 | State government was “decapitated” by 1947 plane crash | 1940s | #JeffLaLande #Bonanza #MarshallCornett #RobertFarrell #EarlSnell #CliffHogue #Adel #OscarKittredge #Lakeview #Fluhrer #SlicedBread #Medford #ForkTailDoctorKiller #RitchieValens #BuddyHolly #KlamathFalls #DogLake #WilliamFluhrer #SlicedBread #TomMarsh #BillMiller #RichardCollins #SOUTHERN #LAKEcounty | |
2017 ARTICLES: |
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Dec. 31, 2017 | Two fatal airliner crashes made 1933 a rough year for Oregon aviators | 1930s | #LaneCounty #Ford #TriMotor #PlaneCrash #AirMail #Eugene #Boeing247 #UnitedAirlines #GroundLoop #CoffeyClinic #ForestPark #Portland #HaroldAdams #KennethHouseolder #CorneliaPederman #SwanIslandAirfield #AlDavis #HBWoodworth #RobertCoffey #LibbyWurgaft #FloydHart #SaraPiasecki #WILLAMETTEvalley #LANEcounty #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Dec. 24, 2017 | Lessons from Christmastime plane crash are still saving lives today | 1970s | #PlaneCrash #Fatal #DC8 #FuelStarvation #Troutdale #Mayday #CRM #UnitedAirlines #Flight173 #SoutheastPortland #TheresaSalisbury #CommunityFreeWillBaptistChurch #RedCross #CaptainMelburnMcBroom #RodBeebe #ForrestMendenhall #JoanWheeler #JohnLauber #MalcolmGladwell #Outliers #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Dec. 17, 2017 | Oregon’s worst-ever plane crash is also its most mysterious | 1960s | #PlaneCrash #Fatal #DC9 #WestCoastAirlines #Flight956 #NewPlane #Welches #ControlledFlightIntoTerrain #DonaldAlldredge #WRGibson #EquipmentFailure #PDXmetro #CLACKAMAScounty | |
Dec. 10, 2017 | Klamath Falls airport had an unusual run of bad luck | 1960s, 1970s | #PlaneCrash #Fatal #FairchildF27 #WestCoastAirlines #Flight720 #Icing #StukelMountain #ControlledFlightIntoTerrain #AirNationalGuard173 #DaleAnderson #DoyleZieders #ConnieBerryman #PaulPhelps #SurveyorMountain #ButlerAir #Tanker69 #DC7 #SOUTHERN #KLAMATHcounty | |
Dec. 3, 2017 | Hawaii-bound flight out of PDX ditched in open sea | 1950s | #PDXmetro #PlaneCrash #Fatal #Boeing377 #Hawaii #PDX #Ditching #OpenSea #LifeRafts #PanAm #Flight845 #FlorenceHollister #ClaudeHollister #CaptainHermanJoslyn #AngusHendrick #MFKerwick #DavidDarrow #JohnPeterson #PatriciaLacey #NatalieParker #GailDillingham #PropellerFailure #COAST #CLATSOPcounty #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Nov. 26, 2017 | Murderer blew up PDX-bound airliner with his mom aboard to claim life-insurance payout | 1950s | #BadSeed #PlaneCrash #Dynamite #PDX #UnitedAirlines #Flight629 #DC6 #FBI #DaisyKing #JackGilbertGraham #CrownA #InsanityPlea #MaraBovsun #DaveCurtin #Orphanage #Forgery #Murderer #HaroldSanstead #GasChamber #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Nov. 19, 2017 | Neighbors’ gunfight left three dead and got a fourth hanged | 1890s | #BakerCounty #PineValley #Murder #Vigilante #Hanging #Execution #KelsayPorter #BenMache #MaryMache #ERLang #JHMcLachlin #CarmelitaHolland #DianeGoeresGardner #OUTBACK #UNIONcounty | |
Nov. 12, 2017 | Car chase at Crater Lake ended with an exploding hand grenade | 1980s | #CraterLake #Terrorism #HandGrenade #RaceWilliams #CarrollJohnDaly #ExplodingVolvo #RangerAliceSiebecker #FBI #BombSquad #AmdrisMerzejuskis #AgentMarkMiller #InternationalMystery #SOUTHERN #KLAMATHcounty | |
Nov. 5, 2017 | Was Lewis O’Neil a murderer, or did he just take the rap for one? | 1880s | #Ashland #Adultery #Murder #Shotgun #LewisONeil #LewisMcDaniel #PioneerHotel #CharlesMiller MarshalSDTaylor #Hanging #Talent #Jacksonville #Letters #SarahAmandaMandyMcDaniel #SOUTHERN #JACKSONcounty | |
Oct. 29, 2017 | Parks department’s aggressiveness cost Yachats its beach access for 10 years | 1970s | #Yachats #ShortSands #ParksDepartment #804trail #BeachAccess #SmeltSands #StatePark #OffbeatOregonOriginStory #LegalBattle #BeachBill #OverleafLodge #COAST #LANEcounty | |
Oct. 22, 2017 | Brutal 1886 Lafayette ax murder couldn’t have been much more sordid | 1880s | #RichardMarple #Hanging #Adultery #Execution #Masons #DavidCorker #ThomasHarris #AnnaMarple #JuliaMarple #Gypsy #WilliamHenryHess #Corvallis #Lafayette #PDXmetro #YAMHILLcounty | |
Oct. 15, 2017 | Little-known Lakeside resort was packed with Hollywood stars | 1930s | #CurriersVillage #PatentMedicine #BingCrosby #ClarkGable #LilyPons #BobHope #SidneyGreenstreet #RoyRogers #RoyCurrier #CurriersTablets #BismuthSubnitrate #Syphilis #TenmileLake #Gambling #Syphilis #Antacid #Advertising #Casino #LakeshoreLodge #ShowBiz #PeterBellant #GarlandFerguson #AngelaEwing #COAST #COOScounty | |
Oct. 8, 2017 | James Cook was Oregon’s “International Murderer of Mystery” | 1870s | #TheDalles #BadGuys #Tharp #GeorgeCraig #BaldwinsSaloon #PolhemusCraig #JamesCook #JamesBCrossen #Laveris #DrRoach #TigerHunting #Shanghaiing #DianeGoeresGardner #Murderer #Revenge #Hanging #Execution #Mystery #Bullshitter #COLUMBIAgorge #WASCOcounty | |
Oct. 1, 2017 | To get back to sea, beached ship had to “sail” through the woods | 1890s, 1900s | #Lightship50 #USCG #Salvage #Shipwreck #ColumbiaRiverBar #ClatsopSpit #BakerBay #ColumbiaRiverBar #LeanderLebeck #RobertMacintosh #WolffAndZwicker #AllenAndRoberts #HouseMovers #WLV604 #TedStokes #JamesGibbJr #MaritimeMuseum #COAST #CLATSOPcounty | |
Sept. 24, 2017 | Murderer learned “Unwritten Law” doesn’t cover killing one's brother-in-law | 1880s | #Murder #JealousRage #JohnMurray #Bigamy #ForestersBall #AlfredYenke #Portland #Masons #Shotgun #AmsterdamJack #Hanging #UnwrittenLaw #DianeGoeresGardner #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Sept. 17, 2017 | Memories of Pixieland: High-water mark of Oregon’s postwar-timber-era culture | 1960s, 1970s | #MidCentury #Commercialism #FranzBread #TimberCulture #LittleToot #AmusementParks #RoadsideAttractions #WeirdTourist #Otis #TomMcCall #JerryParks #LuParks #PixieKitchen #SalmonRiverEstuary #InaraVerzemnieks #MarkMoore #SteveAmen #OregonFieldGuide #COAST #LINCOLNcounty | |
Sept. 10, 2017 | Grande Ronde Valley: Oregon Trail’s Eden, used-oxen dealership | 1840s, 1850s | #Wallowas #BlueMountains #LaGrande #Oasis #Emigrants #Indians #NativeAmericans #Tribes #GrandRondeValley #CoveredWagons #LaGrande #SnakeRiver #OxenTeams #NezPerce #BillGulick #OUTBACK #NORTHEAST #UNIONcounty | |
Sept. 3, 2017 | Ghost may never have existed, but she saved Yaquina Bay Light nonetheless | 1870s, 1890s, 1940s | #Newport #MurielTrevenard #LischenMiller #JoaquinMiller #PacificMonthly #SunsetMag #Shipwreck #Bloodstains #Haunted #Lighthouse #EvanMcClure #Demolition #COAST #LINCOLNcounty | |
Aug. 27, 2017 | Frontier Oregon murder case was darker, more complicated than it appeared | 1860s | #SidneySmith #BarbaraSmith #ThomasSmith #GoldRush #SexAbuse #Molestation #Adultery #Shooting #Stabbing #Hanging #Execution #BuriedTreasure #WILLAMETTEvalley #LINNcounty | |
Aug. 20, 2017 | “Daredevil Al” Faussett was the Evel Knievel of the 1920s | 1920s | #SilverFalls #SouthFalls #CeliloFalls #Boats #LouiseLindgren #Stunts #CeliloFalls #WillametteFalls #DaredevilAl #CapElwell #SunsetFalls #Skykomish #SnowqualmieFalls #DanielGeisler #JuneDrake #KeithMcCullagh #BryanGordon #JeffBrekas #ShoshoneFalls #WILLAMETTEvalley #MARIONcounty | |
Aug. 13, 2017 | How Bob Straub stopped Highway Department's plan to run Highway 101 on the beach | 1960s | #PacificCity #NestuccaSpit #BobStraub #GlennJackson #TomMcCall #BobStraub #Vogons #CantStopProgress #Highway101 #Neskowin #Sandlake #Netarts #CapeKiwanda #CapeLookout #StewartUdall #BLM #MattLove #BrentWalth #COAST #TILLAMOOKcounty | |
Aug. 6, 2017 | When the governor’s secretary imposed martial law on three saloons | 1910s | #OswaldWest #Copperfield #Progressives #FernHobbs #EdRand #Prostitution #Saloons #Gambling #Prohibition #IdahoPower #NationalGuard #Wiegand #Lawsuit #GaryDiehlman #OUTBACK #BAKERcounty | |
July 30, 2017 | Various schemers’ plans to exploit Multnomah Falls came to naught | 1890s, 1900s, 1910s | #ColumbiaRiverGorge #Corbett #WilliamGriswold #MiningLaw #Sawmill #ConArtist #GeorgeWetherby #MultnomahFallsLodge #ColumbiaRiverGorge #JennieGriswold #JosephRose #SimonBenson #EminentDomain #SamuelLancaster #LarchMountainTrail #COLUMBIAgorge #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
July 23, 2017 | Colleague's taste for dead-lizard-infused booze ruined early naturalist’s specimens | 1830s | #ColumbiaCounty #BlueRuin #Temperance #NathanielWyeth #JohnTownsend #SauvieIsland #FortWilliam #ThomasNuttall #GiantNewt #Murder #Trial #Alcoholics #HudsonsBayCo #ThomasHubbard #AstorianParty #LewisAndClark #COLUMBIAgorge #MULTNOMAHcounty #COLUMBIAcounty | |
July 16, 2017 | How Marie Dorion earned her story as “Oregon’s Revenant” (Part 3 of 3) | 1810s | #UmatillaCounty #UnionCounty #BakerCounty #Beaver #FurTrappers #LewisAndClark #PierreDorion #AstorianParty #OregonTrail #Tonquin #Voyageurs #Shoshone #Bannock #Indians #Arson #GregShine #JohnReed #GillesLeClerc #WayneJewett #COLUMBIAgorge #OUTBACK #WASCOcounty | |
July 9, 2017 | Astorian Party’s decision to follow the river was nearly fatal (Part 2 of 3) | 1810s | #MarieAioeDorion #WallowaCounty #JonathanThorn #FurTrappers #LewisAndClark #PierreDorion #AstorianParty #JohnJacobAstor #Tonquin #Voyageurs #Pregnant #Shoshone #Bannock #Indians #Astoria #FortClatsop #SnakeRiver #HellsCanyon #OUTBACK #BAKERcounty #MALHEURcounty | |
July 2, 2017 | Little-known Native Marie Dorion was a wilderness-survival ninja (Part 1 of 3) | 1810s | #Revenant #LewisAndClark #PierreDorion #AstorianParty #OregonTrail #Tonquin #Voyageurs #Sacagawea #Blackfeet #Indians #FurTrappers #JosephRose #HughGlass #TheRevenant #WilsonPriceHunt #BillGulick #LewisAndClark #PeterStark #COLUMBIAgorge #BAKERcounty #WASCOcounty | |
June 25, 2017 | Wild West bearcat Mona Bell: Annie Oakley with an edge | 1910s, 1920s, 1930s | #BonnevilleDam #FDR #SamHill #Stonehenge #Maryhill #GorgeHighway #BuffaloBill #GreatNorthernRailroad #EminentDomain #ShowBiz #Journalists #EdithMonaBellHill #JamesJHill #DavidAdams #JohnHarrison #PeaceArch #Vaudeville #SamuelLancaster #EdgarHill #JohnTuhe #COLUMBIAgorge #WASCOcounty #HOODRIVERcounty | |
June 18, 2017 | How a Corvallis man found out that cows make lousy boat engines | 1850s | #Canemah #Riverboat #Sternwheeler #Oxen #HayBurner #GeniusOfCorvallis #GeniusOfGeorgia #CowPowered #Steamboat #HowardCorning #OregonTrail #Wheatland #McGooginsSlough #JehuSwitzler #Ferryboat #KevinCrisman #WILLAMETTEvalley #BENTONcounty | |
June 11, 2017 | How Cape Foulweather Lighthouse got built on the wrong headland | 1860s | #YaquinaHead #Lighthouse #OtterCrest #CobbleBeach #Newport #QuarryCove #JohnZenor #1872MiningLaw #BLM #MarkHatfield #WheelchairAccessibleTidepools #Beach #Fresnel #JamesGibbs #BobWeinert #USCG #MarkHatfield #BLM #COAST #LINCOLNcounty | |
June 4, 2017 | Oregon Governor Geer is state’s “patron saint of bike commuters” | 1890s | #TTGear #WaldoHills #SafetyBicycle #FredMerrill #Champoeg #ProvisionalGovernment #OregonTerritory #OHS #GeorgeHimes #FrancoisMatthieu #Lawnmower #WILLAMETTEvalley #MARIONcounty | |
May 28, 2017. | Oregon was scene of Soapy Smith’s first documented soap swindle | 1880s | #JeffersonSmith #Fakir #Bunco #Swindlers #Crooks #ConArtists #Gamblers #Skagway #Alcoholics #SoapGang #JuneauWharf #ThreeCardMonte #Gunfight #SoapySmith #ShowBiz #PortlandDailyStandard #FrankReid #JeffSmith #WilliamRossCollier #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
May 21, 2017 | One cold snap taught a town to ice-skate; another sank a steamship | 1940s | #LaneCounty #PortlandHarbor #Steamer #Crack #ExtremeWeather #WW2 #Shipwreck #IceSkating #CottageGroveLake #ColdSnap #ALWoodard #Schenechtady #KaiserShipyard #CharlesMurray #WILLAMETTEvalley #MULTNOMAHcounty #CLACKAMAScounty #LANEcounty | |
May 14, 2017 | Mount Hood: So mild-mannered, you forget it’s still an active volcano | 1850s, 1860s | #ClackamasCounty #WyEast #AlpineClub #MazamaClub #Eruptions #Timberline #Skiing #Pyroclastic #Fatal #Fumarole #RingOfFire #WFCourtney #BillGulick #SnowBunny #JonBell #CASCADErange #HOODRIVERcounty #CLACKAMAScounty | |
May 7, 2017 | Aircraft Warning Service saw few enemies, but saved many friends | 1940s | #AWS #WW2 #Beach #ToyAirplanes #War #Submarines #ImperialJapan #I25 #TillamookGuerillas #SandPounders #Brookings #PlaneCrash #Rescue #Ditching #PearlHarbor #AircraftWarningService #BillMcCash #COAST | |
April 30, 2017 | Cottage Grove’s revenge for failure of “Nesmith County” plan was savage | 1910s | #Eugene #LaneCounty #CottageGrove #Secession #BallotMeasure #UofO #Underdog #NesmithCounty #DouglasCounty #SignatureGathering #EugeneCityGuard #EdwardMcAllister #ViceScandal #PeterBoag #WILLAMETTEvalley #LANEcounty | |
April 23, 2017 | “Bonus Army” populist uprising started in Portland, ended Hoover's hopes | 1930s | #WalterWaters #HerbertHoover #WW1 #Burns #GreatDepression #March #Unemployed #Veterans #Congress #WashingtonDC #BEF #WhiteHouse #Freikorps #DouglasMacArthur #Fatal #Fire #BonusExpeditionaryForce #JeffLaLande #JonathanAlter #WyattKingseed #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
April 16, 2017 | When old Portland flooded, people just raised the sidewalks | 1890s, 1860s | #1894flood #Portland #EricksonsSaloon #Chinatown #Dams #BoatRace #1861flood #Champoeg #RiverboatRescue #CaptainPease #Canemah #WillametteValley #Orleans #Floods #MeierAndFrank #GeorgeMiller #WilliamWillingham #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
April 9, 2017 | Lighthouse was built 18 days too late to save sailing ship’s crew | 1880s | #Lupatia #TillamookRock #Lighthouse #TerribleTilly #Fatal #Shipwreck #Barque #Sinking #TillamookHead #USCG #Columbarium #Cremains #Helicopter #CaptainWheeler #FresnelLens #USLighthouseService #JamesGibbsJr #ElledaWilson #COAST #TILLAMOOKcounty | |
April 2, 2017 | Ashland’s Shakespeare Festival kayoed boxing event in Round One | 1930s | #AngusBowmer #SOU #GlobeTheatre #Chautauqua #Prizefighters #Actors #ShowBiz #Elizabethan #BearBaiting #OSFA #NormalSchool #Drama #TheaterKids #OSFA #SouthernOregonNormalSchool #KathleenLeary #OregonShakespeareFestival #SOUTHERN #JOSEPHINEcounty | |
March 26, 2017 | Even as a boy, Erector Set inventor seemed larger than life | 1890s, 1900s | #ACGilbert #HelloBoys #Atomic #ChemistrySet #MagicShow #Salem #WorldRecord #Athlete #Magician #FireDepartment #Arson #PacificUniversity #ForestGrove #ShowBiz #ErectorSet #YouthsCompanion #TomSawyer #MalcolmGladwell #HermannTheGreat #MaryThompson #MystoManufacturing #Yale #MarshallMcClintock #WILLAMETTEvalley #MARIONcounty | |
March 19, 2017 | “The Bucket of Blood” saloon: A souvenir of the age of shanghaiing | 1900s, 1910s | #WhiteEagle #Saloon #Prohibition #McMenamins #GhostStories #TonyFerrone #CuervoGold #Albina #Poland #RobertCray #HolyModalRounders #Anarchists #Haunted #SusanSmitten #OpiumDen #Brothel #PaulDeLay #BarneyBlalock #RichardDillon #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
March 12, 2017 | Did Sir Francis Drake actually visit Oregon in 1579? | 1570s | #BobWard #GoldenHind #EClampusVitus #WhaleCove #DepoeBay #NovaAlbion #NorthwestPassage #NehalemBay #DrakeNavigatorsGuild #PracticalJokes #Pirates #SirFrancisDrake #HerbertBolton #DrakesBay #ColinFogarty #MelissaDarby #COAST #LINCOLNcounty | |
March 5, 2017 | Pirate, jailbird, swindler, tycoon: “Colonel” T.E. Hogg and his railroad | 1880s | #HoggRock #Pirates #Confederates #ColonelTEdgentonHogg #O&C #RailroadToNowhere #OregonPacific #YaquinaBay #Newport #SantiamPass #Steamship #LandGrant #Portland #Shipwreck #Alcatraz #CurtisIrish #RichSandler #COAST #LINCOLNcounty | |
Feb. 26, 2017 | How A.C. Gilbert, the “anti-Grinch” from Oregon, saved Christmas | 1900s, 1910s | #ACGilbert #HelloBoys #Atomic #ChemistrySet #MagicShow #Salem #JosephusDaniels #FranklinLane #WilliamRedfield #Mysto #NewtonBaker #WoodrowWilson #WW1 #CancelChristmas #WarBonds #ErectorSet #ForestGrove #CPI #CreelCommission #GilbertHouse #ChildrensMuseum #MarshallMcClintock #PamelaVorachek #WILLAMETTEvalley #MARIONcounty | |
Feb. 19, 2017 | Former Oregonian saved whole nations from starving to death (Part 2 of 2) | 1910s, 1920s | #YamhillCounty #HerbertHoover #Quakers #SocietyOfFriends #Newberg #Salem #London #WW1 #Germany #WoodrowWilson #Humanitarian #Mining #Engineer #Steamships #CRB #Belgium #BelgianRelief #SovietRussia #AmericanReliefAdministration #POTUS #BostonFlouringMills #Shedd #StanfordUniversity #GeorgeNash #LeeNash #WILLAMETTEvalley #MARIONcounty #YAMHILLcounty | |
Feb. 12, 2017 | Tiny, lonely Newberg orphan grew up to be President (Part 1 of 2) | 1880s, 1890s | #MarionCounty #HerbertHoover #Quakers #SocietyOfFriends #Newberg #Salem #JohnMinthorn #OregonLandCo #GeorgeFox #Stanford #Mining #Engineer #BoxerRebellion #CRB #Belgium #WestBranch #PoorLittleBertie #KyleJanssen #GeorgeNash #WILLAMETTEvalley #MARIONcounty #YAMHILLcounty | |
Feb. 5, 2017 | California Gold Rush was sparked by a failed Oregon farmer | 1840s | #JamesMarshall #GoldMining #Prospectors #SuttersFort #California #Willamette #OregonTrail #Mexico #49ers #BearFlag #WaterPower #Sawmill #Tailrace #Nuggets #CaliforniaGoldRush #JohnSuttersMill #RalphFriedman #WILLAMETTEvalley #MARIONcounty | |
Jan. 29, 2017 | Story of sinister “Polybius” videogame almost certainly a myth | 1980s | #Folklore #Legend #Sinnesloeschen #MenInBlack #VideoArcade #MindControl #Necronomicon #UrbanLegend #TheSimpsons #Portland #FBI #CIA #KGB #XFiles #Snopes #JoeStreckert #BrianDunning #Skeptoid #PDXmetro #WASHINGTONcounty | |
Jan. 22, 2017 | Quest for “Blue Bucket Mine” led “suckers” to actual riches | 1860s | #LostGold #Treasure #OregonTrail #MeekCutoff #Auburn #BlueMountains #YellowPebbles #FishingTackle #ChinaCreek #GoldRush #JLAdams #Folklore #Prospectors #BlueBucket #GoldMine #StephenMeek #RalphFriedman #KeithClark #OUTBACK #BAKERcounty | |
Jan. 15, 2017 | Oregon’s biggest mud puddles are once-and-future inland seas | 1850s | #GooseLake #LakeChewacan #AlkaliLake #OregonTrail #ApplegateTrail #FortRock #Waterfowl #DeadSea #Lakeview #SilverLake #ChristmasValley #SummerLake #Charbonneau #BillGulick #BillOrr #ElizabethOrr #OUTBACK #LAKEcounty | |
Jan. 8, 2017 | Bungled train robbery-murder solved with “CSI: Southern Oregon” (Part 2 of 2) | 1920s | #DeAutremontBros #Forensics #Tunnel13 #Manhunt #Heinrich #Dynamite #UO #WantedPosters #Eugene #Lobotomy #ProfessorOHeinrich #Berkeley #EdgardEspinoza #PepperTrail #MackinawCoat #Walnuts #SouthernPacific #LawrenceJoers #SOUTHERN #JACKSONcounty | |
Jan. 1, 2017 | Last “great” train robbery was a brutal, incompetent fiasco (Part 1 of 2) | 1920s | #DeAutremontBros #TrainRobbers #Tunnel13 #Manhunt #SiskiyouPass #Dynamite #IWW #GoldSpecial #Albany #Timber #DumbCrooks #MostWanted #BankRobbery #SydneyBates #ElvynDaugherty #CoyleJohnson #MarvinSeng #PepperTrail #LawrenceJoers #SOUTHERN #JACKSONcounty | |
2016 ARTICLES: |
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Dec. 25, 2016 | “Oregon System” showed nation how to reform a corrupt system | 1890s, 1900s | #WilliamURen #JonathanBourne #VoterFraud #HoldUpSession #JohnHippleMitchell #PopulistParty #Walkout #InitiativeReferendum SophroniaLewelling #Progressives #OregonSystem #Corruption #DirectDemocracy #PaulCulbertons #SouthernPacific #Railroad #EldridgeBlock #GeorgeChamberlain #WILLAMETTEvalley #MARIONcounty | |
Dec. 18, 2016 | How Oregon helped Henry Kaiser save England and Canada | 1940s | #WW2 #LibertyShips #Submarines #Blockade #UnitedKingdom #Welding #RosieRiveter #KaiserJeeps #Portland #Vancouver #Vanport #Shipyards #EscortCarriers #NaziGermany #ImperialJapan #MerchantMarine #StarOfOregon #ColumbiaRiver #JeremiahOBrien #JaneAdams #RichardHenryDana #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Dec. 11, 2016 | The rise and fall of the Oregon Electric Railway | 1900s, 1910s, 1920s | #WillametteValley #Railroad #PirtleTransferStation #Albany #Graffiti #SouthernPacific #Interurban #LightRail #Trolleys #CiddicisPizza #OregonElectricStation #FordModelT #Architecture #Amtrak #Ruins #WILLAMETTEvalley | |
Dec. 4, 2016 | * 'Beeswax Shipwreck' is from 3 centuries ago | *deprecated* | 1690s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of a later updated version (with new information!) |
Nov. 27, 2016 | Bringing a Temperance preacher along on a liquor raid turned out to be a bad idea | 1920s | #PlainviewKillings #Albany #LinnCounty #TemperancePreacher #LiquorRaid #Murder #Revenge #Bootlegging #Still #Cops #BadTiming #Fatal #Suicide #Prohibition#Shedd #Willamette #CoryFrye #CharlesKendall #DaveWest #RoyHealy #EllenWest #RheumatismLiniment #Posse #AltonWilliams #WILLAMETTEvalley #LINNcounty | |
Nov. 20, 2016 | Once Oregon's soggiest town, Valsetz is now just a memory | 1920s, 1930s, 1940s, 1980s | #CompanyStore #Wendling #LoggingCamp #WetterThanForks #PlywoodMill #CobbsAndMitchell #ValleyAndSiletz #Railroad #GhostTown #Timber #BoiseCascade #SpottedOwl #Logging #Sawmills #LindaCarlson #WILLAMETTEvalley #POLKcounty | |
Nov. 13, 2016 | “Atlantic City of the West” was swallowed up by the sea | 1910s,1920s, 1930s | #BayoceanSpit #Steamship #Jetty #NowGone #Beach #Marine #Promoters #BellSystem #ThomasPotter #Resort #Natatorium #MotorYacht #BeachErosion #BuildingsCollapse #OysterBeds #FrancisMitchell #IdaMitchell #BertWebber #UlrichHardt #COAST #TILLAMOOKcounty | |
Nov. 6, 2016 | Gold Rush-era Jacksonville: Where the bank “robbed” you, highway style | 1850s | #GoldRush #GoldMining #RichGulch #TableRock #Chinatown #Railroad #Lottery #BrittFestival #Stagecoach #Prospectors #HighPrices #SOUTHERN #JACKSONcounty | |
Oct. 30, 2016 | “Father of Oregon Geology” once left graffiti deep in the Oregon Caves | 1880s | #Eugene #LaneCounty #ThomasCondon #Fossils #Geology #OregonCaves #BoneWars #Geography #Professor #SOUTHERN #JOSEPHINEcounty | |
Oct. 23, 2016 | Bootlegger's liquor buy ended up soaking borrowed car with blood | 1920s | #MultnomahCounty #LinnCounty #Portland #Albany #LinnCounty #Murder #Revenge #Prohibition #BadTiming #Robbery #RoadTrip #Mystery #Moonshine #RussellHecker #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty #CLACKAMAScounty #LINNcounty | |
Oct. 16, 2016 | How Andy Warhol “punk'd” two Oregon colleges, and how he was caught | 1960s | #LaneCounty #UO #LinfieldCollege #TheFactory #PaulMorrissey #Journalists #BillWinter #AllenMidgette #Utah #Phillistines #DonBishoff #BloodTestsAndFingerprints #ConArtists #Bullshitters #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty #YAMHILLcounty | |
Oct. 9, 2016 | Gold Rush stagecoach driver One-Eyed Charley had an astonishing secret | 1850s, 1860s, 1870s | #OneEyedCharlie #Stagecoach #Parkhurst #Siskiyou #WellsFargo #Robbery #Fatal #Sugarfoot #GoldRush #Orphans #NewHampshire #Charlotte #Disguised #FirstWoman #SOUTHERN #JACKSONcounty | |
Oct. 2, 2016 | Oregon has been home to someone since well before 12,000 B.C. | 1930s, 2000s | #Coprolites #FortRock #Clovis #DNA #Sandals #DennisJenkins #UO #MargaretMead #LakeChewacan #SummerLake #AbertLake #ReubLong #LutherCressman #BoardmanStatePark #RobertaHall #LorenDavis #OSU #OUTBACK #LAKEcounty | |
Sept. 25, 2016 | Family feud ended with double murder by masked assassins | 1880s | #Linkville #KlamathFalls #Murder #LynchMob #Vigilante #Outlaw #Unsolved #ColdCase #LeeLaws #JoeLaws #HenryLaws #BonanzaRegulators #WilliamCalavan #FrankCalavan #Gunfight #JimmyCalavan #Alturas #GreenmanHotel #LakesideInn #RufusMoore #DeputyJFLewis #WilliamWright #SOUTHERN #KLAMATHcounty | |
Sept. 18, 2016 | Former Albany newsman saved Crater Lake for a national park | 1880s, 1890s, 1900s | #WilliamGladstoneSteel #MazamaClub #CraterLake #Fishing #AlbanyDemocratHerald #OregonAlpineClub #NationalParks #Indians #SacredPlaces #Progressives #ClarenceDutton #WilliamArendt #RickHarmon #StephenMark #BillGulick #TheodoreRoosevelt #SOUTHERN #KLAMATHcounty | |
Sept. 11, 2016 | Fish wheel pilings a reminder of when Columbia swarmed with salmon | 1880s, 1890s, 1900s, 1910s | #ColumbiaRiver #Pilings #SalmonFishing #Cannery #GrandCouleeDam #Gillnetters #CascadeRapids #FisheryCollapse #Referendum #Sportfishing #OkanaganRiver #DeadliestCatch #COLUMBIAgorge | |
Sept. 4, 2016 | Did Oregon’s political supervillain save the world from Nazi nukes? | 1930s | #Bonneville #CharlesMcNary #HaroldIckes #ArmyCorpsOfEngineers #ManhattanProject #Hanford #HistoryChanged #War #WhatIf #CharlesMartin #FDR #WW2 #BPA #Aluminum #CascadeRapids #ColumbiaRiver #GlobalThermonuclearWar #Politicians #COLUMBIAgorge #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Aug. 28, 2016 | “Graveyard of the Pacific” was not easily tamed | 1850s | #Oriole #Shipwreck #ColumbiaRiverBar #WindShadow #BarPilots #CapeDisappointment #Lighthouse #PointAdams #Lightship #Astoria #SouthJetty #ArmyCorpsOfEngineers #JamesGibbsJr #DonMarshall #COAST #CLATSOPcounty | |
Aug. 21, 2016 | Japan’s balloon bombs could have done a lot more damage | 1940s | #WW2 #Bly #Salmonberry #1945 #TillamookBurn #DoolittleRaids #17thBombGroup #FireBalloons #JetStream #Intercontinental #MulberryPaper #StrangeExplosions #Aviation #ImperialJapan #BalloonBombs #RobertMikesh #LeeJuillerat #LintonWeeks #ForestFires #COAST #TILLAMOOKcounty | |
Aug. 14, 2016 | Highway engineer could have had Florence singing “It’s Raining Meat” | 1970s | #Florence #LaneCounty #CunningPlan #GeorgeThornton #PaulLinnman #USNavy #WaltUemenhoefer #BenRaymondLode #KingsfordCharcoal #WayneFreedman #DougBrazil #GetAWhaleOfADeal #OnANew #Oldsmobile #BaronsDen #LarryBacon #ExplodingWhale #DaveBarry #Dynamite #COAST #LANEcounty | |
Aug. 7, 2016 | “Christmas Ship” could have used some navigation help from Santa and Rudolph | 1940s | #Warrenton #Shipwreck #Canibas #ChristmasShip #PearlHarbor #Blackout #PeterIredale #Salvage #JamesGibbsJr #MaunaAla #Steamship #ColumbiaRiver #Lightship #COAST #CLATSOPcounty | |
July 31, 2016 | Truck bombing doomed the cause of newspapers’ striking unions | 1960s | #Portland #Explosion #SteveDuin #LeviMcDonald ##SiNewhouse #MariaJackson #ConArtists #StereotypersStrike #GeneKlare #Dynamite #TruckBombing #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty #CLACKAMAScounty | |
July 24, 2016 | One man’s cheating heart likely cost Portland its local newspaper | 1960s | #PortlandOregonian #DonaldNewhouse #StereotypersUnion #CalebDiehl #SINewhouse #SamuelJackson #PhilipJackson #MariaJackson #Terrorism #Bombing #Shotgun #Shooting #Political #Journalism #OregonJournal #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
July 17, 2016 | Supreme Court once declared slavery legal for sailors | 1890s | #Astoria #SailingShip #Arago #AragoFour #Shanghaiing #Barkantine #13thAmendment #USConstitution #HanseaticLeague #FaceBranding #BaldwinVRobinson #SeamensUnion #SeamensActOf1915 #JoeStreckert #InvoluntaryServitude #Sailors #COAST #CLATSOPcounty | |
July 10, 2016 | Who had the motive to frame an innocent man? Everyone did (Part 3 of 3) | 1940s | #MarthaBrinsonJames #SouthernPacific #PvtHaroldWilson #USMC #WarHero #WarDepartment #LawEnforcementIncompetence #RobertELeeFolkes #Black #JudicialLynching #Race #ZootSuit #HarlemRenaissance #UnionActivist #WarBrideMurder #WILLAMETTEvalley #LINNcounty | |
July 3, 2016 | In trial, prime suspect became star witness against obviously innocent man (Part 2 of 3) | 1940s | #MarthaBrinsonJames #PullmanCoach #Albany #ColdStove #SouthernPacific #PvtHaroldWilson #USMC #BirthOfANation #LockedRoomMystery #Scapegoat #RobertELeeFolkes #Black #JudicialLynching #Race #Trial #TaintedEvidence #WILLAMETTEvalley #LANEcounty | |
June 26, 2016 | Brutal wartime railroad murder ended in a cynical “railroad job” (Part 1 of 3) | 1940s | #MarthaBrinsonJames #PullmanCoach #Albany #USNavy #SouthernPacific #PvtHaroldWilson #USMC #TrailOfBlood #Screwdriver #RobertELeeFolkes #Black #JudicialLynching #RailroadJob #RichardJames #WestCoastLimited #TrueDetective #PulpFiction #ZootSuit ##GasChamber #WILLAMETTEvalley #LINNcounty | |
June 19, 2016 | The ship that suddenly broke in half while moored at the dock: The S.S. Schenectady | 1940s | #WW2 #Portland #TankerShip #HenryKaiser #OregonShipbuildingCo #Vanport #CrackedInHalf #ThermalStress #NotSabotage #FBI #LibertyShips #SchenectadyClass #BrittleFractures #CharlesMurray #Refloated #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
June 12, 2016 | For captain and crew, catastrophic shipwreck was luckiest break of their lives | 1940s | #ColumbiaRiverBar #VictoryShips #LibertyShips #Vanport #Shipyards #DrexelVictory #NaziSubmarines #Convoys #Allies #WW2 #CrackedInHalf #OregonShipbuilding #HenryKaiser #USCG #Rescue #Shipwreck #COAST #CLATSOPcounty | |
June 5, 2016 | “Heaven's Gate” UFO cult lured away 20 Oregonians, caused statewide panic | 1970s | #Waldport #Cults #UFOs #Charismatic #XTheories #StarTrek #BayshoreInn #NextLevel #TheTwo #RobertRubin #MarshallApplewhite #BonnieNettles #HumanIndividualMetamorphosis #PlanetHeaven #CometHaleBopp #MicWright #BenjaminZeller #COAST #LINCOLNcounty | |
May 29, 2016 | Albany’s “Queen of Fakirs” belongs in swindlers’ hall of fame | 1880s, 1890s | #Albany #LinnCounty #MaudMyrtleWagnonJohnson #ConArtists #Vaudeville #HazelPetterson #DCDavis #NorthernPacific #FakeBlood #QueenOfFakers #Vaudeville #Yacolt ##ChildAbuse #Railroad #InsuranceFraud #WILLAMETTEvalley #MARIONcounty | |
May 22, 2016 | Southern Oregon populist leader had plans for a guerilla uprising (Part 3 of 3) | 1930s | #Medford #LlewellynBanks #CopKiller #Election #VoterFraud #MAGA #Revolt #GeorgeCodding #BallotBurglary #CourthouseFurnace #MinerGeiger #30-06 #OfficerGeorgePrescott #SergeantJamesOBrien #RobertRuhl #PulitzerPrize #ArmedInsurrection #Guerilla #Autocrat Convict #SOUTHERN #JACKSONcounty | |
May 15, 2016 | The Jackson County Rebellion: Llewellyn Banks comes to power (Part 2 of 3) | 1930s | #Medford #LlewellynBanks #Burglary #Journalism #Pulitzer #MedfordMailTribune #SenatorCharlesMcNary #GoodGovernmentCongress #GreenSpringsMountainBoys #SheriffGordonSchermerhorn #MOWilkins #SheriffRalphJennings #EaglePoint #RecountNo #FlatheadFordV8 #RiggedElection #SOUTHERN #JACKSONcounty | |
May 8, 2016 | “Jackson County Rebellion” grew out of newspapers’ fight (Part 1 of 3) | 1920s, 1930s | #Medford #LlewellynBanks #Vigilantes #Populism #PacificRecordHerald #TheGang #Prohibition #EarlFehl #MedfordDailyNews #JeffLaLande #MarkThorburn #BadCops #GoodCops #GreatDepression #Charismatic #EdithBanks #RuthBanks #Politicians #SOUTHERN #JACKSONcounty | |
May 1, 2016 | Edward F. Lee was Oregon’s first fake-viagara scammer | 1910s | #MultnomahCounty #Swindlers #PPrestoCo #Orangeade #MailFraud #Moonshiners #ErectileDysfunction #Impotence #FakeBirthControl #ConArtists #Albany #Orangeade #Impotence #BirthControl #ArthurCramp #AMA #Quackery #WILLAMETTEvalley #LINNcounty #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
April 24, 2016 | Frontier Oregon swindlers: The traveling medicine shows | 1870s, 1880s, 1890s | #SnakeOilTonic #Quackery #TravelingMedicineShow #LoneRanger #DrWilliamAdams #PatentRemedy #DrOLarsell #ErikBromberg #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
April 17, 2016 | Oregon Trail Medicine; or, How Not to Die of Dysentery | 1840s, 1850s | #Galen #Humors #FolkRemedies #Thompsonians #Homeopathy #Herbalism #MaryRichardsonWalker #OLarsell #ErikBromberg #HistoryOfMedicine #Jacksonian #OregonTrailMedicine #RexMorgan #BenjaminRush #BiliousPills #ThunderClappers #SolTetherow #DrWilliamDains #STATEWIDE | |
April 10, 2016 | Oregon women served as nation's first female governor, cop, and voter (Part 2 of 2) | 1900s | #Salem #CaralynShelton #CarolynShelton #CarrieShelton #LolaBaldwin #CharleyParkhurst #GeorgeChamberlain #StagecoachRobbers #OneEyedCharley #PortlandPolice #DogPound #TravelersAidSociety #LewisAndClarkCentennial #Exposition #HumanTrafficking #WomensAuxiliary #STATEWIDE | |
April 3, 2016 | Abigail Scott Duniway isn't the only great woman in Oregon's history (Part 1 of 2) | 1880s, 1890s, 1900s | #Progressivism #DanielLeonard #AbigailScottDuniway #DimeNovels #HenryVictor #HubertHoweBancroft #FrancesFullerVictor #FirstWoman #MaryLeonard #BetheniaOwensAdair #EclecticMedicine #Eugenics #ForcedSterilization #JohnKitzhaber#OHS #GreatWomen #STATEWIDE | |
March 27, 2016 | Vaudeville Susie's Riot; or, How Seriously Frontier Oregon Took its Entertainment | 1860s | #Corvallis #BentonCounty #WallaWalla #CivilWar #Shootout #CivilWar #Confederates #CultureClash #VaudevilleSusieRobinson #GeorgeWaggoner #IdahoGoldRush #GriffinCreek #CherokeeBob #ErikBromberg #PTSD #OregonsHelenOfTroy #WILLAMETTEvalley #BENTONcounty #UMATILLAcounty | |
March 20, 2016 | A Longshoreman's Funeral (Circuit Preacher Chronicles, Part 3 of 3) | 1880s | #CircuitRiders #Frontier #OregonTrail #LemuelWells #Pastors #Longshoremen #Episcopalians #Tacoma #DockWorkers #Union #Fight #GravesideService #Stampede #Liquor #Roadhouse #WASHINGTONterritory | |
March 13, 2016 | Shanghaiing up a flock for the Lord (Circuit Preacher Chronicles, Part 2 of 3) | 1850s, 1860s, 1870s | #CircuitRiders #Frontier #OregonTrail #LemuelWells #Pastors #Hustlers #EthelbertTalbert #DrunksInChurch #PublicanParty #FatherWilbur #Methodist #TentRevival #GoldRush #LiquorPeddlers #Assault #BrokenBottles #STATEWIDE | |
March 6, 2016 | The Reverend Wells’ Wild Ride (Circuit Preacher Chronicles, Part 1 of 3) | 1870s, 1880s, 1890s | #CircuitRiders #Frontier #OregonTrail #LemuelWells #Pastors #Murphy #Weston #TiedToBedpost #Haystack #Bathtub #Ice #TumbleDownStairs #CircuitPreachers #Idaho #OUTBACK #UMATILLAcounty #IDAHOterritory | |
Feb. 28, 2016 | Oregon lad became a founding father of Russian communism | 1910s | #JohnSReed #KremlinWall #Bolsheviks #FrancisHeney #LandFraudTrials #Muckrakers #Journalists #Progressives #Socialists #NewJournalism #PanchoVilla #LouiseBryant #Lenin #Trotsky #Revolutionary #Portland #Communist #JohnReed #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Feb. 21, 2016 | Would inventor's all-metal, steam-powered airship have worked? (Part 2 of 2) | 1920s | #ThomasSlade #ThomasBSlate #Airships #Hindenberg #AllMetal #SteamPowered #CityOfGlendale #Overpressurized #Unfixable #Disaster #DryIce #SlateAircraftCo #HydrogenVsHelium #Stormproof #WILLAMETTEvalley #LINNcounty | |
Feb. 14, 2016 | Benton County lad became the “Nicola Tesla of Oregon” (Part 1 of 2) | 1910s, 1920s | #ThomasSlate #Airships #Hindenberg #AllMetal #SteamPowered #CityOfGlendale #Tangent #Alsea #Housecar #Motorhome #DryIce #SlateAircraftCo #HydrogenVsHelium #Stormproof #WILLAMETTEvalley #BENTONcounty | |
Feb. 7, 2016 | Doomed schooner's crew was locked in race against fiery death | 1900s | #ColumbiaRiverBar #Shipwreck #Fire #Tatoosh #Challenger #UnslakedLime #WillapaBay #TugboatAstoria #Salvage #Scuttled #Smoke #CaptainNelson #ChrisOlseen #Harriman #ColumbiaRiverLightship #COAST #CLATSOPcounty | |
Jan. 31, 2016 | Captain's refusal to leave shipwreck angered his rescuers | 1920s | #ColumbiaRiverBar #USCG #RescueRefused #SSLaurel #LouisJohnson #Shipwreck #PeacockSpit #MotorLifeboats #Fatal #CutterRedWing #Beaching #GuardingTheCargo #ColumbiaRiverBar #RussellSmith #PointAdams #JamesGibbsJr #COAST #CLATSOPcounty | |
Jan. 24, 2016 | For Milwaukie gas station owner, buying a surplus B-17 bomber was a wild adventure | 1940s | #ArtLacey #B17 #B-17 #FlyingFortress #DressmakersDummyIsMyCopilot #WW2 #Surplus #TheBomberGasStation #Milwaukie#PunkyScott #Bet #StuckLandingGear #Whiskey #FightCityHall #MidnightRun #B17Alliance #SalemAirport #PDXmetro #CLACKAMAScounty | |
Jan. 17, 2016 | Bizarre scientific “bone wars” touched Oregon, but barely | 1870s | #GrantCounty #ThomasCondon #OthnielMarsh #EdwardDrinkerCope #Fossils #Dinosaurs #Paleontology #Feud #JohnDayFossilBeds #Archaeology #Dig #Exploration #BoneWars #OUTBACK #WHEELERcounty #GRANTcounty | |
Jan. 10, 2016 | Portland's “Jitney Wars” pitted entrepreneurs against monopoly | 1910s | #Taxi #Portland #RailroadMonopoly #RideSharing #Streetcars #LaborUnion #WillDaly #EntrepreneursVsMonopoly #UnfairCompetition #Uber #Lyft #JitneyWars #WillDaly #PortlandRailwayLight&Power #PGE #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Jan. 3, 2016 | Governor Charles Martin's goons were dirty fighters, but incompetent (Part 3 of 3) | 1930s | #Salem #USArmy #General #Fascism #HistoryChanged #War #Racism #Black #FreeSpeech #LaborStrife #Progressivism #BadCops #WILLAMETTEvalley #MARIONcounty | |
2015 ARTICLES: |
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Dec. 27, 2015 | Gov. Martin tried to run Oregon like an Army base | 1930s | #Salem #USArmy #General #Fascism #HistoryChanged #War #Racism #Black #FreeSpeech #LaborStrife #Progressivism #BadCops #WILLAMETTEvalley #MARIONcounty | |
Dec. 20, 2015 | Oregon’s own would-be fascist dictator: Charles Martin | 1890s, 1900s, 1910s | #Salem #USArmy #General #Fascism #HistoryChanged #War #Racism #Black #FreeSpeech #LaborStrife #Progressivism #BadCops #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Dec. 13, 2015 | Collection of “history hoarder” now a priceless treasure | 1870s, 1880s, 1890s | #GeorgeHimes #FrancesFullerVictor #OregonHistoricalSociety #Historian #OregonTrail #Portland #MorningOregonian #AnnaRiggs #GeoffreyWexler #OregonPioneerAssociation #Temperance #JoaquinMiller #HarveyScott #FredericYoung #KimbarkMacColl #Artifacts #AmandaLaugesen #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Dec. 6, 2015 | Incompetence and a labor strike led to deadly shipwreck | 1920s | #InternationalSeamensUnion #Strike #WW1 #Steamship #Alaska #PortlandSteamshipCo #EdgarHorner #CapeMendocino #Shipwreck #BoilerExplosion #CaptainHarryHobey #EDDupree #Fatal #COAST #OFFSHORE #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Nov. 29, 2015 | Charity Lamb, Oregon’s most misunderstood ax-murderess | 1850s | #NathanielLamb #Collins #MalcolmClark #Abuse #Wifebeater #OregonTrail #MaryAnnLamb #DeathThreats #AbramLamb #ThomasLamb #DrPresleyWelch #Murder #HawthorneAsylum #RonaldLansing #Fatal #PDXmetro #CLACKAMAScounty | |
Nov. 22, 2015 | The all-night municipal gunfight in the town of Ione | 1900s | #CharlesEarhart #Prison #MaryGranger #HenryClark #IoneHotel #HeppnerGazette #Shotgun #DeputyWalterCason #Gunfight #Fatal #OUTBACK #MORROWcounty | |
Nov. 15, 2015 | Monmouth’s 150-year tradition of Prohibition in Oregon | 1850s, 2010s | #Prohibition #VolsteadAct #WCTU #DryTown #DisciplesOfChrist #WOU #RaphaelLande #WilliamLadd #KyleJansson #SimeonReed #Temperance #Independence #LiquorTax #OwnAnEdsel #VictorianTeaFestival #MonmouthMarketPlace #GordonRuss #WILLAMETTEvalley #POLKcounty | |
Nov. 8, 2015 | Keeping lighthouse running was hard, and expensive (Part 3 of 3 on Tillamook Rock Light) | 1880s, 1930s, 1950s | #TerribleTilly #Lighthouse #Fatal #JohnTrewaves #JamesGibbs #FlyingRocks #Flooding #FresnelLens #WilliamHall #HenryJenkins #HenryGoetz #Seaside #ShortwaveRadio #LighthouseService #USCG #Columbarium #GhostTown #COAST #CLATSOPcounty | |
Nov. 2, 2015 | To get help building lighthouse, bosses had to be sneaky (Part 2 of 3 on Tillamook Rock Light) | 1880s | #TerribleTilly #Lighthouse #FresnelLens #ThomasCorwin #TillamookRock #JohnTrewaves #LighthouseService #USCG #TillamookHead #Shanghaiers #Astoria #Lupatia #Shipwreck #Fatal #COAST #CLATSOPcounty | |
Oct. 25, 2015 | Tillamook Lighthouse ghost greeted keeper on first night | 1940s | #TerribleTilly #Lighthouse #DrunkDogPluto #Alcatraz #TillamookRock #JapaneseInvasion #LighthouseService #USCG #TillamookHead #JamesGibbs #Triumph #BreechesBuoy #Haunted #GhostStories #Goose #BrokenWing #COAST #CLATSOPcounty | |
Oct. 18, 2015 | Daring rescue saved 49, made skipper toast of the coast | 1910s | #CaptainBuckBailey #Tatoosh #Washington #PeacockSpit #ColumbiaRiverBar #DriveScrew #CaptainGeorgeWinkel #GreenWater #SteamSchooners #MaryFullmer #SalvageTugboat #JamesGibbs #Insurance #PugetSoundTowBoatCo #COAST #CLATSOPcounty | |
Oct. 11, 2015 | A tale of two heroes of two different Civil Wars | 1900s, 1910s, 1920s | #CrystalLakeCemetery #JohnRichardNewtonBell #ThomasThorp #Methodist #Confederate #MandanaMajor #Newberg #Corvallis #GeorgeFoxUniversity #OSUBeavers #UODucks #MargaretKirk #BellField #MarryingParson #Masonic #OAC #OSU #CivilWarFootball #HatInRiver #RandolFletcher #WILLAMETTEvalley #BENTONcounty | |
Oct. 4, 2015 | Murderer shocked when Unwritten Law fails him | 1900s | #UnwrittenLaw #ThomasDickerson #Murderer #HarryGarrett #Teamster #Revolver #MarthaMessner #Pearl #Divorce #PreNuptialAgreement #Portland #SpousalAbuse #Wifebeater #SenecaFouts #Hanging #Manslaughter #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Sept. 27, 2015 | Unwritten Law wasn’t always a disastrous moral failure | 1900s | #WillametteValley #LaneCounty #UnwrittenLaw #HomerRoper #LeahPowell #OrlandoMurray #CharlesPowell #UncleJoab #PilotRock #WinchesterRifle #MurderTrial #SelfDefense #JohnBrown #BessieBrown #BillWisdom #SexAbuse #IkeWhitely #IkeNichols #DuckHunting #Shotgun #Vengeance #OUTBACK #WILLAMETTEvalley #MALHEURcounty #LANEcounty | |
Sept. 20, 2015 | Clean-cut case turned out to be sordid and complex (Gittings murder 2 of 2) | 1900s | #Albina #Murderer #Wifebeater #SpousalAbuse #MelvilleBradley #JosephSivener #Vaudeville #JohnGittings #KateKakarous #AggieVanders #Neglect #Christmas #Forgers #Prostitutes #NorthEnd #Hookers #Bigamists #CountyPoorhouse #FeebleMinded #UnwrittenLaw #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Sept. 13, 2015 | Cop's murder turned Portland against Unwritten Law (Gittings murder 1 of 2) | 1900s | #Albina #Murderer #Wifebeater #SpousalAbuse #MelvilleBradley #JosephSivener #Vaudeville #JohnGittings #KateBradley #AggieVanders #Funeral #OpenGrave #FuneralParlor #PortlandPolice #UnwrittenLaw #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Sept. 6, 2015 | Private manhunt ended with jury-approved murder | 1900s | #ClatsopCounty #UnwrittenLaw #SteamerAlliance #JohnBowlsby #Murder #CleveJennings #NorthBend #Astoria #NotGuilty #Jury #AnotherSlayerAcquitted #Assassination #RevengePlot #COAST #COOScounty #CLATSOPcounty | |
Aug. 30, 2015 | Man hailed as a hero for murdering sister’s ex-lover | 1900s | #UnwrittenLaw #OrlandoMurray #LincolnWhitney #MaryMurray #Pregnant #ShotgunWedding #Hubbard #HopFields #Lothario #FistfightingLawyer #NotGuilty #InsaneAsylum #Sex #Alcoholism #TemporaryInsanity #MarriageProposals #JohnLogan #WTVaughn #PunchTheSheriff #Scandal #ThankGodForIt #MobJustice #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty #CLACKAMAScounty | |
Aug. 23, 2015 | The Unwritten Law: A license to kill (but just for men) | 1880s, 1890s, 1900s, 1910s | #UnwrittenLaw #HonorKillings #Murderers #TemporaryInsanity #Lynching #HolyRollers #EdmundCreffield #CharlesReynolds #ProfessorHerbert #MiscarriageOfJustice #NoCourtInTheLand #Homewreckers #KissTheCorpse #MassHysteria #STATEWIDE | |
Aug. 16, 2015 | The ones that got away: Almost-shipwrecks on the bar | 1880s, 1900s | #ColumbiaRiverBar #Shipwrecks #QueenOfThePacific #CaptEzekielAlexander #Stranded #Salvage #Beached #PacificCoastSteamshipCo #BlankCheck #Tugboats #CJBrenham #GeneralMiles #Sidi #CaptJHill #Becalmed #DraggedAnchor #SandIsland #SeaWaif #Barque #Poltalloch #ProfessorKoch #Fulton #COAST #CLATSOPcounty | |
Aug. 9, 2015 | Six picnickers were only victims of balloon bombs | 1940s | #WW2 #ImperialJapan #BalloonBombs #RevArchcieMitchell #ElyseMitchell #MissionaryAllianceChurch #Bly #SubarineI25 #CoastGuardBeachPatrols #ShermanShoemaker #JayClifford #EddieEngen #DickPatzke #JoanPatzke #Explosion #NewsCensorship #TillamookBurn #LeeJuillerat #SOUTHERN #LAKEcounty #KLAMATHcounty | |
Aug. 2, 2015 | Shark shipwreck: Navy’s loss was Cannon Beach's gain (Part 2 of 2 on Shark shipwreck) | 1840s | #CannonBeachHistoryCenter #ColumbiaRiverBar #USNavy #Deserters #Sailors #Shipwreck #USSShark #OregonTerritory #Astoria #CabinFever #CaptNeilHowison #British #JointOccupancyTreaty #Toulon #Barque #EbbTide #ClatsopSpit #Lifeboats #NoFatalities #PeacockSpit #HudsonsBayCo #COAST #CLATSOPcounty | |
July 26, 2015 | Schooner doomed by skipper’s fear of skipping sailors (Part 1 of 2 on Shark shipwreck) | 1840s | #JohnMcLoughlin #ColumbiaRiverBar #USNavy #Deserters #Sailors #Shipwreck #JohnTice #USSShark #OregonTerritory #Astoria #CabinFever #CaptNeilHowison #PirateHunter #BaltimoreClipper #Liberia #Hellships #SlaverHunter #CommodorePerry #KeyWest #British #JointOccupancyTreaty #COAST #CLATSOPcounty | |
July 19, 2015 | Oregon’s 20th-century “gold rush”: The quest for uranium | 1950s | #AMetal #Nuclear #AtomicEnergy #Yellowcake #GoldRush #Uranium238 #Carnotite #ColdWar #Prospectors #GeigerCounters #Lakeview #SteensMountain #EarlSheridan #KlamathFalls #MiningClaim #WhiteKingMind #LuckyLassMine #FremontNationalForest #AlphaRadiation #SuperfundCleanup #OUTBACK #BAKERcounty #LAKEcounty | |
July 12, 2015 | Blundering robber turned out to be Joaquin Miller’s son | 1890s | #SingerOfTheSierras #DeadbeatDad #HighwayRobber #Stagecoach #Bandit #WellsFargo #ExpressBox #CharlesLambert #SheriffStandley #BallardRifle #Willits #GeorgeMiller #HarryMiller #MinnieMyrrtle #CoosBay #Burglars #Prison #Jailbreak #SantaRosa #Disowned #SanQuentin #Outlaws #JoaquinMiller #BadPoetry #WILLAMETTEvalley #MARIONcounty #COOScounty | |
July 5, 2015 | Sudden tempest caught steamship at worst possible time | 1930s | #Shipwreck #Steamship #Iowa #Fatal #ColumbiaRiverBar #DonMcLeod #Astoria #CharlesHubbard #CaptEdgarYates #PeacockSpit #Hurricane #Mayday #CapeDisappointment #CoastGuard #Onondaga #BeachSalvage #WorstDisaster #Graveyard #COAST #OFFSHORE #CLATSOPcounty | |
June 28, 2015 | Rosecrans rescue one of Coast Guard’s finest hours (Part 2 of 2 on Rosecrans shipwreck) | 1910s | #CursedShips #Rosecrans #ColumbiaRiverBar #Shipwreck #FearOfFire #SOS #CaptLucienJohnson #Tanker #PointAdamsLifestation #OscarWicklund #USCG #ClatsopSpit #Astoria #MerrymanMotorLifeboat #Rescuers #Tatoosh #PeacockSpit #AlfredRimer #TugboatFearless #ColumbiaLightship #EParsons #COAST #OFFSHORE #CLATSOPcounty | |
June 21, 2015 | Cursed or not, S.S. Rosecrans was unusually unlucky (Part 1 of 2 on Rosecrans shipwreck) | 1910s | #CursedShips #Rosecrans #ColumbiaRiverBar #Tanker #AssociatedOilCo #WhitelawSalvage #CaptLucienJohnson #TillamookRockLight #CapeDisappointment #DesdemonaSandsLight #JohnSlinning #FredPeters #Rescue #Fatal #Shipwreck #NavigationError #COAST #OFFSHORE #CLATSOPcounty | |
June 14, 2015 | “Ship of Romance and Death” came to a dramatic end | 1900s | #CursedShips #Melanope #Superstition #LuckyDog #Northland #Dismasted #WitchesCurse #SuicideAttempt #GhostOfEmmaTaylor #Adultery #Mistress #Astoria #Barge #ComoxHarbour #VancouverIsland #StillThere #JamesGibbs #COAST #OFFSHORE #CLATSOPcounty | |
June 7, 2015 | The small-town police chief who was executed for murder | 1940s, 1950s | #SandyPoliceChief #ChiefStoneman #OttoAustinLoel #DUII #SecurityGuard #DayDrinker #MayorJohnMills #ElizabethJeanneHenderson #OklahomaCity #CigaretteBurns #Fugitive #NymphomaniaLibel #ElectricChair #Execution #WallyHunter #MichaelWilson #PDXmetro #CLACKAMAScounty | |
May 31, 2015 | FBI’s “Most Wanted” gangster was busted in Beaverton | 1950s | #JohnMcCullough #Drywall #Plasterer #FBI #MostWanted #ThomasJamesHolden #Murderer #Gangster #Alcatraz #BankRobber #Leavenworth #Jailbird #TommyHolden #Prison #DavidWard #Outlaw #Manhunt #Fugitive #PDXmetro #WASHINGTONcounty | |
May 24, 2015 | Oregon’s highest, smallest city once had its jail stolen | 1890s, 1900s, 1910s, 1960s | #GrantCounty #GreenhornCity #CanyonCity #BlueMountains #GrantCountyCourthouse #GhostTown #Blockhouse #StolenJailhouse #CityCharter #PresidentJamesPolk #LambertFlorin #GoldMining #MilesPotter #Boomtown #JoaquinMiller #OUTBACK #BAKERcounty | |
May 17, 2015 | Mount Angel Abbey owes grandeur to colorful Swiss monk | 1880s, 1890s, 1900s | #AdelhelmOdermatt #FatherODermott #Swiss #Benedictine #Seminary #MtAngel #Priory #EngelbergAbbey #Fillmore #Fundraising #MountAngelCollege #Fire #AbbotThomasMeienhofer #Showmanship #AaltoLibrary #WILLAMETTEvalley #MARIONcounty | |
May 10, 2015 | Storm-tossed ships shared a double date with destiny | 1850s | #ColumbiaRiverBar #Mindora #Merrithew #Barques #Christmas #Astoria #CaptGeorgeStaples #Becalmed #Stranded #MiddleSands #Lifeboat #ClatsopSpit #DisappearingShipwrecks #NorthHead #ShoalwaterBay #NoFatalities #COAST #CLATSOPcounty | |
May 3, 2015 | Oregon’s Doolittle raiders made history in startling ways (Part 3 of 3 on Doolittle Raiders) | 1940s | #Pendleton #ColonelDeanDavenport #RupturedDuck #30SecondsOverTokyo #PlaneCrash #B25s #SgtJacobDeShazer #Madras #BatOutOfHell #Prisoner #Missionary #ReturnToJapan #CaptMitsuoFuchida #GenDavyJones #CoosBay #Nazis #POWcamp #TheGreatEscape #VirgilHilts #OUTBACK #MORROWcounty | |
April 26, 2015 | The Oregonians who flew with the Doolittle raid (Part 2 of 3 on Doolittle Raiders) | 1940s | #Pendleton #HenryPotter #Navigator #B25s #RobertClever #JimmyDoolittle #Revenge #ImperialJapan #JapaneseSubmarine #PlaneCrash #RobertEmmens #USSR #StrikeOnTokyo #EverettHolstrom #OSU #AllanCain #USAF #OUTBACK #MORROWcounty | |
April 19, 2015 | Famous “Doolittle Raid” had roots in Pendleton air base (Doolittle Raiders, 1 of 3) | 1940s | #Pendleton #NobuoFujita #B25s #JapaneseSubmarine #JimmyDoolittle #Revenge #ImperialJapan #Humiliation #MedalOfHonor #Airstrike #Bombers #StrikeOnTokyo #MaryClaireKendall #AllanCain #USAF #OUTBACK #MORROWcounty | |
April 12, 2015 | French sailors miraculously saved from death on bar | 1840s | #Shipwreck #ColumbiaRiverBar #GraveyardOfThePacific #Aground #Lifeboats #EtoileDuMatin #ArchbishopBlanchet #CaptFrancisMenes #NoBarPilot #BadMaps #KeelBrokeOff #MorningStar #OneFatality #COAST #CLATSOPcounty | |
April 4, 2015 | Pioneering historian earned recognition, but little money (Frances Fuller Victor, 2 of 2) | 1880s, 1890s, 1900s | #ElwoodEvans #JesseApplegate #Columbiad #TheRiverOfTheWest #MarcusWhitman #HenryVictor #TemperanceCrusaders #Suffrage #HubertHoweBancroftPlagiarist #Ghostwriter #Potboilers #MotherOfOregonHistory #OregonHistoricalSociety #Journalism #Writers #StHelens #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
March 29, 2015 | Legendary “authoress” started with poetry, dime novels (Frances Fuller Victor, 1 of 2) | 1860s, 1870s | #FrancesFullerVictor #MatthewDeady #Journalist #MettaFuller #JacksonBarritt #DimeNovels #PulpFiction #CivilWar #HenryVictor #USNavy #FlorenceFane #BrotherJonathan #AddisonGibbs #OregonIronWorks #MotherOfOregonHistory #JimMartin #HazelEmeryMills #SheriBartlettBrown #Portland #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
March 22, 2015 | Civil War plotters hoped to get West Coast to secede | 1860s | #Salem #Sedition #Secession #Confederate #PacificRepublic #JosephLane #CivilWar #SouthernDemocrats #Slavery #AsahelBush #SalemClique #AlisVolatPropriis #Centennial #DorothyHull #WILLAMETTEvalley #MARIONcounty | |
March 15, 2015 | Coast Guard “Sand Pounders” kept Oregon Coast secure from Japanese invasion | 1940s | #WW2 #ImperialJapan #USCG #FortStevens #BombsOverBrookings #Beachpatrol #Horses #AWS #Nazis #DonMarshall #JamesGibbs #COAST | |
March 8, 2015 | Edgar Rice Burroughs' gold-dredge scheme failed — luckily for Tarzan fans | 1900s | #SnakeRiver #GoldMining #BucketLineDredge #Cowboys #Pocatello #Cavalry #Gamblers #Greenhorn #Sumpter #EmmaBurroughs #Munseys #APrincessOfMars #JohnCarterOfMars #TarzanOfTheApes #RobertFenton #IrwinPorges #EdgarRiceBurroughs #OUTBACK #BAKERcounty | |
March 1, 2015 | Shipwrecked sailors from Emily G. Reed drifted from Oregon to Puget Sound | 1900s | #EmilyGReed #Barque #DownEaster #CaptKessel #FredZube #Lifeboat #HighTide #RockawayBeach #Stranded #TatooshLighthouse #StraitOfJuanDeFuca #Teckla #NeahBay #TillamookBay #Survivors #LeakyBoat #LoriTobias #DonMarshall #COAST #TILLAMOOKcounty | |
Feb. 22, 2015 | Lafe Pence's crazy plan: Move mountains down, fill up lake | 1900s | #MiningLaw #FreeSilver #PopulistParty #HouseOfRepresentatives #GuildLake #CentennialExposition #ColonelHawkins #MacleayPark #ForestPark #OlmsteadPlan #BullRun #WaterRights #BalchCreek #Fairgrounds #Flumes #Dynamite #MayorHarryLane #ScotchNubbin #BankPanic #PortOfPortland #GabrielListon #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Feb. 15, 2015 | Bold bandits robbed express train three miles from Roseburg | 1890s | #RoseburgPlaindealer #TrainRobbery #Railroad #JudgeCharlesBellinger #Posse #Dynamite #ShadyPoint #JackCase #JamesPoole #BobHinman #MrMorris #MrLindsey #MrHendricks #MrButler #Shotgun #MichaelWilson #Steilacoom #SOUTHERN #DOUGLAScounty | |
Feb. 8, 2015 | Cow Creek Canyon robbers weren’t afraid to blow stuff up | 1890s | #Riddle #TrainRobbery #Explosions #Railroad #BaritoneBandit #Dynamite #Outlaw #JBWaite #Torpedo #EverettGray #AAFitch #SheriffCFCathcart #GeorgeQuine #StillyRiddle #GiantPowder #NicholsStation #JohnCase #CowCreek #RMichaelWilson #SOUTHERN #DOUGLAScounty | |
Feb. 1, 2015 | When the rebel flag flew over Oregon soil: The last stand of the Smithfield Rebels | 1860s | #Smithfield #DixieOfTheWest #RebelYells #StarsAndBars #FederalTroops #Franklin #Cheshire #StagecoachLine #TerritorialHighway #LynchMob #LongTomRiver #AndrewMcCornack #USCavalry #DeserterArmstrong #ElwinMcCornack #GlennAplin #RandolFletcher #CivilWar #RedVsGray #WILLAMETTEvalley #LANEcounty | |
Jan. 25, 2015 | Oregon crooks have always enjoyed their dynamite | 1880s, 1890s, 1900s | #Extortion #FailingSchool #Jailbreak #Explosions #Murder #Robbery #DBCooper #Railroads #DavidHeesh #KellyButte #HarryEdwards #WallaWalla #GeorgeGowan #AdelineBeck #SidneyWallace #Sellwood #BlastingCaps #WilliamKessler #MountHood #TrainRobbery #STATEWIDE | |
Jan. 18, 2015 | How to rob trains with dynamite: Tips from the pros | 1890s, 1900s, 1910s | #Satire #BillMiner #Dynamite #Robbery #Jailbreak #Punkd #Railroad #CharlesManning #AlbertMeadors #JohnCase #JamesPoole #BlackieDuQuesne #Infomercial #ExpresssCar #TrainRobbery #STATEWIDE | |
Jan. 11, 2015 | Dynamite used to be a regular part of Oregon life | 1900s, 1910s, 1920s | #Farming #ConstructionProjects #DIYdynamite #BATF #Nitroglycerin #BlastingCap #WileECoyote #Detonator #GelatineDynamite #IrvinReed #GeorgeBanks #DynamiteKid #RichardDillon #ShanghaiingDays #CascadeLocks #Explosions #STATEWIDE | |
Jan. 4, 2015 | Express clerk's silence foiled train robbers in Saginaw heist | 1900s | #Saginaw #Eugene #TrainRobbery #LaneCounty #Unsolved #BJLucas #Dynamite #Outlaw #Shooting #RobertGittens #CharlesCharles #EvansSontagGang #Goshen #SouthLaneCounty #ExpressCar #WILLAMETTEvalley #LANEcounty | |
2014 ARTICLES: |
[return to top of page] | |||
Dec. 28, 2014 | Roseburg's Civil War “Champagne Riot” likely wasn't what you think | 1860s | #ChampagneRiot #ChristmasParty #CivilWar #DixieOfTheWest #Roseburg #SouthernDemocrats #GoodesMill #JosephChampagne #SolomonCulver #JohnFitzhugh #AbeCrow #BobForbes #John Hanan #Journalist #Copperhead #FrankBarringer #Gunfight #Murder #AshClayton #TomThompson #JeffLaLande #SOUTHERN #DOUGLAScounty | |
Dec. 21, 2014 | Oregon Senator Joseph Lane almost became President; luckily for everyone, he didn't | 1860s | #Salem #JosephLane #Confederate #Conspiracy #Slavery #PacificRepublic #AbrahamLincoln #CivilWar #SouthernDemocrats #ElectoralCollege #FusionTicket #JohnBreckenridge #StephenDouglas #SiSheppard #DickPintarich #WILLAMETTEvalley #MARIONcounty | |
Dec. 14, 2014 | Simpson timber empire made Coos Bay a shipbuilding Mecca | 1850s, 1860s, 1870s, 1910s | #NorthBend #Marshfield #Lumber #TimberCulture #Marine #AsaSimpson #GoldRush #SRJackson #JohnKruse #CoosBayShipbuildingCo #KruseAndBanks #Novelty #WesternShore #LouisSimpson #StephenDowBeckham #StevePriske #SteveNasburg #SouthCoast #COAST #COOScounty | |
Dec. 7, 2014 | Free-love “Harmonial Brotherhood” colony was a disaster (Henderson Luelling 2 of 2) | 1850s | #Schooner #SailingShip #TigerIsland #Hydropathy #Sailors #TropicalDisease #Cult #FruitTrees #OregonTrail #LaVentosa #HarmonialDiet #DiscordantDevils #EggWar #NoLadies #GulfOfFonseca #ComoRiver #Honduras #WaterCure #PDXmetro #CLACKAMAScounty | |
Nov. 30, 2014 | The father of Oregon’s nursery industry's “free-love” cult (Henderson Luelling 1 of 2) | 1850s | #HendersonLuelling #HarmonialBrotherhood #FreeLove #HygienicMedicine #Hydropathy #ApplesToOregon #DeborahHopkins #SethLewelling #Vegetarians #Utopia #SchoonerSantiago #DrT #Zihuatanejo #HeatherArndtAnderson #SaraBWrenn #PDXmetro #CLACKAMAScounty | |
Nov. 23, 2014 | Shouldn’t Oregon’s official language be Chinook? | 1830s, 1840s, 1850s | #ChinookJargon #Pidgin #ChinukWawa #Frontier #FrenchVoyageurs #TradingLanguage #Patois #OfficialStateLanguage #ConfederatedTribes #GrandRonde #OregonNativeTongue #Indians #ChesterFee #STATEWIDE | |
Nov. 16, 2014 | Wreck of the steamer U.S. Grant: Baffling historical mystery | 1870s | #Riverboat #ClintonKelly #CaptJDHGray #Ilwwaco #OregonSteamNavigationCo #Astoria #FortCanby #ColumbiaRiverBar #SandIsland #JamesGibbs #EWWright #GraveyardOfThePacific #Astoria #USGrant #COAST #CLATSOPcounty | |
Nov. 9, 2014 | Nutty 1890s governor left Oregon with two Thanksgivings | 1890s | #SylvesterPennoyer #SylpesterAnnoyer #Populist #GroverCleveland #Racism #AntiChinese #FreeSilver #GoldStandard #DepressionOf1893 #HisEccentricity #FDR #DickPintarich #Holidays #WILLAMETTEvalley #MARIONcounty | |
Nov. 2, 2014 | The short, tragic story of Portland's municipal whale | 1930s | #Portland #Columbia #Orca #MelBlanc #Nimrods #FishAndGame #ShowBiz #StHelens #Harpoon #Whaling #Ethelbert #JimmyMcCoolsWhale #JantzenBeach #EdwardLessard #TheHootOwls #LeofricHylton #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Oct. 26, 2014 | Scholarly Albany flyer was true father of Oregon aviation | 1910s | #JohnnyBurkhart #GeneralWillieCrawford #HenryWemme #WhiteStag #GlennCurtiss #WillLipman #AeronauticalEngineer #WrightBrothers #Cornell #Aviator #MabelGoss #WW1 #USArmy #AirCorps #Tuberculosis #WILLAMETTEvalley #LINNcounty | |
Oct. 19, 2014 | Offer of bonus turned out badly for owner of wrecked ship | 1850s | #Astoria #ColumbiaRiverBarPilot #Shipwrecks #FrancisWilliams#DesdemonaSands #Sailors #ThomasSmith #ChinookSands #Lighthouse #JamesGibbsJr #DonMarshall #MadelineDickerson #COAST #CLATSOPcounty | |
Oct. 12, 2014 | Port Orford PR wizard managed “secession” like a movie (Jefferson Secession 2 of 2) | 1940s | #StateOfJefferson #MayorGilbertGable #Roadbuilding #PortOrfordHarbor #Yreka #Cavemania #DelNorteCounty #SiskiyouCounty#CrescentCity #BorderPatrol #SecessionThursdays #PearlHarbor #StantonDelaplane #RichardReinhardt #COAST #SOUTHERN #CURRYcounty #JosephineCounty #JacksonCounty #KlamathCounty | |
Oct. 5, 2014 | Famous 1941 “secession” largely a publicity stunt (Jefferson Secession 1 of 2) | 1940s | #CurryCounty #JosephineCounty #KlamathCounty #StateOfJefferson #StantonDelaplane #SanFranciscoChronicle #GilbertGable #DinosaurHunter #NavajoChief #NBCRadioStar #Paleontology #TheodoreVail #BellTelephone #Moviemaker #HighwayOfAdventure #PortOrford #ICC #Railroad #PeterLaufer #COAST #SOUTHERN #CURRYcounty #JosephineCounty #JacksonCounty #KlamathCounty | |
Sept. 28, 2014 | Indian prince was Japan's introduction to the West (Ranald MacDonald 2 of 2) | 1840s, 1850s, 1860s, 1870s | #RanaldMacDonald #ChiefConcomly #PrincessRaven #Chinuk #ArchibaldMcDonald #BritishColumbia #Nagasaki #Japan #Diplomacy #WilliamGriffis #TeachingEnglish #Australia #GoldRush #FraserRiver #FortColville #JoAnnRoe #COLUMBIAriver #CLATSOPcounty | |
Sept. 21, 2014 | A secret Native American prince's quest to reach Japan (Ranald MacDonald 1 of 2) | 1820s, 1830s, 1840s | #RanaldMacDonald #ArchibaldMcDonald #Chinuk #Chinook #PrincessRaven #ChiefConcomly #Riverboat #TooleToole #Indian #NativeAmerican #Sailor #WhalingShip #Japan #FortVancouver #Hokkaido #JoAnnRoe #COLUMBIAriver #CLATSOPcounty | |
Sept. 14, 2014 | Legendary “Chief Bigfoot” as elusive as his hairy namesake | 1860s | #BakerCounty #Sasquatch #Cryptids #ChiefBigfoot #Indians #BannockWar #TJSutton #JohnWheeler #HighwayRobber #Stagecoach #Bandit #StarrWilkinson #CherokeeNation #WagonTrain #Nampa #BillGulick #JohnHailey #Racism #OUTBACK #MALHEURcounty #BAKERcounty | |
Sept. 7, 2014 | Fred Merrill brought bikes to women; prostitutes took 'em away | 1880s, 1890s, 1900s, 1910s | #BikeBusiness #StuntRiders #RideARambler #Velocipedes #CarrieMoor #FredMerrill #Boneshakers #OrdinaryBicycle #PennyFarthing #HenryWemme #GovernorGeer #Scorchers #WomensLiberation #Hookers #LiverpoolLiz #BicycleFace #KeepPortlandWideOpen #Promoters #StewartHolbrook #JDChandler #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Aug. 31, 2014 | Portland stunt made local aero-daredevil Silas Christofferson world famous | 1910s | #Barnstormer #MultnomahHotel #RooftopFlight #Aviator #HubertLatham #DoItFirst #Pioneer #FABennett #AutoRacing #MotorboatRacer #EmmaBecker #StuntFlying #RedwoodCity #FlyingSchool #PlaneCrash #CrossedControls #Fatal #PatrickHarris #KenScott #Promoters #Showmen #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Aug. 24, 2014 | Massive war game covered Central Oregon in 1943 | 1940s | #WW2 #Soldiers #Training #DeadeyeDivision #SwampAdair #PowderRiver #TimberWolves #OregonManeuver #RedVsBlue #Wagontire #JamesBradley #AlexanderPatch #CampWhite #CampAbbot #Logistics #DeschutesRiver #Burns #ItalianCampaign #GothicLine #Philippines #Okinawa #France #PhilBrogan #STATEWIDE | |
Aug. 17, 2014 | Massive steamer wrecked by future Costa Rica Navy admiral | 1880s | #ColumbiaRiverBar #Shipwreck #ThomasDoig #Pelican #GreatRepublic #CostaRica #SandIsland #PBCornwall #CaptainJamesCarroll #Pilot #FortCanby #JamesGibbsJr #DonMarshall #COAST #CLATSOPcounty | |
Aug. 10, 2014 | Thousands of Oregonians remember replanting forests (Tillamook Burn 3 of 3) | 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s | #CoastRange #JamesJohnGradeSchool #ODF #USFS #Schoolchildren #ArthurPriaulx #WestCoastLumbermensAssoc #NelsRogers #EarlSnell #Hodags #Hoedads #TomMcCall #Wildfire #ForestFire #ReplantingProgram #MolallaGradeSchool #DonaldStotler #EllisLucia #GailWells #COAST #TILLAMOOKcounty | |
Aug. 3, 2014 | Tillamook Burn “blew up” with shocking speed (Tillamook Burn 2 of 3) | 1930s | #WashingtonCounty #EmergencyEvacuation #CoastRange #BlowUp #Firestorms #FogBank #USFS #CCC #StateForester #LynnCronemiller #StewartHolbrook #DougDecker #Wildfire #ForestFire #SalvageLogging #JapaneseBalloonBombs #ReplantingProgram #DougKenckCrispin #AndyLindberg #TillamookBurn #COAST #TILLAMOOKcounty | |
July 27, 2014 | Massive forest fire sprang from logging crew's unwise gamble (Tillamook Burn 1 of 3) | 1930s | #GyppoLoggers #GalesCreekCanyon #HighLead #Dragline #YacoltBurn #USFS #LookoutTowers #SaddleMountain #CCC #StateForester #LynnCronemiller #StewartHolbrook #DougDecker #Wildfire #ForestFire #SalvageLogging #PDXmetro #WASHINGTONcounty | |
July 20, 2014 | The Coyote of Portland’s waterfront mythos (Bunco Kelley 2 of 2) | 1880s, 1890s | #ClatsopCounty #JosephKelley #BuncoKelly #SpiderJohnson #CigarStoreIndian #Hookers #Bordellos #Prostitution #FlyingPrince #SnugHarborSaloon #Crimps #JohnsonAndSons #UndertakingParlor #Formaldehyde #Astoria #GreatRumpus #Shanghaiers #SailorsBoardinghouse #Underworld #StewartHolbrook #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
July 13, 2014 | Oregon's most notorious shanghai artist: “Bunco” Kelley (Bunco Kelley 1 of 2) | 1880s, 1890s | #JosephKelley #BuncoKelly #Crimps #Shanghaiers #SailorsBoardinghouse #WilliamKelley #HumanTrafficking #Prizefighters #Underworld #Entrepreneur #LarrySullivan #ElectionFraud #OpiumSmuggling #JamesLotan #NatBlum #GeorgeSayres #ClatsopCounty #BobGarthorn #Prison #BarneyBlalock #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
July 6, 2014 | Rumors of sunken submarines: Government denies it, but L. Ron Hubbard disagrees | 1940s | #WW2 #ImperialJapaneseNavy #Submarines #Scientology #PulpFictionWriters #CapeKiwanda #NaziUBoat #PC815 #BattleOfCapeLookout #Airships #SC536 #RobertWood #USNavy #BombardingMexico #KathleenWallis #OregonCoastProject #TillamookBlimps #LoriTTobias #JamesBuchanan #RobertSables #DonMarshall #COAST #TILLAMOOKcounty | |
June 29, 2014 | Atlantis in the Beaver State: Underwater Lost Cities of Oregon | 1940s, 1950s | #Dams #FloodControl #KlamathJunction #EmigrantCreek #TalentIrrigationDistrict #BureauOfReclamation #Robinette #BakerCity #BrownleeReservoir #SnakeRiver #LookoutPointReservoir #Landax #Eula #Lawler #Signal #Reserve #Carter #Lowell #CorpsOfEngineers #CeliloVillage #Indians #CeliloFalls #BIA #ColumbiaRiver #STATEWIDE | |
June 22, 2014 | Pioneer Chinese doctor was a municipal treasure in John Day | 1880s, 1890s, 1900s, 1910s | #IngHay #DocHay #LungOn #Leon #KuLi #Coolie #Discrimination #ExclusionAct #Guangdong #Pulsologist #PontiacDealer #KamWahChung #BloodPoisoning #AMA #SpanishFlu #PandemicOf1918 #FanTan #Opium #JohnDay #JeffreyBarlow #BethHarrington #OUTBACK #GRANTcounty | |
June 15, 2014 | Did Vortex music festival prevent riots in downtown Portland? (Part 3 of 3 on Vortex I) | 1970s | #VortexOne #VictoryInVietnam #Counterculture #GlennJackson #BobbyWehe #GlenSwift #ElectricWine #MattLove #NakedLadies #SpiroAgnew #MemorialColiseum #MeierAndFrank #DrugCulture #Youth #GovernorsPotParty #PDXmetro #CLACKAMAScounty #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
June 8, 2014 | Governor McCall expected “Vortex I” to cost him the election (Part 2 of 3 on Vortex I) | 1970s | #Hippies #DopeSmoking #MusicFestival #TomMcCall #FBI #TheFamily #McIverStatePark #Woodstock #RonSchmidt #RobertOliver #Estacada #PortlandHilton #EricCain #Portland #NationalGuard #EdWesterdahl #RiotGear #WILLAMETTEvalley #MARIONcounty | |
June 1, 2014 | Riot at PSU set the stage for “Governor’s Pot Party” (Part 1 of 3 on Vortex I) | 1970s | #RichardNixon #Cambodia #KentState #PSU #ParksBlock #TerrySchrunk #FrankIvancie #Police #DavidHorowitz #PeoplesArmyJamboree #AmericanLegion #Riots #Protests #BrandonStaley #DougKenckCrispin #AndyLindberg #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
May 25, 2014 | Pirates were defeated in Yaquina Bay Oyster War | 1860s | #OysterPirates #Newport #JackLondon #Oysterville #SiletzIndians #Treaty #Olympia #SolomonDodge #SloopFanny #JamesWinant #SchoonerAnnieGDoyle #Royalty #DreadPirateHillyer #CordeliaTerry #USArmy #BenSimpson #Fistfight #MeiertWachsmuth #DanAndLouis #OysterBar #DonMarshall #KatyMuldoon #COAST #LINCOLNcounty | |
May 18, 2014 | Portland's Pioneer Square could have been a “crystal palace” | 1960s, 1970s, 1980s | #UrbanRenewal #RobertMoses #LawrenceHalprin #ErnieBonner #RandyGragg #PortlandDevelopmentCommission #Hippies #PioneerCourthouse #SexBums #GlassAtrium #DesignCompetition #WillardMartin #JDouglasMacy #TerrenceODonnell #SpencerGill #LeeKelly #BrickSales #MollyOReilly #GreggKantor #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
May 11, 2014 | NASA's “Moon Trees” have roots in an Oregon forest fire | 1970s | #StuartRoosa #Astronaut #ScottLeavengood #Smokejumpers #USAF #TestPilots #ApolloSpaceProgram #TreeSeedsOnTheMoon #AlShepard #EdMitchell #GolfBalls #Bicentennial #MoonLandrieu #WillametteHall #UO #OSU #PeavyHall #DarrellJabin #DavidWilliams #STATEWIDE | |
May 4, 2014 | The mysterious disappearance of a schooner's entire crew | 1880s | #JCCousins #PilotBoat #Schooner #Astoria #ColumbiaRiverBar #TugboatMaryTaylor #AbandonShip #Zeiber #Xtheories #GhostShip #JamesGibbs #LewisAndDryden #MaritimeMystery #SailedByItself #COAST #CLATSOPcounty | |
April 27, 2014 | Japanese shipwrecks on Oregon Coast likely predate Columbus | 1830s | #John Ottoson #HojunMaru #Otokichi #Shogunate #KuroshioCurrent #Shipwreck #CharlesBrooks #BlownOutToSea #NorthPacificCurrent #Junks #CapeFlattery #MakahTribe #Iwakichi #JohnMcLoughlin #HudsonsBayCo #ThomasMcKay #CassandraTate #JamesGibbs #COAST | |
April 20, 2014 | Bad batch of “dehorn” alcohol killed 28 hobos on Skid Road | 1930s | #WoodAlcohol #DenaturedAlcohol #BenVotruba #CannedHeatKing #Sterno #Squeeze #PioneerDrugstore #Poison #FormicAcid #Coma #Fatal #SolomonMiller #Murder #Manslaughter #Methanol #MassCasualty #FrankMenne #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
April 13, 2014 | Beavercreek Bomber: Give me $1 million or the lights go out | 1970s | #Brightwood #BPA #BonnevilleDam #HighVoltage #Dynamite #Maupin #TheDalles #Ransom #Extortion #Jayhawker #RVOVN #FBI #ForestFire #BullRun #DuckCall #CBRadio #MorseCode #TriangulatedSignal #SoutheastPortland #DavidHeesch #SheilaHeesch #Terrorism #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty #CLACKAMAScounty | |
April 6, 2014 | Cayuse tribe's world-beating ponies are now very rare | 1860s, 1870s, 1880s, 1890s | #JoeCrabb #HorseRace #Betting #HowlishWampoo #WallaWalla #NezPerce #Umatilla #Cayuse #IndianTribes #WilliamLyman #OMCanfield #PendletonBankrupt #CayusePony #SpanishBarbs #Percherons #RachelBerry #JeffEdwards #PendletonRoundUp #JonDonnaSkovlin #WilliamLyman #OUTBACK #MORROWcounty | |
March 30, 2014 | Iconic movies filmed in Oregon, Part Three: 1975-1989 | 1970s, 1980s | #Movies #Famous #FishermansBride #Astoria #TheGeneral #CottageGrove #BusterKeaton #WreckedLocomotive #RowRiver #RachelAndTheStranger #Springfield #Eugene #BendOfTheRiver #BillGulick #JimmyStewart #ColumbiaRiver #Sternwheelers #Henderson #Portland #STATEWIDE | |
March 23, 2014 | Iconic movies filmed in Oregon, Part Two: 1965-1975 | 1960s, 1970s | #Shenandoah #Mohawk #Marcola #JoeDairy #AnneRichardson #PaintYourWagon #Musical #BakerCity #ClintEastwood #LeeMarvin #SometimesAGreatNotion #PaulNewman #KenKesey #RoosterCogburn #JohnWayne #KatharineHepburn #RogueRiver #CuckoosNest #JackNicholson #OregonStateHospital #STATEWIDE | |
March 16, 2014 | Iconic movies shot in Oregon, Part One: 1908 to 1952 | 1900s, 1920s, 1940s, 1950s | #Movies #Famous #AppleDumplingGang #Disney #DonKnotts #DeschutesCounty #TheShining #TimberlineLodge #AnimalHouse #UO #WilliamBoyd #JohnsonHall #Fishbowl #Goonies #Astoria #OregonFilmMuseum #StandByMe #CottageGrove #BlueGoose #SteamTrain #RowRiver #DrugstoreCowboy #GusVanSant #STATEWIDE | |
March 9, 2014 | Brutal “Oregon Boot” made our state prison famous | 1860s, 1870s, 1880s, 1900s | #Salem #Jailbreak #Cops #Prison #Invention #GardinerShackle #BallAndChain #OregonStatePenitentiary #Injury #OregonBoot #BuncoKelley #HarryTracy #DavidMerrill #WardMcAfee #JessicaRondema #WILLAMETTEvalley #MARIONcounty | |
March 2, 2014 | After logger's murder, bordello madam mysteriously vanished | 1910s | #KlamathFalls #Prostitution #BridgeOfSighs #JohnHunsaker #LinkRiver #AxMurder #CharlesLyons #StukelMountain #BenRobbs #FayeMelbourne #RedHouse #CometLodging #OldManHaley #BawdyHouse #ChiefSamuelWalker #MelanyTupper #ShallowGrave #SOUTHERN #KLAMATHcounty | |
Feb. 23, 2014 | Hank Vaughan in middle age: The outlaw as elder statesman (Part 3 of 3 on Hank Vaughan) | 1880s | #WascoCounty #LaneCounty #Auburn #MarthaRobie #BillyMays #LuteLane #Sodbusters #CattleBarons #BillFalwell #YoungerGang #JonAndDonnaSkovlin #BillGulick #CharlieLong #PrinevilleVigilantes #COLUMBIAriver #UMATILLAcounty #WASCOcounty | |
Feb. 16, 2014 | Becoming the West's most successful rustler (Part 2 of 3 on Hank Vaughan) | 1870s, 1880s | #UmatillaCounty #TheDalles #PilotRock #OregonStatePen #StockTheft #HorseThief #UmatillaIndianReservation #WallowaMountains #VaughanBasin #MarthaRobie #JonAndDonnaSkovlin #BillGulick #OUTBACK #WASCOcounty #UMATILLAcounty | |
Feb. 9, 2014 | Legendary hell-raising rustler Hank Vaughan: The early years (Part 1 of 3 on Hank Vaughan) | 1860s, 1870s, 1880s | #WascoCounty #UmatillaIndians #HankVaughan #HankVaughn #Rustlers #Gunfighters #NoahBrown #OldCrow #JonSkovlin #DonnaSkovlin #CanyonCity #WilliamHeadspot #DickBunton #SheriffFrankMaddock #JacksonHart #Auburn #JohnHailey #BillGulick #WILLAMETTEvalley #LANEcounty | |
Feb. 2, 2014 | Opium culture a long-forgotten part of the urban underworld | 1870s, 1880s, 1890s, 1900s | #OpiumDens #Chinatown #Smugglers #Slumming #KingBrady #ChasingTheDragon #HowToSmokeOpium #tael #JamesLotan #NatBlum #DunbarProduce #MerchantsSteamshipCo #DianaAhmad #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Jan. 26, 2014 | "Black Bart" Bolton: Charming gentleman by day, highway robber by night | 1870s, 1880s | #StagecoachRobber #Bandit #CharlesBoles #BlackBart #CharlesBolton #WellsFargo #SiskiyouPass #Poetry #ExpressBox #CaliforniaGoldRush #JimYuskavitch #GeorgeHoeper #SOUTHERN #JACKSONcounty | |
Jan. 19, 2014 | Portland is home of PT-658, the world's only working PT boat from WWII | 1990s, 2000s | #WW2 #USNavy #PT658 #Porpoise #TreasureIsland #PTboat #EarlBrown #OrlandoBrown #SauseBros #FossTowing #SwanIsland #CampWithycombe #ChuckFowler #BillStewart #Warship #RoseFestival #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Jan. 12, 2014 | George Baker, Portland's Vaudeville mayor, made city famous (and infamous) | 1910s, 1920s | #BakerStockTheatre #Vaudeville #Players #MayorGeorgeBaker #RoseFestival #GusMoser #Pantages #WillDaly #HenryPittock #Oregonian #AntiUnion #DockStrike #WW1 #RedScare #KuKluxKlan #Prohibition #Seaside #KarlKlooster #KimbarkMacColl #JewelLansing #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Jan. 5, 2014 | The Oregonian burgled mayoral candidate Will Daly's home to swing election against him | 1910s | #HenryPittock #Unions #Jitneys #Burglary #DirtyTricks #CityCouncil #WillDaly #PittockMansion #BullRunWater #MayorGeorgeBaker #SocialistParty #Jitneys #Streetcars #Monopoly #RobertJohnson #ShawnDaley #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
2013 ARTICLES: |
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Dec. 29, 2013 | Wives were stripped of American citizenship at the altar | 1910s, 1920s | #WW1 #Stateless #Immigrants #WoodrowWilson #WorstPresidentEver #German #HenryAlbers #WomenSuffrage #HattieBurbank #AdolphDahrens #GraceReimers #PaulReimers #CableAct #Citizenship #Progressivism #KimberlyJensen #KimbarkMacColl #STATEWIDE | |
Dec. 22, 2013 | Bad recording technique led FBI to investigate “Louie Louie” | 1960s | #TheKingsmen #MerseyBeat #LouieLouie #KenChase #KISN #KGONrocks #FBI #Obscenity #FirstAmendment #DirtyLyrics #RichardBerry #JackEly #WorstRecordInAmerica #PaulRevereAndTheRaiders #LynnEaston #TimBavington #SaraHottman #MattLove #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Dec. 15, 2013 | The game of Faro was a crooked gambler's dream | 1870s, 1880s, 1890s, 1900s | #Blackleg #Cheating #Casino #JPCochran #FaroBank #SaloonCulture #HammerPaint #FastYoungMan #Hoyles #RobertFoster #GaffedBox #JohnMaskelyne #RobertFoster #Gambling #Vice #PJKepplingerHoldout #Lookout #FaroChecks #STATEWIDE | |
Dec. 8, 2013 | Taming of the Rascal: Edouard Chambreau's redemption (Part 2 of 2) | 1860s, 1870s | #MultnomahCounty #Gambler #Swindler #Saloonkeeper #TemperanceCrusaders #BarbaraAnnMcBee #UlyssesSGrant #USArmy #FortVancouver #Gunfights #TyghValley #TheDalles #ChinaCreek #BuckskinBill #Brothel #EdwardChambreau #TimothyWehrcamp #OUTBACK #WASCOcounty | |
Dec. 1, 2013 | Edouard Chambreau gave a swindler's-eye view of old Oregon (Part 1 of 2) | 1840s, 1850s, 1860s | #MultnomahCounty #LiquorPeddler #ConArtist #EdwardChambreau #Circus #Blackface #WilliamJohnson #BlueRuin #HudsonsBayCo #GoldRush #Hounds #SamBrannan #Vigilantes #JimBeatty #JamesLappeus #TimothyLeeWehrkamp #WILLAMETTEvalley #CLACKAMAScounty #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Nov. 24, 2013 | “Blue Ruin” drove lawmakers to drink — and prohibition | 1840s | #Champoeg #Portland #Willamette #Smuggling #Cops #Bootlegging #Indians #VolsteadAct #Distillery #Temperance #BlueRuin #WilliamJohnson #Prohibition #OregonTerritory #Rumrunners #HudsonsBayCo #EdouardChambreau #ElijahWhite #TimothyWehrkamp #WILLAMETTEvalley #CLACKAMAScounty MARIONcounty | |
Nov. 17, 2013 | Palatial riverboat Alaskan was caught in a hurricane on the open sea | 1880s | #Sidewheel #Steamboat #Riverboat #Shipwreck #Fatal #ColumbiaRiverBar #CapeBlanco #HenryVillard #Olympian #Telephone #CaptainREHowes #DonMarshall #COAST #CLATSOPcounty | |
Nov. 10, 2013 | Outlaw Bill Miner's first train robbery was a fiasco | 1900s | #Shooting #Dynamite #Explosion #BillMiner #TheGrayFox #TheGreatTrainRobbery #Movie #Railroad #Stagecoach #GentlemanBandit #GuyHarshman #CharlesKidHoehn #OllieBarrett #FredKorner #SolomonGlick #Kalama #JimYuskavitch #GaryMeier #COLUMBIAriver #COLUMBIAcounty | |
Nov. 3, 2013 | Was suspicious death in “The Boneyard” really a murder? | 1870s | #BoneyardMary #Disappearance #WetHat #Scow #WHHarrigan #ThomasMcMahon #JackAbrahagen #Drunkenness #ElizaBunets #CorpseInRiver #Prostitution #PortlandHookers #ColdCase #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Oct. 27, 2013 | Vigilantes went too far with murder of suspected rustler John Hawk | 1880s | #Murder #Vigilante #LynchMob #CultureClash #Rustlers #Cowboys #Feud #Livestock #OpenRange #JohnHawk #LostineRiver #NezPerce #ChiefJoseph #PrairieCreek #JonSkovlin #DonnaSkovlin #FredProebstel #OUTBACK #WALLOWAcounty | |
Oct. 20, 2013 | The life and death of a Portland gangster and his “moll” | 1930s | #JakeSilverman #ShyFrankKodat #RoyMoore #Gangsters #Underworld #Speakeasy #Bordello #38Special #JimmyWalker #Gun #EdithMcClain #Accidental #LMorgan #ZellsJewelers #Robbery #Prison #Jailbirds #ShotInTheBack #StudebakerPresident #Scappoose #Portland #TakenForARide #Tuberculosis #HalfwayHouse #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty #COLUMBIAcounty | |
Oct. 13, 2013 | Voice of Goofy, Bluto and Grumpy was Oregon's “Pinto” Colvig | 1900s, 1910s, 1920s, 1930s | #PintoColvig #WaltDisney #Animator #BozoTheClown #Vance #OAC #OSU #Pantages #Vaudeville #BusterBrown #Jacksonville #Goofy #Bluto #Cartoons #Foley#SnowWhite #LewisAndClarkCentennialExposition #JackBenny #BenTruwe #SOUTHERN #JACKSONcounty | |
Oct. 5, 2013 | Legendary Civil War ship came to ignominious end in Coos Bay | 1880s | #GussieTelfair #Gertrude #BlockadeRunner #Marshfield #InsuranceFraud #CivilWar #Vanderbilt #Warrior #Ellen #Eco #Denbigh #DonMarshall #Shipwreck #CoosBaySpit #COAST #COOScounty | |
Sept. 29, 2013 | The mysterious skeletons of Crater Lake National Park | 1940s, 1970s, 1980s | #DavePanebaker #USNavy #GrummanHellcat #CharlesMcCullar #DaveNunn #SOUTHERN #KLAMATHcounty | |
Sept. 22, 2013 | When the “Dark Strangler” stalked the streets of Portland | 1920s | #EarleLeonardNelson #MrsMDLewis #Sellwood #MabelFluke #StrangledWithAScarf #DarkStrangler #BeataWithers #VirginiaGrant #SophiaYates #AdrianHarris #EmilyCrawford #JDChandler #BlancheMyers #PosthumousOutrage #Necrophile #SerialKiller #Landladies #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Sept. 15, 2013 | Train robbery turned into on-board gunfight with the law | 1910s | #MorrowCounty #Robbery #Shooting #Dynamite #CharlesManning #AlbertMeadors #Kamela #Meacham #GeorgeMcDuffy ##DumbCrooks #ClarenceStoner #ButchCassidy #WildBunch #CarTheft #AustinSchultz #OUTBACK #UNIONcounty #MORROWcounty | |
Sept. 8, 2013 | 1890s “march on Washington” involved train hijackings | 1890s | #CoxeysArmy #Gay90s #HauntedHouse #VictorianMansions #WonderfulWizardOfOz #MarchOnWashington #USIndustrialArmy #JacobCoxey #SylvesterPennoyer #HarveyScott #NorthernPacific #MarshalHCGrady #UnionPacific #HermanVoeltz #KarlKlooster #MichaelMunk #PanicOf1893 #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Sept. 1, 2013 | Valsetz newspaper and its editor, age 9, won nationwide fame | 1930s | #DorothyAnneHobson #CobbAndMitchellLumber #Roosevelt #HerbertHoover #ShirleyTemple #HerbertTempleton #Republicans #RubyHobson #HenryHobson #HolyOldMackinaw #ValsetzStar #WILLAMETTEvalley #POLKcounty | |
Aug. 25, 2013.08.25 | Shevlin: Oregon's wandering timber town | 1920s, 1930s, 1940s | #LakeCounty #RailroadTown #ShevlinHixonTimberCo #CASCADErange #DESCHUTEScounty #LAKEcounty | |
Aug. 18, 2013 | Tawdry love triangle ends in murder — and a kiss from a corpse | 1900s | #LuluReynolds #CharlesReynolds #UnwrittenLaw #ProfessorHerbert #CavalryScout #GeorgeHerbertHibbins #Sexting #Divorce #MoveToSanDiego #RitaReynolds #JohnReynolds #CouncilCrestAmusementPark #Shooting #JDChandler #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Aug. 11, 2013 | Race exclusion of early Oregon is still embarrassing today | 1850s | #OregonCity #ClackamasCounty #LashLaw #14thAmendment #SlaveState #Confederate #WilsonMorrison #Freedmen #Indians #JamesSaules #Cockstock #LouisSouthworth #PeterBurnett #GregoryNokes #ElizabethMcLagan #Slavery #STATEWIDE | |
Aug. 4, 2013 | Bootlegger’s paradise: Oregon’s Prohibition adventures | 1920s, 1930s | #Rumrunners #Bootleggers #Prohibition #WomenSuffrage #BoneDry #Speakeasies #WCTU #FloydMarsh #GeorgeBaker #JewelLansing #EKimbarkMacColl #RobertDonnelly#Smugglers #STATEWIDE | |
July 28, 2013 | Mob racketeers, corrupt union men battled over pinball | 1940s, 1950s | #BigJimElkins #StanTerry #HappyDays #CoinOpPinball #Racketeers #TomBlubberMaloney #CoinMachineMenOfOregon #MountHoodCafe #AlWinter #HyGoldbaum #BugsySiegel #HermanBugsyBurns #Teamsters #PhilStanford #RobertDonnelly #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
July 21, 2013 | When steamboats exploded on the upper Willamette | 1850s | #MarionCounty #YamhillCounty #Canemah #Gazelle #BoilerExplosion #WILLAMETTEvalley #CLACKAMAScounty #MARIONcounty #YAMHILLcounty | |
July 14, 2013 | Oregon's Harry Lane: A real hero of the First World War | 1910s | #WoodrowWilson #WW1 #RoseFestival #LewisAndClarkCentennialExpo #RobertLaFollette #WillfulMen #ZimmermanTelegram #KimbarkMacColl #TomMarsh #ThomasFleming #HarryLane #VotedNo #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
July 7, 2013 | McCarty Gang's Oregon story: “Bonanza” meets “Unforgiven” | 1890s | #HarneyCounty #BakerCounty #Shooting #BankRobbery #Outlaws #BonanzaNoir #TomMcCarty #GeorgeMcCarty #BillMcCarty #Cornucopia #MyrtlePoint #MattWarner #ButchCassidy #WallowaNationalBank #CharlesKelly #JimYuskovitch #OUTBACK #HARNEYcounty #WALLOWAcounty #BAKERcounty | |
June 30, 2013 | Frontier journalists settled their differences with a gunfight | 1870s | #Shooting #EditorsGunfight #Journalism #BudThompson #Confederate #OregonStyle #PrinevilleVigilantes #Plaindealer #RoseburgEnsign #Lynching #HenryGale #ThomasGale #Caning #DavidLoftus #SalemMercury #Alturas #SOUTHERN #DOUGLAScounty | |
June 23, 2013 | What really happened to D.B. Cooper? Pick a theory (Part 4 of 4 on D.B. Cooper) | 1970s | #DailyJournalOfCommerce #DBCooper #MaxGunther #TrueMagazine #StagMags #Pulp #BarbaraDayton #Transgender #RichardMcCoy #BernieRhodes #DuaneWeber #KennyChristensen #SkippPorteous #RobertBlevins #MarlaCooper #LDCooper #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
June 16, 2013 | The hunt for D.B. Cooper: Searching for the drop zone (Part 3 of 4 on D.B. Cooper) | 1970s | #PDX #Portland #RalphHimmelsbach #FBI #Boeing727 #SearchAndRescue #ThanksgivingWeekend #Murders #LakeMerwin #Psychics #JohnBanks #BrianIngram #TenaBar #SkippPorteous #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
June 9, 2013 | The deplaning of D.B.: Getting away with the loot, or not (Part 2 of 4 on D.B. Cooper) | 1970s | #PDX #Portland #ColumbiaRiver #Unsolved #Parachutes #Airstairs #Journalism #FuelTruck #VaporLock #FrozenNozzle #FBI #NavyBack #MexicoCity #Reno #AftStairway #RichardTosaw #Norjack #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
June 2, 2013 | The D.B. Cooper skyjacking legend took flight out of PDX (Part 1 of 4 on D.B. Cooper) | 1970s | #PDX #Portland #FlorenceSchaffner #Bomb #Manhunt #TinaMucklow #Dynamite #Hijack #Robbery #DBCooper #DanCooper #Thanksgiving #NorthwestOrient #Flight305 #Seattle #GeoffreyGray #RalphHimmelsbach #Norjack #Interphone #Boeing727 #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
May 26, 2013 | Joseph bank robber became VP of the bank he once robbed | 1890s, 1920s | #BankRobbery #Shooting #Outlaw #LynchMob #DavidTucker #DaveTucker #Jail #Gunfight #FirstBankOfJoseph #FirstNationalBank #CyrusFitzhugh #JamesBrown #JohnMartin #Sheepman #JDMcCully #AlexDonnelly #FredWagner #Winchester4570 #MinnieProebstel #RussellMcCully #JamesYuksavitch #BenBrown #OUTBACK #WALLOWAcounty | |
May 18, 2013 | A town's special friendship with its onetime would-be destroyer (Part 2 of 2 on Fujita) | 1960s | #NobuoFujita #SamuraiSword #BrookingsJayCees #JuniorChamberOfCommerce #AzaleaFestival #DoyleRausch #DougPeterson #BillMcChesney #FloatPlane #Bombing #KeyToTheCity #Mitsukaido #FredHummel #RedwoodTree #COAST #CURRYcounty | |
May 12, 2013 | The flying Samurai who attacked Oregon (Part 1 of 2 on Fujita) | 1940s | #NobuoFujita #BombsOverBrookings #ImperialJapan #WW2 #SubmarineI25 #ShojiOkuda #YokosukaE14Y #DoolittleRaids #ImperialJapan #BandonFire #TillamookBurn #Kamikaze #BillMcCash #EnzoAngelucci #COAST #CURRYcounty | |
May 5, 2013 | Did Oregon miss a chance to catch the Zodiac Killer? | 1950s | #EdwardEdwards #ManWithTheHook #LarryPeyton #BeverlyAllan #Murders #CraterLake #ForestPark #Stabbing #ShootBack #32automatic #SerialKiller #PhilStanford #PtownBooks #Scapegoat #BonfireParty #RailroadJob #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
April 28, 2013 | Corruption, hypocrisy and the fall of the house of Klux (Part 3 of 3 on the Ku Klux Klowns) | 1920s | #Sedition #Vigilante #Racism #Black #Chinese #Jewish #Catholic #Japanese #AmericaFirst #Xenophobia #EthnicCleansing #ParochialSchools #AlienLandBill #Silverton #MtAngel #BridgeScandal #FredGifford #LemDever #GeorgeBaker #WalterPierce #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
April 21, 2013 | The Rise of the House of Klux: How KKK took over (Part 2 of 3 on the Ku Klux Klowns) | 1920s | #Sedition #Vigilante #Terrorist #Anonymous #Progressivism #Racism #Black #Chinese #Jewish #Catholic #TheBirthOfANation #DWGriffith #AdvertisingAgency #KasparKKubli #BenOlcott #CliftonNesmithMcArthur #TomMarsh #JewelLansing #KimbarkMacColl #STATEWIDE | |
April 14, 2013 | Rise of KKK in Oregon: A racist moneymaking scheme (Part 1 of 3 on the Ku Klux Klowns) | 1920s | #Sedition #Vigilante #Terrorist #Anonymous #Progressivism #kkk #KuKluxKlan #Racism #Black #Chinese #Jewish #Catholic #LutherPowell #KingKleagle #FredGifford #MayorGeorgeBaker #MulnomahHotel #WalterEvans #KimbarkMacColl #EckardToy #SOUTHERN #JACKSONcounty | |
April 7, 2013 | Massive 1934 Portland dock strike paralyzed the state | 1930s | #Portland #UnionBusting #SpecialPolice #ILA #OpenShop #ClosedShop #SenatorRobertWagner #Longshoremen #NationalRecoveryAct #FDR #Scabs #Police #NationalGuard #PublicRelations #AdmiralEvans #BloodyThursday #MayorJosephCarson #GovernorJuliusMeier #Bulls #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
March 31, 2013 | Union squabbles were part of life on Portland waterfront | 1900s, 1910s, 1920s | #Strikes #LongshoremensUnion #SpecialPolice #PortlandWaterfront #RobertDollar #ShipownersProtectiveUnion #Teamsters #WW1 #FJPotter #Strikebreakers #BloodyThursday #RogerBuchanan #RobinCody #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
March 24, 2013 | Bridge-building scandal aroused fury of 1920s Portland | 1920s | #Portland #BurnsideBridge #KuKluxKlan #CountyCommissioners #SellwoodBridge #RossIslandBridge #OswaldWest #CharlesRudeen #DowWalker #IsaacVanWinkle #RecallElection #JewelLansing #BridgeScandal #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
March 17, 2013 | Massive passenger liner won race against fiery death | 1910s | #FireAboard #Steamship #SSCongress #CoosBay #Marshfield #CaptainCousins #EJGriffith #TugboatColonelPSMichie #CPR #SSNanking #DonMarshall #COAST #COOScounty | |
March 10, 2013 | Rabies epidemic was like a war in Eastern Oregon | 1910s | #Coyotes #Hydrophobia #WHLytle #EasternOregonCoyoteWar #Shotguns #DavidBraly #RabiesEpidemic #Pandemic #DogLicenses #OUTBACK | |
March 3, 2013 | Early anti-prostitution crusade was an embarrassing fizzle | 1890s | #ViceCrusade #Progressives #HomeForWaywardGirlsAndFallenWomen #EmmaMerlotin #AnnaDeCoz #CharlesLocke #Prostitutes #TheOpenDoor #RichardWilliams #SlipperyDick #LucyMorgan #DellaBurris #LidaFanshaw #StewartHolbrook #HerbertLundy #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Feb. 24, 2013 | The Czarina shipwreck: A deadly maritime concert of timidity and incompetence | 1910s | #Steamship #Czarina #Shipwreck #CoosBaySpit #Dugan #WAMagee #TugboatAstoria #ClarenceBoice #LyleGun #LifesavingService #DonMarshall #COAST #COOScounty | |
Feb. 17, 2013 | “Camp Castaway” was an inconvenient miracle | 1850s | #CoosBaySpit #Schooner #CaptainLincoln #Shipwreck #Salvage #CampCastaway #USArmy #SamuelNaghel #HorsfallBeach #PortOrford #CoosBayBar #Nassau #NewCarissa #ScottByram #OrvilDodge #DonMarshall #JesseHiggins #COAST #COOScounty | |
Feb. 9, 2013 | First public execution in Portland still surrounded with mystery | 1850s | #DanfordBalch #MortimerStump #StarkStreetFerry #Shotgun #Execution #OregonTrail #NorthwestHeights #AnnaBalchStump #CliftonClowers #ChildMolestation #Stepdaughter #JamesLappeus #DougKenckCrispin #DianeGoeresGardner #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Feb. 2, 2013 | Mill owner's fight with city sparked anti-Japanese riot | 1920s | #Toledo #Vigilante #LynchMob #RaceRiot #GreenChain #TimberCulture #Japanese #CDeanJohnson #LaborStrife #CompanyTown #PacificSpruce #CivilRights #GeorgiaPacific #USArmy #SpruceDivision #TedCox #BAJohnson #COAST #LINCOLNcounty | |
Jan. 27, 2013 | Radical Wobblies found support among Oregon loggers | 1910s | #TimberCountry #LoggingCamps #Wobblies #WageCuts #WW1 #LLLL #4L #TimberCulture #SpruceDivision #StewartHolbrook #BruceDisque #Hoosiering #RobertTyler #JamesRowan #USArmy #IWW #Loggers #Warbucks #STATEWIDE | |
Jan. 20, 2013 | In Great War, Allies flew warplanes made of Oregon spruce | 1910s | #SitkaSpruce #USArmy #SoldierLoggers #Fokker #SPAD #SopwithCamel #Toledo #YaquinaBay #Nieuport #BruceDisque #IWW #Wobblies #Hoosiering #PacificSpruceCo #DeanJohnson #TedCox #SpruceProductionDivision #COAST | |
Jan. 13, 2013 | Gun-toting “Oregon Wildcat” was America’s first “shock jock” | 1930s | #RobertGordonDuncan #RadioPioneer #KVEP #JailSentence #shockJock #OregonWildcat #WilliamSchaeffer #ProfanityOnTheAir #FRC #FCC #Extortion #ProtectionRacketeering #FranklinKorell #GayBashing #ClarenceBrazell #CharlesMartin #JCKendall #EdgarPiper #Fistfight #VaporsOfTheDungeon #MalcolmClarkJr #MichaelKeith #RobertHillard #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Jan. 6, 2013 | Larry Sullivan's internationally notorious shanghaiing syndicate (Part 2 of 2) | 1890s, 1900s | #Portland #Astoria #Crimping #Liquor #Boxing #Prizefighter #Shanghaiing #BoardingMasters #WageTheft #LewisAndClarkExposition #GoldfieldNevada #GeorgeGrahamRice #BarneyBlalock #StewartHolbrook #RichardDillon #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty #CLATSOPcounty | |
2012 ARTICLES: |
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Dec. 30, 2012 | Larry Sullivan: Boxer, politician, con artist, shanghai man (Part 1 of 2) | 1880s, 1890s | #MultnomahCounty #Portland #Astoria #Crimping #Liquor #Boxing #BadGuy #LarrySullivan #Prizefighters #LondonRules #PeterGrant #JackGrant #JonathanBourneJr #PoliceCommission #VoterFraud #BarneyBlalock #StewartHolbrook #RichardDillon #COAST #CLATSOPcounty | |
Dec. 23, 2012 | Chemawa School: An Oregon cultural treasure | 1880s, 1890s, 1900s to present | #Salem #Indian #Native #BoardingSchool #Progressive #IndianQuestion #HLWells #BrainwashingFail #SuAnnReddick #ChemawaIndianSchool #BIA #WILLAMETTEvalley #MARIONcounty | |
Dec. 16, 2012 | Jim Turk: Shanghaiier, swindler, drunkard, millionaire | 1870s, 1880s | #Portland #Astoria #Crimping #JimTurk #CatherineTurk #Shanghaiing #SailorsBoardinghouse #Crimp #Waterfront #BoardingMaster #TJZingsen #GrandCentralVarietySaloon #BarneyBlalock #RichardDillon #SpousalAbuse #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Dec. 9, 2012 | For teenage sailor, visit to Portland ended with a life sentence in prison | 1870s | #JosephSwards #BadCompany #SeePortlandAndDie #MartinTracy #JamesJohnson #ArchieBrown #OSheasPawnshop #LouisJoseph #Tuberculosis #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty #CLACKAMAScounty | |
Dec. 2, 2012 | *The fall of the Prineville Vigilantes (2 of 2) | *deprecated* | 1880s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
Nov. 25, 2012 | *When the Vigilantes ruled Prineville (1 of 2) | *deprecated* | 1880s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
Nov. 18, 2012 | Horrifying asylum kitchen mix-up left dozens dead | 1940s | #OregonStateHospital #ScrambledEggs #FluoridePoisoning #WW2 #PowderedMilk #RoachPoison #MaryOHare #MickeyMcKillop #GeorgeNosen #RichardNokes #SodiumFluoride #AllieWassell #CharlesSprague #DougKenckCrispin #WILLAMETTEvalley #MARIONcounty | |
Nov. 11, 2012 | Courthouse square once was the site of palatial “Hotel Portland” | 1890s, 1900s, 1950s | #PioneerCourthouseSquare #VillardsFolly #HenryVillard #GeorgeMarkle #PeachBlow #HarveyScott #MeierAndFrank #FrankIvancie #KimbarkMacColl #DickPintarich #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Nov. 4, 2012 | * Boozy generosity won baseball game | *deprecated* | 1880s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
Oct. 28, 2012 | Senator John H. Mitchell: The Snidely Whiplash of Oregon | 1860s, 1870s, 1880s, 1890s | #USSenate #Bigamist #Fugitive #FirstestMostest #JohnHMitchell #JohnMHipple #WhiteCollar #Crime #DanfordBalch #MaryJaneBalch #SadieHoon #BenHolladay #ElizabethCaruthers #FiniceCaruthers #JohnCNixon #CascadeLocks #LandFraud #FrancisHeney #KimbarkMacColl #WilliamBoly #PDXmetro #CLACKAMAScounty #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Oct. 21, 2012 | Long-lost Guild's Lake was once Portland's water wonderland | 1900s | #LewisAndClarkExposition #Centennial #GuildsLake #FrederickLawOlmstead #PeterGuild #LafePence #BullRun #Flumes #SwanIsland #YeonAvenue #DickPintarich #EKimbarkMacColl #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Oct. 14, 2012 | Mysterious skeletons of Oregon: If only these bones could speak ... | 1910s, 1920s, 2010s | #PetersCreekSink #Sandy #ScioOddFellows #MementoMori #OchocoForest #ReubLong #ShortyHawkins #JennyMinten #IOOF #Rebekahs #OregonState #DawnAlapisco #MitchLea #DavidBraly #ERJackman #McKinleySmith #STATEWIDE | |
Oct. 7, 2012 | Deadly weather catches Oregon by surprise when it comes | 1880s, 1900s, 1960s | #ColumbusDayStorm #Tornadoes #Heppner #FlashFlood #AumsvilleTornado #BobDenOuden #TheGreatGale #STATEWIDE | |
Sept. 30, 2012 | Auburn: A long-gone gold town's short but colorful past | 1860s | #GoldMining #BoomTown #ChinaCreek #ProspectorJohnAdams #BlueBucketMine #HenryGriffin #DickPintarich #SpanishTom #HenryLabaree #JackDesmond #VerneBright #VirginiaDuffyMcLoughlin #OUTBACK #BAKERcounty | |
Sept. 23, 2012 | *Buck Rogers-style boat didn't work out | *deprecated* | 1930s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
Sept. 16, 2012 | Oregon's most famous elephant led a colorful and tragic life | 1920s, 1930s | #MarionCounty #PoorOldTusko #TheGreatUnwanted #Ned #LotusIsle #MNCH #Rampage #SedroWooley #AlPainter #TexRankin #DanceAThon #BlackBottle #WoodlandParkZoo #CapiLynn #DickPintarich #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty #MARIONcounty | |
Sept. 9, 2012 | The story of Lotus Isle, Oregon's most surreal amusement park | 1920s, 1930s | #Portland #HaydenIsland #ColumbiaRiver #GhostTown #DanceMarathon #Tusko #JantzenBeach #LotusIsle #EiffelTower #PeacockBallroom #BumperCarBulldog #EdwinPlatt #AlPainter #THEslick #CarlKlooster #DickPintarich #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Sept. 2, 2012 | * Fort Rock's legendary storyteller Reub Long | *deprecated* | 1930s—1960s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
Aug. 26, 2012 | Schemers sought to seize Peter Iredale shipwreck, sell for scrap | 1960s | #Warrenton #Shipwreck #PeterIredale #NewCarissa #ClatsopSpit #ColumbiaRiverBar #DonMarshall #CliffHendricks #FredAndrus #OregonCoastAdClub #20MiserableMiles #ClackamasCounty #JMarhoffer #SalvageRights #ScrapMetal #COAST #CLATSOPcounty | |
Aug. 19, 2012 | Apollo 15 astronaut left a piece of Oregon lava on the moon | 1970s | #JimIrwin #OregonLava #MoonCountry #MckenziePass #FortRock #NewberryCrater #NASA #PhilBrogan #FloydWatson #Apollo15 #MelanyTupper #SierraJenkins #EricJones #DeniseMatthews #LunarRover #DevilsLake #FarewellBend #CASCADErange #DESCHUTEScounty | |
Aug. 11, 2012 | Before newspaper “crusade,” tainted milk was killing babies | 1900s | #Portland #Corruption #Progressive #BadCops #Food #Journalism #Muckrakers #Underdog #Tuberculosis #Regulation #PureMilkCrusade #JohnWilson #MarshallDana #JackTravis #OregonJournal #KarlKlooster #GarbageCans #DairyFarms #Milk #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Aug. 5, 2012 | Long-gone dance hall hosted Chuck Berry, Johnny Cash, more | 1940s, 1950s | #CottonwoodsDanceHall #Lebanon #Ballroom #ToniRush #ElvisPresley #JimCreighton #GladysWiley #HarryWiley #CampAdair #HazelFisher #MattDeBow #WILLAMETTEvalley #LINNcounty | |
July 29, 2012 | Rusty derelict turned out to be historic Liberty Ship lifeboat | 1940s, 2000s | #GlobeAmericaCorp #Lifeboat #WW2 #LibertyShips #HenryKaiser #Shipyards #SauvieIsland #MikeMalone #CollinsBeach #TriHull #ChinookSalmon #ColumbiaRiver #MaritimeMuseum #iFish #AldenChester #JeremiahOBrien #Zigzag #COLUMBIAriver #COLUMBIAcounty | |
July 22, 2012 | Busting out of the joint was a job for a safecracker, 100 years ago | 1900s, 1910s, 1920s | #Jailbreak #PrisonEscapes #Yeggs #ThreeMinuteWagner #Safecrackers #OregonStatePen #CharlesDrocker #CarlWeinegal #Tunnel #ShawshankRedemption #Prisoner6435 #WILLAMETTEvalley #MARIONcounty | |
July 15, 2012 | Prison break happened during “conjugal visit” at cheap motel | 1970s | #LaneCounty #CarlCletusBowles #CopKiller #Murderer #JoanCoberly #Motel6 #WilfredGray #TriumphTR3 #HaleChampion #CarltonSmith #WardenHoytCupp #SocialPass #AnnRule #OregonStatePenitentiary #TomMcCall #EarlHunter #ViHunter #DougKenckCrispin #WILLAMETTEvalley #MARIONcounty #LANEcounty | |
July 8, 2012 | Quest for “Lost Cabin Gold Mine” led to discovery of Crater Lake | 1840s, 1850s | #JacksonCounty #OldSetEmUp #LostCabin #GoldRush #RubyElHult #Yreka #CraterLake #TableRockCity #Jacksonville #JohnHillman #KerbyJackson #RickHarmon #SOUTHERN #KLAMATHcounty #JACKSONcounty | |
July 1, 2012 | The heroic final flight of Cottage Grove's Jim Wright | 2000s | #Heroes #HowardHughes #H1Racer #Smithsonian #WorldRecord #Oshkosh #CottageGrove #CottageGroveSentinel #MatthewTreder #JaredPaben #ArtDeco WrightMachineTools #BettyWright #GuyRalstin #DennisParker #MikeMann #DavePayne #AlSherman #RonEnglund #SteveWolf #EAA #JimmyLeeward #PropellerCounterweights #RenoAirRaces #Fatality #YellowstoneNP #StateAirport #ChenFamily #WILLAMETTEvalley #LANEcounty | |
July 1, 2012 | Crooked gambler and liquor man was Portland's first police chief | 1850s, 1860s, 1870s | #Portland #CityMarshal #Blackleg #Faro #JamesChapman #OroFinoSaloon #JamesLappeus #Chambreau #MexicanWar #GoldRush #Hounds #SanFranciscoVigilanceCommittee #DanfordBalch #JosephSaunders #LuzerneBesser #JewelLansing #TimothyLeeWehrkamp #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
June 24, 2012 | In 1880s, salmon were the real “most dangerous catch” | 1880s, 1890s | #Astoria #ColumbiaRiverBar #Gillnetters #Drownings #SalmonFishing #Shipwrecks #FishBoats #RipVanWinkle #Bowpickers #LiisaPenner #COAST #CLATSOPcounty | |
June 17, 2012 | Oregon lost world's biggest log cabin in spectacular 1964 fire | 1960s | #LewisAndClarkExposition #ForestryBuilding #Centennial #WorldsFair #StructureFire #MontgomeryPark #SimonBenson #OldGrowth #KnobAndTube #ElectricalWiring #GrantKelton #WesternForestryInstitute #ZooOmsiForestryCenter #MarkMoore #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
June 10, 2012 | The mysterious demise of the S.S. South Coast: What happened? | 1930s | #SteamSchooner #Shipwreck #Mystery #Disappeared #SouthCoast #CrescentCity #GoldBeach #LakeBenbow #CoosBay #CapeBlanco #Cahokia #BoilerExplosion #DavidGrover #GordonNewell #MaryCeleste #COAST #CURRYcounty | |
June 3, 2012 | How Oregon almost lost public access to its beaches | 1960s | #BeachBill #TomMcCall #OswaldWest #WilliamHay #SurfsandMotel #CannonBeach #SidneyBazett #HighwayDepartment #RobertSmith #MattKramer #CrassCommercialism #Seaside #BrentWalth #NadineJelsing #COAST #CLATSOPcounty | |
May 27, 2012 | Oregon's first female lawyer: A legal Mother Teresa? (Part 3 of 3 on Mary Leonard) | 1890s, 1900s, 1910s | #MaryLeonard #LadyLawyer #Portland #Waterfront #PioneerCourthouse #NorthEnd #Whitechapel #Syphilis #SoiledDoves #AbigailScottDuniway #Feminism #MalcolmClarkJr #KerryAbrams #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
May 20, 2012 | Pioneering Oregon “lady lawyer” deserved a better legacy (Part 2 of 3 on Mary Leonard) | 1870s, 1880s, 1890s | #WascoCounty #MaryLeonard #BoardinghouseKeeper #AttorneyAtLaw #SkidRow #LadyLawyer #JCHaines #MatthewDeady #SupremeCourt #MultnomahCountyHospital #MalcolmClarkJr #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty #WASCOcounty | |
May 13, 2012 | Oregon's first female lawyer faced trial for murder (Part 1 of 3 on Mary Leonard) | 1870s | #MaryLeonard #MailOrderBride #SpousalAbuse #Adultery #Murderess #LadyLawyer #Swiss #DanielLeonard #NorthEnd #ShanghaiPDX #MalcolmClark #KerryAbrams #MyrnaAldrich #HelenKrebs #TheDalles #COLUMBIAriver #WASCOcounty | |
May 6, 2012 | “Roaring Twenties” murder mystery solved by cop's diligence | 1920s | #RailroadBulls #GangOfThieves #Shootout #BoxcarMurder #DanCasey #BuckPhillips #HGSchneider #UnionPacific #RidingTheRails #Troutdale #DetectiveJohnGoltz #DavisHotel #Albina #JohnBurns #StewartHolbrook #CigaretteTheft #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
April 29, 2012 | Giant skeleton find recalled old legend of pirate treasure | 1930s | #SalmonRiver #CampWestwind #BuriedTreasure #ElmerCalkins #JohnHorner #OAC #ThreeRocksBeach #GiantSkeleton #Middens #Pirates #Shipwreck #YWCA #RubyElHult #COAST #LINCOLNcounty | |
April 22, 2012 | Historic mansion was once home of Portland “starvation cult” | 1890s | #Portland #TheLawn #Fatal #Progressives #Charismatic #Mystery #Prayer #Fasting #GeorgeWilliams #Mayor #FaithHealer #KateAnnWilliams #StarvationCult #Holiness #AliceWells #SidneyTeiser #MonicaDrake #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
April 15, 2012 | Oregon man's Supreme Court confirmation scotched by his wife | 1870s | #GeorgeWilliams #KateAnnWilliams #PillowTalk #USSenate #SCOTUS #ChiefJustice #SupremeCourt #SidneyTeiser #UlyssesGrant #JuliaBoggsGrant #Blackmail #Rumors #MrsJALogan #StarvationCult #TruthCult #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
April 8, 2012 | Mass murderer honored in monument at county courthouse | 1870s, 1930s, present | #Enterprise #ChineseMassacreCove #DeepCreek #GregoryNokes #RichardCockle #WallowaCountyCourthouseArch #BlueEvans #BruceEvans #TitusCanfield #OmarLaRue #HezekiahHughes #HiramMaynard #FrankVaughan #RobertMcMillan #MichaelNove #OUTBACK #WALLOWAcounty | |
April 1, 2012 | Mariner survived shipwreck by being trapped in the wreckage | 1910s | #GasolineSchooner #Oshkosh #ColumbiaRiverBar #GeorgeMay #KruseAndBanks #CaptThomasLatham #EngineerGeorgeMay #DonMarshall #JamesGibbs #COAST #CLATSOPcounty | |
March 25, 2012 | Shanghaied in Astoria: Port city was once a perilous place | 1880s, 1890s, 1900s | #ShanghaiedInAstoria #Shanghaiing #Crimping #Waterfront #Kidnappers #Boxing #Preacher #Sailors #SailingShip #BloodMoney #MarthaMcKeown #MontHawthorne #GeorgeGrannis #RichardDillon #SailorsBoardinghouse #BoardingMasters #COAST #CLATSOPcounty | |
March 18, 2012 | “Oregon’s Outback” was a real moonshiner's paradise in ’20s | 1920s, 1930s | #Bend #Explosion #Dynamite #BuckMariott #CMcBride #ProhibitionOfficers #ValeTaylor #Bootleggers #Moonshine #Prineville #OswaldWest #Rumrunners #Smugglers #BathtubGin #DavidBraly #JohnKaboris #Booze #BlueRuin #OUTBACK | |
March 11, 2012 | Postwar Portland turned away Nat “King” Cole, Billie Holiday | 1940s, 1950s | #Portland #DudeRanch #Jazz #Racism #Promoters #ShowBiz #WilliamsAve #Black #RobertDietsch #Jumptown #RoseQuarter #Vanport #Shipyards #Albina #PicAndPat #UrbanRenewal #ShakeDancers #UrbanCowboys #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
March 4, 2012 | Cruise-ship skipper wasn’t the first to “fall into a lifeboat” | 1900s | #Steamship #SouthPortland #Shipwreck #CapeBlanco #COAST #CURRYcounty | |
Feb. 26, 2012 | * Political hack became West Coast opium king | *deprecated* | 1890s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
Feb. 19, 2012 | First seaworthy log raft helped Oregon build city of San Diego | 1900s, 1910s 1920s, 1930s | #ClatsopCounty #Offshore #OregonCoast #ColumbiaRiver #Inventors #TimberCulture #Marine #Logging #FirstestMostest #SimonBenson #COLUMBIAriver #CLATSOPcounty #COLUMBIAcounty | |
Feb. 12, 2012 | Fog made the difference between a reprimand and a medal | 1950s | #USCG #Rescue #MotorLifeboat #ThomasMcAdams #COAST #LINCOLNcounty | |
Feb. 5, 2012 | Homesteader’s plan to get extra land involved bigamy, murder | 1900s | #NormanWilliams #AlmaNesbitt #Bigamy #LandFraud #Murder #CASCADErange #HOODRIVERcounty | |
Jan. 29, 2012 | Forty-day debauch made Oregon legislature nationally notorious | 1890s | #JonathanBourneJr #HoldUpSession #JohnHMitchell #JohnHipple #OregonLegislature #USSenate #1896 #BourneMills #WhalingShips #NorthEnd #Portland #SouthernPacific #Bribery #FreeSilver #GoldStandard #EldridgeBlock #BournesHarem #HenryCorbett #JosephSimon #EKimbarkMacColl #WalterMPierce #WickedPortland #WILLAMETTEvalley #MARIONcounty | |
Jan. 22, 2012 | Coast Guard catastrophe sprang from bad boat design (Part 2 of 2 on the Triumph incident) | 1960s | #MotorLifeboat #52foot #Rescue #Mermaid #ColumbiaRiverBar #COAST #CLATSOPcounty | |
Jan. 15, 2012 | USCG's worst Columbia disaster started as routine (Part 1 of 2 on the Triumph incident) | 1960s | #USCG #MotorLifeboats #36foot #Rescue #Mermaid #ColumbiaRiverBar #COLUMBIAriver #CLATSOPcounty | |
Jan. 8, 2012 | Tangent City Hall office cat was the city's landlord | 1980s, 1990s | #KittyKat #Richest #Landlord #Tomcat #Barn #CityHall #JohnBass #BigRedBarn #DairyFarm #Tangent #RichestCat #GeorgiaEdwards #ADA #AlexPaul #AlbanyDemocratHerald #WILLAMETTEvalley #LINNcounty | |
Jan. 1, 2012 | Oregon City was home of world's first electric power grid | 1880s, 1890s | #WillametteFalls #Hydroelectric #HighTension #EdwardEastman #ThomasEdison #PGE #Tesla #Westinghouse #WabbitIsWesting #AlternatingCurrent #TWSullivanPowerPlant #JamesLong #JoshuaBinus #PDXmetro #CLACKAMAScounty | |
2011 ARTICLES: |
[return to top of page] | |||
Dec. 25, 2011 | Dory fisherman rescues stranded sailors — from Coast Guard boat | 1940s | #PortOrford #USCG #MotorLifeboat #34foot #COAST #CURRYcounty | |
Dec. 18, 2011 | “Voice of Looney Toons” was the terror of his Portland high school | 1910s, 1920s, 1930s, 1940s | #MelBlanc #VoiceOfBugsBunny #LincolnHighSchool #WarnerBros #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Dec. 11, 2011 | The Port Orford Meteorite: Was it all a big hoax? | 1850s, 1860s | #Pallasite #DrJohnEvans #COAST #CURRYcounty | |
Dec. 4, 2011 | Missing gold suggests something sinister in shipwreck mystery | 1870s | #Schooner #Sunshine #Shipwreck #Mystery #COAST #CLATSOPcounty | |
Aug. 14, 2011 | * Portland was scene of Sammy Davis Jr.'s break | *deprecated* | 1940s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
Nov. 28, 2011 | Portland was the scene of Sammy Davis Jr.'s big break | 1940s | #RatPack #WillMastinTrio #Showman #FrankSinatra #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Nov. 21, 2011 | Black sheep of the Union Army was Oregon's last Civil War veteran | 1860s, 1950s | #JamesWSmith #Olneys40Thieves #TheodorePenland #WILLAMETTEvalley #LINNcounty | |
Nov. 14, 2011 | * Oregon's bridge style is McCullough's legacy | *deprecated* | 1910s—1940s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
Nov. 7, 2011 | Captain's quick decision saved hundreds from a fiery death | 1880s | #UriahBScott #Riverboat #Telephone #Fire #COLUMBIAriver #CLATSOPcounty | |
Oct. 31, 2011 | Steamboat monopoly's clever coup ended up costing them plenty | 1870s, 1880s | #OregonRailwayNavigation #UriahBScott #Riverboat #Fleetwood #COLUMBIAriver #COLUMBIAcounty #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Oct. 24, 2011 | They laughed at Captain Scott's ugly little riverboat ... at first. | 1870s | #UriahBScott #Riverboat #Ohio #ShallowDraft #WILLAMETTEvalley #CLACKAMAScounty #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Oct. 17, 2011 | For one Oregon slave, Civil War didn't end bondage | 1860s, 1870s | #Ame #SlaveOfJohnAndMaryPorter #EmancipationProclamation #WILLAMETTEvalley #BENTONcounty | |
Oct. 10, 2011 | Rascally sea-captain was like a 19th-century Han Solo | 1850s, 1860s, 1870s, 1880s | #JemmyJones #SteamSchooner #Inventor #COAST #CLATSOPcounty | |
Aug. 14, 2011 | * Aurora Colony: The best American commune | *deprecated* | 1850s - 1870s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
Sept. 26, 2011 | Oregon embraced Carnegie libraries like no other state | 1890s, 1900s | #Progressives #Philanthropy #Culture #Literature #Promoter #Structure #Kids #Books #Education #STATEWIDE | |
Sept. 19, 2011 | Astoria man set out to do something nice for his wife, invented cable TV | 1940s | #EdParsons #Television #AstorHotel #CATV #COAST #CLATSOPcounty | |
Sept. 12, 2011 | "Professor" Ray V.B. Jackson: Central Oregon's "Angel of Death" (Part 2 of 2 on R.V.B. Jackson) | 1900s, 1910s, 1920s | #SerialKiller #Schoolteacher #OUTBACK #LAKEcounty | |
Sept. 4, 2011 | Silver Lake schoolteacher-felon may have been a serial killer (Part 1 of 2 on R.V.B. Jackson) | 1900s, 1910s, 1920s | #Professor #RayVanBurenJackson #Jailbird #Murderer #OUTBACK #LAKEcounty | |
Aug. 28, 2011 | Ship sailed across two miles of sandy beach, relaunched itself | 1920s | #Schooner #NorthBend #Shipwreck #Salvage #COAST #CLATSOPcounty | |
Aug. 21, 2011 | First youth symphony in U.S. came out of Oregon's high desert | 1910s | #SagebrushSymphony #PortlandYouthPhilharmonic #Homesteaders #MaryDodge #MottDodge #Chautauqua #PortlandJuniorSymphony #JacquesGershkovitch #Burns #OUTBACK #HARNEYcounty | |
Aug. 14, 2011 | * “Klondike Kate” was an Oregon legend | *deprecated* | 1890s - 1920s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
Aug. 7, 2011 | Space-age whalers help grow fur coats, put a man on the moon | 1960s | #Hammond #Astoria #Clatsop #Marine #Aviation #Whaling #Fishing #CultureClash #Moonshot #WhaleOil #CunningPlan #MinkFarm #COAST #CLATSOPcounty | |
Aug. 7, 2011 | Shipwreck ends Astoria's bid to be “Nantucket of the West Coast” | 1850s | #Shipwreck #Astoria #ColumbiaRiverBar #Whaling #WhaleOil #Kerosene #NewBedford #AbrahamGesner #Maine #Spermaceti #WindShadows #Becalmed #ClatsopSpit #BarPilots #RobertLloydWebb #DonMarshall #SherylTodd #Fishing #COAST #CLATSOPcounty | |
July 31, 2011 | *Gov. West in the town marshal's saloon | *deprecated* | 1910s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
July 24, 2011 | * Life of Sacagawea's son a tantalizing mystery | *deprecated* | 1910s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
July 17, 2011 | Mariner's dream predicted shipmates' deaths with eerie precision | 1910s | #Offshore #FatalShipwreck #GermanBarqueMimi #CaptLudwigWestphal #CharlesFisher #Salvage #Ballast #RobertFarley #FrederickFischer #Hypothermia #DavidGrover #JamesGibbsJr #DonMarshall #Superstition #Sailors #COAST #TILLAMOOKcounty | |
July 10, 2011 | Little-known hero of Silver Lake fire died saving dozens of lives | 1890s | #LucindaSchroder #ChristmasEve1894 #GusSchroder #FrancisChrisman #KeroseneLamp #EdOFarrell #BernardDaly #EstonSchroder #MelanyTupper #ERJackman #BarbaraAllen #ChrismanStoreFire #OUTBACK #LAKEcounty | |
July 3, 2011 | Wreck of the Glenesslin: Insurance fraud, or just drunken incompetence? | 1910s | #Windjammer #NeahkahnieMountain #FullRigger #Glenesslin #DeWolf #InsuranceFraud #OwenWilliams #DrunkenSailors #WindShadow #WorldRecord #Fastest #JamesGibbsJr #BasilLubbock #DonMarshall #Shipwreck #COAST #TILLAMOOKcounty | |
June 26, 2011 | Gold-field bandits' stolen loot still hasn't been found | 1850s | #SailorsDiggins #Waldo #FredCooper #MilesHearn #ChrisSlover #JackTriskett #HenryTriskett #Folklore #Legend #LostGold #Obrien #TriskettGang #SOUTHERN #JOSEPHINEcounty | |
June 19, 2011 | Tired of watching mariners die, lighthouse keeper started a rescue service | 1860s, 1870s | #JoelMunson #LighthouseKeeper #RescueService CaptainILewis #BarqueIndustry #GraveyardOfShips #CapeDisappointmentLight #Becalmed #Lifeboat #FiddlerSmith #Astoria #FundraisingDances #WBScranton #PaulCorno #Architect #SSMagnet #PointAdamsLight #USCG #USLifesavingService #ColumbiaRiverBar #COAST #CLATSOPcounty | |
June 12, 2011 | Legendary Oregon wrestler pinned by heavyweight real-estate dream | 1930s, 1940s | #RobinReed #LincolnCity #OlympicWrestler #GoldMedal #OSU #DevilsLake #Condominiums #NationalWrestlingHallOfFame #RoyWiding #JeffWelsch #GeorgeEdmonston #MikeChapman #DelakeRodAndGunClub #Ruins #COAST #LINCOLNcounty | |
June 5, 2011 | Story of "nudist church" in Corvallis ended in murder, suicide, insanity (Part 2 of 2) | 1900s | #BentonCounty #FritzCreffield #Jailbird #DonnaMitchellStarr #YaquinaCity #Waldport #CoraHartley #SophiaHartley #LouisHartley #GeorgeMitchell #EstherMitchell #Seattle #UnwrittenLaw #InsanityPlea #Suicide #StrychninePoisoning #HolyRollers #WILLAMETTEvalley #BENTONcounty #LINCOLNcounty | |
May 29, 2011 | The real story of the "nudist church" in Corvallis: How it began (Part 1 of 2) | 1900s | #LincolnCounty #EdmundCreffield #StartlingDetective #StewartHolbrook #Nemesis #NudistHighPriest #NewJoshua #SalvationArmy #Harem #Prophet #TarAndFeathers #MaudHurt #BurgessStarr #DonnaStarr #JimPhillips #RosemaryGartner #HolyRollers #BrideOfChrist #WILLAMETTEvalley #BENTONcounty #LINCOLNcounty | |
May 22, 2011 | Blimps were first line of defense against Japanese subs, balloon bombs | 1940s | #TillamookHangar #Blimps #GoodyearKclass #WorldsLargest #ImperialJapan #Submarines #BalloonBombs #TillamookAirMuseum #Airships #COAST #TILLAMOOKcounty | |
May 15, 2011 | Crew of shipwrecked schooner rescued — by a railroad train | 1910s | #ColumbiaRiverBar #SouthJetty #ConstructionEngine #CaptJosephBender #OscarWickland #PointAdamsLifestation #JCTenbrook #EngineerOneill #Locomotive #AlSiefert #AndyAnderson #BreechesBuoy #LyleGun #CaseyJonesVsDavyJones #PeacockSpit #SailingShipAdmiral #COAST #CLATSOPcounty | |
May 8, 2011 | * For “Crazy Hugo,” prison was a luxury spa | *deprecated* | 1930s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
May 1, 2011 | Coast Guard rescue saved ship — for Stalin's most notorious gulag | 1930s | #DieselFreighter #Childar #ColumbiaRiverBar #Shipwreck #USCoastGuard #CaptainMatthisen #PeacockSpit #USSRedwing #AWDavis #LeeWoodward #Latvia #USSR #JosefStalin #SovietskayaLatvia #Kolyma #Siberia #MartinBollinger #RalphAndrews #KarlBeerslag #Rescue #COAST #CLATSOPcounty | |
April 25, 2011 | Gallon House covered bridge: Ground Zero in Oregon's battle over booze | 1910s, 1920s | #Silverton #MtAngel #CoveredBridge #Bootlegger #Liquor #Progressive #Prohibition #Temperance #Catholic #GallonHouse #GoodTemplars #BlitzWeinhard #SimonBenson #BensonBubblers #WILLAMETTEvalley #MARIONcounty | |
April 17, 2011 | Amateur pirates' bumbling scheme didn't work out as they'd planned | 1910s | #Offshore #Piracy #DumbCrooks #BumblingPirates #Hijacking #FrenchWest #GeorgeWise #Seattle #Klondike #Steamship #SSBuckman #AdmiralEvans #FredPlath #OttoKohlmeister #StanAllyn #EdwinBWood #RichardBrennan #Gold #COAST #DOUGLAScounty | |
April 10, 2011 | Only sitting U.S. Senator killed in battle was from Oregon … sort of | 1860s | #NedBaker #KIA #BattleOfBallsBluff #Colonel #Senator #EdwardBaker #UnionArmy #AmericanCivilWar #RepublicanParty #JosephLane #WillametteUniversity #ElijahKennedy #AnneVandenhoff #WilliamBoyd #Slavery #Abolitionist #STATEWIDE | |
April 3, 2011 | Bungling burglars skunked in Corvallis courthouse job | 1900s | #CountyTreasurer #NoTreasure #Dynamite #Pawnshops #MoronsInTheNews #FrankClayton #GeorgeDavis #PeoriaJewelryStore #OakGroveChurch #Dynamite #Safecracking #ChiefWells #NateSolomon #BillMcCash #WILLAMETTEvalley #BENTONcounty | |
March 27, 2011 | * Oregon had first female governor in US history | *deprecated* | 1900s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
March 27, 2011 | Eugene woman was first female VP candidate to get Electoral College vote | 1970s | #ToniNathan #LibertarianParty #WILLAMETTEvalley #LANEcounty | |
March 20, 2011 | * Malheur County rancher saved aviator's life | *deprecated* | 1900s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
March 13, 2011 | Did Buddhist monk from China “discover” Oregon 1,600 years ago? | 490s A.D. | #Fusang #HwuiShan #ChineseJunk #Utopians #BuddhistMonks #Evangelism #CharlesLeland #JamesAndrewLong #Conquistadors #Explorers #Quivira #COAST #CURRYcounty | |
March 6, 2011 | Chinese gold smuggler saved woman and her baby, then vanished | 1860s, 1870s | #Cheng #ChineseCourier #BrokenWagon #CaliforniaGoldRush #Chinatown #KuLi #GoldMiners #Smugglers #BlockadeRunners #DaveCheng #JoeStout #SylviaSunMinnick #SOUTHERN #JACKSONcounty | |
Feb. 27, 2011 | Tiny home-built schooner “Morning Star” saved Tillamook settlers | 1850s | #TillamookBayBar #ColumbiaRiverBar #MorningStar #DIY #CheeseFactory #Indians #CaptainMeans #WarrenVaughan #USSShark #AdaOrcutt #DonMarshall #EWWright #COAST #TILLAMOOKcounty | |
Feb. 20, 2011 | When dynamite truck blew up in Roseburg, it looked like nuclear war | 1950s | #Explosion #Fatal #Dynamite #FrontierAirlines #Sputnik #GeorgeRutherford #PacificPowderCo #GerretsenBuildingSupply #UmpquaHotel #DennisTandy #MarilynTandy #DaleGreenley #BarrySerafin #BrentWalth #RoseburgBlast #SOUTHERN #DOUGLAScounty | |
Feb. 13, 2011 | Shipwrecked fur traders walked from Oregon Coast to Louisiana | 1800s | #SeaOtter #Shipwrecked #Marooned #UmpquaRiver #FurTraders #Reedsport #NewOrleans #BabtisteLavall #MichaelConner #JeanLozier #EmmanuelSilver #DonMarshall #HenrySchoolcraft #COAST #COOScounty | |
Feb. 6, 2011 | Little remains of back-woods luxury spa at Wilhoit Springs county park | 1880s, 1890s, 1910s, 1920s | #HydropathyResort #MineralWater #Molalla #WilhoitSprings #CascadeFoothills #CountyPark #TableRockCreek #Schoenborn #JudithChapman #GeorgeWalton #WHLeeds #DuntonFarms #Hydrotherapy #WILLAMETTEvalley #CLACKAMAScounty | |
Jan. 30, 2011 | * Japanese submarine I-25 blasted into history | *deprecated* | 1940s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
Jan. 23, 2011 | Vanport houses floated like life rafts, helped many survive the flood. | 1940s | #RailroadEmbankment #ShipyardHousing #PSU #VanportFlood #HenryKaiser #LibertyShips #FloatingHouses #PortlandMeadows #VanportCollege #ManlyMaben #StewartHolbrook #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Jan. 16, 2011 | Oregon back country is rich in legends of buried treasure and robbers' loot. | 1850s, 1860s, 1870s, 1880s | #StagecoachRobbery #MissingLoot #LostGold #CLEubanks #FortGrant #Paymaster #LouseCreek #LostGold #BuriedTreasure #HPPage #WellsFargo #RubberBoot #PeavyArboretum #RalphFriedman #STATEWIDE | |
Jan. 9, 2011 | Shipwreck of Brother Jonathan is ground zero in ugly squabble over treasure. | 1860s | #BrotherJonathan #Steamship #Sinking #Spooky #CharlesBrooks #FrancisPatent #MetallicLifeboat #TuleLifePreservers #DanAndLousOysterBar #TreasureHunters #DonMarshall #JohnFarrell #JohnGriffith #COAST #CURRYcounty | |
Jan. 2, 2011 | * Bobbie the Wonder Dog’s 2,500-mile journey | *deprecated* | 1920s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
2010 ARTICLES: |
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Dec. 27, 2010 | * Rumrunners sent to prison for rescuing sailors | *deprecated* | 1920s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
Dec. 20, 2010 | Depoe Bay, the world's smallest natural harbor, used to be even smaller. | 1920s | #SpoutingHorn #Stormwatch #ShowBiz #Marine #NationallyFamous #WorldRecord #Tourism #Geysers #DepoeBayAquarium #HarveyCollins #StanAllyn #NikiPrice #COAST #LINCOLNcounty | |
Dec. 13, 2010 | * Gorge Scenic Highway is America's oldest. | *deprecated* | 1910s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
Dec. 5, 2010 | * Temperance crusaders battled saloon keeper | *deprecated* | 1870s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
Nov. 28, 2010 | Did this tiny, soggy, scary road save Oregon's public beaches? | 1900s | #HugPointRoad #HighwayOnTheBeach #OswaldWest #BeachBill #PublicBeaches #ArchCape #CannonBeach #Stagecoach #RalphFriedman #RooseveltMilitaryHighway #WilliamSullivan #COAST #CLATSOPcounty | |
Nov. 21, 2010 | Town of Bandon destroyed by its founder's favorite garden shrub. | 1930s | #Bandon #Gorse #Invasive #LordGeorgeBennett #Ireland #ForestFire #Logging #SlashBurn #StewartHolbrook #USCG #CoquilleRiver #Beach #BobHoward #Wildfire #Fujita #Bombing #COAST #COOScounty | |
Nov. 14, 2010 | Last geyser in Pacific Northwest has gone still in Lakeview. (Update: It's back!) | 1920s | #HuntersHotSprings #OldPerpetual #Lakeview #MickeyHotSprings #Geothermal #CrystalCraneHotSprings #NevadaThermalPower #CharlesCrumpGeyser #MatthewPreusch #HarrietBaskas #JeffBirkby #OUTBACK #LAKEcounty | |
Nov. 7, 2010 | * Blazers' fate hung on long bathroom break. | *deprecated* | 1970s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
Oct. 31, 2010 | Mountain ghost town home of Oregon’s greatest mining swindle. | 1900s | #Bourne #SaltedGoldMines #CrackerCreek #Suckers #MilesPotter #Sumpter #WallaceWhite #Granite #SampsonCompany #HiawathaMine #ConsolidatedStandardMine #StewartHolbrook #OUTBACK #BAKERcounty | |
Oct. 24, 2010 | Family camped unnoticed in downtown Portland for years. | 2000s | #ForestPark #FailedDevelopment #FrankAndRuth #JohnCharlesOlmstead #OilWells #Veterans #StealthCamping #SteveAmen #VincePatton #MarcyHoule #JosephRose #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Oct. 17, 2010 | Fossil Lake: Oregon's answer to the LaBrea Tar Pits. | 1870s to present | #ChristmasValley #AncientHistory #Scenic #Prehistoric #BoneWars #Marsh #Cope #ThomasCondon #FossilLake #LabreaTarPits #JohnWhiteaker #Pleistocene #Megafauna #JamesMartin #BLM #MelanyTupper #HerbertElftman #EllenMcCormack #OUTBACK #LAKEcounty | |
Oct. 10, 2010 | Oregon City is home of America's steepest street —it runs straight up. | 1910s to present | #ElevatorStreet #MunicipalElevator #SingerHill #NIMBY #WaterPowered #RalphFriedman #DeannaHart #PDXmetro #CLACKAMAScounty | |
Oct. 3, 2010 | * Myths and legends of the Whitman Massacre | *deprecated* | 1840s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
Sept. 27, 2010 | * Western legend Virgil Earp buried in Oregon | *deprecated* | 1890s, 1900s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
Sept. 20, 2010 | * The cattlemen-sheepmen range wars | *deprecated* | 1890s, 1900s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
Sept. 13, 2010 | * Joe Knowles was “Bear Grylls of the 1910s” | *deprecated* | 1910s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
Sept. 6, 2010 | Columbia was a wild, frothy, dangerous place once — especially Celilo Falls. | 1950s | #HoodRiverCounty #CascadeLocks #CeliloVillage #TheDalles #Indian #Marine #LostCities #ColumbiaRiver #Salmon #Dipnets #BonnevilleDam #CeliloLake #Progress #RalphFriedman #BillGulick #VincePatton #CharlesWilkinson #COLUMBIAriver #WASCOcounty #HOODRIVERcounty | |
Aug. 29, 2010 | When bank closed, North Bend minted its own money — out of wood. | 1930s | #MyrtlewoodMoney #SoCalledDollars #StillLegalTender #NorthBend #Depression #HerbertHoover #BankRun #FirstNationalBank #EdgarMcDaniel #IrvinRoss #DuncansMyrtlewoodCrofters #WoodenNickels #HarrietBaskas #WintonRoss #COAST #COOScounty | |
Aug. 22, 2010 | The legendary Spanish gold of Neahkahnie Mountain, near Cannon Beach. | 1690s | #MythsAndLegends #BuriedTreasure #SpanishGalleon #NehalemBay #Murder #PatSmith #OswaldWestStatePark #TillamookTreasure #ThomasMcKay #BillGulick #WilliamSullivan #Pirates #PiecesOfEight #Goonies #NativeAmericans #COAST #TILLAMOOKcounty | |
Aug. 15, 2010 | West Coast's first woman MD lived in Oregon. | 1870s, 1880s, 1890s, 1900s | #DouglasCounty #BetheniaOwensAdair #Roseburg #EclecticMedicine #LegrandHill #Suffrage #Progressives #SpousalAbuse #Berkeley #Nursing #Warrenton #Eugenics #Sterilization #RalphFriedman #DorothyJohnson #JohnKitzhaber #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty #DOUGLAScounty | |
Aug. 8, 2010 | Without Astorians’ “failure,” Oregon would probably now be part of Canada, eh? | 1910s | #Tonquin #Shipwreck #WarOf1812 #JointOccupancyTreaty #England #PacificFurCompany #JohnJacobAstor #FortClatsop #FortAstoria #OregonTerritory #JonathanThorn #54-40 #LewisAndClark #BakerBay #MarieDorion #SnakeRiver #BillGulick #RogerKaza #COAST #CLATSOPcounty | |
Aug. 1, 2010 | Oregon state governor to President of the United States: "Drop dead." | 1890s | #SylvesterPennoyer #Curmudgeon #MYOB #TwoThanksgivings #WILLAMETTEvalley #MARIONcounty | |
July 26, 2010 | West's first floating bordello was in Portland's Willamette River. | 1880s | #MadamNancyBoggs #BrothelBarge #TaxEvasion #WhiskeyScow #Albina #Riverboat #ProstitutionSting #SteamHeating #Sternwheeler #StewartHolbrook #SpiderJohnson #EricksonsSaloon #CorriJimenez #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
July 19, 2010 | * Wagon train to Oregon was led by dead man. | *deprecated* | 1900s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
July 12, 2010 | * Outlaw Harry Tracy's bloody jailbreak. | *deprecated* | 1900s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
July 5, 2010 | “Flumgudgeon Gazette,” Oregon's first newspaper, was written out longhand. | 1840s | #CharlesPickett #CurltailCoon #Journalism #OregonStyle #PhilosopherPickett #OregonSpectator #OregonTerritory #Muckrakers #Gadfly #FredericHuston #LawrencePowell #RichardHeinzkill #AndrewJewell #OregonCity #PDXmetro #CLACKAMAScounty | |
June 28, 2010 | Lewis and Clark left a trail of heavy-metal laxatives across the country. | 1800s | #BiliousPills #CorpsOfDiscovery #BenjaminRush #Humors #Medicine #FrontierDoctors #Galen #FortClatsop #Calomel #MercuryPoisoning #Thunderclappers #Constipation #DrJamesMohr #OregonTrail #Bile #COLUMBIAriver #CLATSOPcounty | |
June 21, 2010 | Portland was the "shanghai capital of the world" in the 1890s. | 1880s, 1890s, 1900s | #Portland #Columbia #Shanghaiing #Crimping #Swindlers #Theft #BadCops #ConArtist #PoliceChief #SamuelParrish #LarrySullivan #Folklore #Waterfront #SailorsBoardinghouse #BoardingMaster #Barque #GrainFleet #NorthEnd #Bowery #HumanTrafficking #Sailors #BuncoKelley #DickPintarich #NicholasStarin #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
June 14, 2010 | Lincoln City's D River is part-time holder of a world record — sort of. | 1940s to present | #WorldsShortest #ButOnlyAtHighTide #JohnnyCarson #DevlisLake #DRiver #Delake #GreatFalls #RoeRiver #TonightShow #GuinnessBook #DavidGomberg #NikiPrice #HarrietBaskas #COAST #LINCOLNcounty | |
June 7, 2010 | * Pioneer preacher was too much for Legislature | *deprecated* | 1850s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
May 30, 2010 | * Rajneeshpuram (Part 4 of 4) | *deprecated* | 1980s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
May 23, 2010 | * Rajneeshpuram (Part 3 of 4) | *deprecated* | 1980s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
May 16, 2010 | * Rajneeshpuram (Part 2 of 4) | *deprecated* | 1980s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
May 9, 2010 | * Rajneeshpuram (Part 1 of 4) | *deprecated* | 1970s, 1980s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
May 2, 2010 | Oregon astronauts made history in good and not-so-good ways | 1960s to present | #JamesDutton #DonaldPettit #DavidGriggs #StanleyLove #WilliamOefelein #EllenOchoa #DottieMetcalfLindenburger #DonaldCram #AnneWilliams #GeorgeEdmonston #STATEWIDE | |
April 25, 2010 | Camp Adair, state's second-largest city, built in 6 months | 1940s | #WW2 #USArmy #Wells #91stInfantry #70thInfantry #104thInfantry #96thInfantry #EEWilsonWildlifeRefuge #GhostTown #ArmyBase #TrainingCamp #AdairVillage #Salvage #Geocaching #SwampAdair #Lobbying #JohnBaker #Stilts #HenryKaiser #WILLAMETTEvalley #BENTONcounty | |
April 18, 2010 | Flash flood in Oregon in 1903 was nation's deadliest | 1900s | #Heppner #Ione #WillowCreek #Hail #WallOfWater #BruceKelly #Lexington #Reservoir #Dam #FloodControl #Cemetery #TownDestroyed #OUTBACK #MORROWcounty | |
April 11, 2010 | * Boiler Bay named for fiery 1910 shipwreck | *deprecated* | 1910s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
April 4, 2010 | * Wolf Creek Tavern was Jack London's retreat | *deprecated* | 1880s to present | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
March 28, 2010 | * Is Oregon's crystal cave just a legend? Well ... | *deprecated* | 1890s, 1900s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
March 21, 2010 | Old excursion steam train is now a new bike path | 1980s, 1990s | #RowRiverTrail #BlueGoose #OldSlowAndEasy #RailsToTrails #CulpCreek #MosbyCreek #StandByMe #CottageGrove #BLM #BohemiaInc #WillametteIndustries #BillSullivan #WILLAMETTEvalley #LANEcounty | |
March 14, 2010 | * Mohawk Valley debated school with dynamite | *deprecated* | 1890s, 1900s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
March 7, 2010 | Lure of sea brought potatoes to Oregon | 1820s | #Portland #ColumbiaRiver #FortVancouver #Mariners #Astoria #Horticulture #SailingShips #COAST #CLATSOPcounty | |
Feb. 28, 2010 | Oregon Vortex: 80 years of keeping 'em guessing | 1930s to present | #GoldHill #HouseOfMystery #RoadsideAttractions #WaterRunsUphill #OregonVortex #XFiles #JohnLitster #ForceField #MagneticField #OldGreyEagleMine #SarahKershaw #SOUTHERN #JACKSONcounty | |
Feb. 21, 2010 | * Dispute over Indians' land lasted 101 years | *deprecated* | 1870s, 1970s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
Feb. 14, 2010 | * Bits of Hollywood train wreck still in river | *deprecated* | 1920s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
Feb. 7, 2010 | For pioneer family, robbers were lifesavers | 1890s | #McKenziePass #HighwayRobbers #WagonRoad #SixChildren #Highway242 #GeorgeHarveyDyer #DeeWrightObservatory #CasketBuilder #EdDyer #CASCADErange #LANEcounty | |
Jan. 31, 2010 | * Underground city found in Pendleton potholes | *deprecated* | 1880s, 1890s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
Jan. 24, 2010 | Gold country legend: The solid-gold snuff can | 1920s, 1930s | #McKenzieBridge #Indian #FordModelT #DeerhornRanch #DonChurchill #Rockhound #Snuff #Snoose #Copenhagen #GoldDust #GoldMine #CASCADErange #LANEcounty | |
Jan. 17, 2010 | * Biggest meteorite in U.S. found in West Linn | *deprecated* | 1900s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
Jan. 10, 2010 | * Bing Cherry has roots on Oregon Trail | *deprecated* | 1850s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
Jan. 3, 2010 | * Timberline Lodge could have been a skyscraper | *deprecated* | 1920s, 1930s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
2009 ARTICLES: |
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Dec. 27, 2009 | * Yaquina ghost story is pure fiction ... or is it? | *deprecated* | 1870s, 1890s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
Dec. 21, 2009 | * Grande Ronde Valley, used-oxen dealership | *deprecated* | 1850s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
Dec. 12, 2009 | * Lightship had to go cross-country to reach sea | *deprecated* | 1890s, 1900s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
Dec. 6, 2009 | * Pixieland: A rainy, edgy amusement park | *deprecated* | 1960s, 1970s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
Dec. 1, 2009 | * Newport as Oregon's major seaport city? | *deprecated* | 1860s, 1870s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
Nov. 15, 2009 | * Straub stopped plan for highway on beach | *deprecated* | 1960s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
Nov. 8, 2009 | * Oregon had inside track on California gold rush | *deprecated* | 1840s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
Nov. 5, 2009 | * Martial law declared in bawdy mining town | *deprecated* | 1910s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
Oct. 29, 2009 | * Have you heard of Marie Dorion? | *deprecated* | 1810s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
Oct. 21, 2009 | * Early naturalist thwarted by thirsty lush | *deprecated* | 1820s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
Oct. 6, 2009 | * Nation's only wheelchair-accessible tidepools | *deprecated* | 1970s, 1980s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
Oct. 1, 2009 | * Pioneer governor was made of tough stuff | *deprecated* | 1890s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
Sept. 30, 2009 | * Corvallis' cattle-powered riverboat experiment | *deprecated* | 1850s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
Sept. 23, 2009 | * Ice skating on Cottage Grove Lake? | *deprecated* | 1940s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
Sept. 19, 2009 | * Bonus Army of 1932 started in Portland | *deprecated* | 1930s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
Sept. 16, 2009 | * When Portland floods, folks raise the sidewalks | *deprecated* | 1890s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
Sept. 6, 2009 | * Mount Hood eruption celebrated statehood | *deprecated* | 1850s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
Sept. 3, 2009 | * AWS spotted few foes but saved many friends | *deprecated* | 1940s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
Aug. 24, 2009 | * Laurel Hill, final ‘boss battle’ of Oregon Trail | *deprecated* | 1840s, 1850s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
Aug. 23, 2009 | * Ghost stories still haunt century-old tavern | *deprecated* | 1900s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
Aug. 17, 2009 | Portland man woke up during his wake | 1890s | #FederalWritersProject #LibraryOfCongress #MaddestMan #Donovan #CorpseAwakens #CharlieImus #Undertaker #CatholicMass #Priest #PDXmetro #MULTNOMAHcounty | |
Aug. 2, 2009 | * Hank Vaughn's most profitable “gunfight” | *deprecated* | 1880s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
July 27, 2009 | * Man paddled over Silver Falls and survived. | *deprecated* | 1920s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
July 22, 2009 | * Lighthouse built 3 weeks too late for 16 sailors | *deprecated* | 1880s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
July 10, 2009 | * Unexploded WWII bomb rides in glovebox | *deprecated* | 1940s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
July 8, 2009 | * Ashland Shakespeare plays beat boxing event | *deprecated* | 1930s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
June 8, 2009 | * Did Sir Frances Drake summer in Whale Cove? | *deprecated* | 1540s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
May 31, 2009 | * Mule-powered railroad a desperate gambit | *deprecated* | 1880s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
May 24, 2009 | * The swine flu: Is it deja vu? | *deprecated* | 1910s | * STORY DEPRECATED due to obsolescence of topic |
May 21, 2009 | * Oregon helped Hoover prevent mass starvation | *deprecated* | 1910s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
May 10, 2009 | * Oregon freeways were the envy of the west | *deprecated* | 1920s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
May 5, 2009 | * The almost-ghost town of Granite | *deprecated* | 1860s, 1870s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
May 3, 2009 | * The president from Oregon who fed millions | *deprecated* | 1910s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
May 3, 2009 | * Snubbed by railroad, Prineville built its own | *deprecated* | 1910s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
May 2, 2009 | * Liberty ships in Oregon | *deprecated* | 1940s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
April 26, 2009 | * Oregon ex-farmer started California's gold rush | *deprecated* | 1840s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
April 19, 2009 | * No one has ever found legendary lost mine | *deprecated* | 1840s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
April 12, 2009 | * This was the lake that wasn't, but then was | *deprecated* | 1850a | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
April 6, 2009 | * 13 was unlucky number in train robbery | *deprecated* | 1920s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
March 22, 2009 | * The Oregon Electric railroad line story | *deprecated* | 1900s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
March 22, 2009 | * Love Crater Lake? Thank an Albany newsman | *deprecated* | 1880s, 1890s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
March 18, 2009 | * Coming soon to a beach: 350-year-old beeswax | *deprecated* | 1690s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
March 7, 2009 | * Valsetz: Company town was soggy, but home | *deprecated* | 1930s, 1940s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
Feb. 25, 2009 | * The Oregon town that fell into the sea | *deprecated* | 1920s—1950s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
Feb. 19, 2009 | * A pioneer scientist's graffiti in a cave | *deprecated* | 1880s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
Feb. 11, 2009 | * Oregon's Centennial: The $19 million party | *deprecated* | 1950s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
Feb. 5, 2009 | * John Day's pioneer Chinese herbalist | *deprecated* | 1880s—1910s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
Feb. 1, 2009 | * Art students "punk'd" by Andy Warhol & Co. | *deprecated* | 1960s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
2008 ARTICLES: |
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Dec. 28, 2008 | * Jacksonville: Where gold was as cheap as salt | *deprecated* | 1850s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
Dec. 7, 2008 | * The scandalous secret of One-Eyed Charley | *deprecated* | 1850s—1880s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
Nov. 23, 2008 | * 14,000-year-old fossilized people poop | *deprecated* | 1930s, 2000s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
Nov. 16, 2008 | * Fish wheels back in service -- to save fish? | *deprecated* | 1880s—1910s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
Nov. 9, 2008 | * Did Bonneville Dam win World War II? | *deprecated* | 1930s, 1940s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
Oct. 26, 2008 | * Did balloon bombs start 1945 Tillamook Burn? | *deprecated* | 1940s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
Oct. 19, 2008 | * Florence's famous exploding whale | *deprecated* | 1970s | * STORY DEPRECATED in favor of later updated version |
©2008-2023 by Finn J.D. John. Copyright assertion does not apply to assets that are in the public domain or are used by permission.